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Consultation on the future provision of Cornwall’s Sure Start Children’s Centres 6 December 2011 to 30 April 2012. Content Cornwall Council is actively seeking your involvement to develop a commissioning strategy for the sustainable future delivery of Children’s Centres across Cornwall.
Consultation on the future provision of Cornwall’s Sure Start Children’s Centres6 December 2011 to30 April 2012
ContentCornwall Council is actively seeking your involvement to develop a commissioning strategy for the sustainable future delivery of Children’s Centres across Cornwall • This presentation aims to: • Give an overview of recent Children’s Centre changes in Cornwall • Outline the national changes to Children's centres • Seek your views on proposals for potential commissioning of Cornwall’s Children’s Centres
Cornwall remains committed to… • ensuring sustainable, high quality and accessible early years services that are effective in addressing inequalities • securing value for money and sustainability of our children’s centre services • effectively targeting resources where they are most needed to improve outcomes, whilst ensuring that all families feel comfortable in accessing services • ensuring we build upon existing good quality provision and practice and address potential gaps • continue to work together in partnership
Recent changes to children’s centres in Cornwall • Children’s centre reach areas have been federated, this means that the number of designated centre reach areas has reduced as of Sept 2011 from 40 to 18 • All centres now deliver services for those in pregnancy and families with children up to 12 years (focus on 0-5’s) • The total population of children under the age of 5 (36,632)years continue to be served by Children’s Centre services in Cornwall, this has remained unchanged and buildings have not been closed as a result of the federation process • Increased use of sound evidence based models that improve outcomes for children and families • Continue to maximise the use of resources, including buildings, for the delivery of a range of activities and services for local families and communities • Continuing to work in partnership, engage with and nurture capacity within local communities
Map showing previous 40 Children’s Centre areas (with locality boundaries)
Map showing new 18 Children’s Centre areas (with locality boundaries)
National Children’s Centre context • New Core Purpose DfE (under consultation) • Revised statutory guidance DfE (awaited) • EYFS review – Dame Tickell • Professor Nutbrown review – early education and childcare qualifications • Supporting Families in the Early Years 2011 • Children’s Centre reform programme 2011-2013 DfE • “Evidence shows that development during the early years of a child’s life lays an essential foundation for progress throughout life. Parenting and the home learning environment, health and economic wellbeing all have an impact on child development.” DfE Dec 2011 • Payment by Results trials
Department for Education Business Plan 2011 • Retain a national network of Sure Start Children’s Centres with a core universal offer, while also ensuring that they deliver proven early intervention programmes to support families in the greatest need • “Work with local authorities to develop a plan to increase voluntary and community sector involvement within Sure Start Children’s Centres..”
Meeting the new Core Purpose (draft framework) • Improving outcomes for young children and their families, and reducing inequalities: child development and school readiness; parenting aspirations and parenting skills; child and family health and life chances • Assessing strengths and need across the area to inform local commissioning of services • Providing access to high quality universal services in the area (available to all families who wish to use them) • High quality, inclusive, early learning and childcare • Adult learning and employment support • Information and activities for families, • Integrated child and family health services
Meeting the new Core Purpose continued… (draft framework) • Using evidence-based approaches to deliver targeted, family-centred support • Parenting and family support • Targeted evidence-based intervention programmes • Links with specialist services (complex care) • Acting as a hub for the local community, building social capital and cohesion • Sharing expertise with other early years settings to improve quality • Respecting and engaging parents • Partnership working
Why change the way in which children’s centres are delivered in Cornwall? • Continue to improve outcomes for children and reducing the inequality gap • National and local drivers for commissioning • The requirements of the new Core Purpose and statutory guidance • Increase involvement of the voluntary and community sector in Children’s Centre delivery • Value for money and resilience to future uncertainties in funding • Efficiency savings achieved through the promotion of innovation, for example, added value, building community capacity • Clearer accountability and increased transparency • Ensuring we recognise the diversity in our communities
Future provision of Children’s Centres in Cornwall • Your views ….
Your views… • What is important for the families in your area when using children’s centre services?
Your views… • How would you like to see the commissioning of Cornwall’s Children’s Centres shaped, for example, centres commissioned together, clusters of children’s centres, single children’s centres, single services etc? Why?
Your views… • What would you like to see included in the potential commissioning of Children’s Centres that would benefit families and young children? What would you prioritise as the top three?
Your views… • What do we currently do well to improve children’s outcomes that you would like to retain?
Your views… • What could be done better to improve outcomes for children?
Your views… • What might be the benefits for families of commissioning children's centres?
Your views… • What might be the concerns for families?
Your views… 8. Do you have any views on the infrastructure that supports children’s centres in your area, for example, buildings, resources, technology, your community etc?
Your views… 9. How could we strengthen and extend partnership working to improve the outcomes for children and families?
Your views… 10. Any other views, comments or anything else you would like to add?
How to get involvedLocality consultation and INVOLVEMENT DAYS (27th February - Bodmin Shire House / 8th March - Pool Innovation Centre / 12th March - Chacewater Village Hall)PROVIDER DAYS(13th February – Berlewen, Camborne / 16th February - Chacewater Village Hall / 21st FebruaryMillennium House, Pensilva / 6th March - Chacewater Village Hall )tcolton@cornwall.gov.ukTelephone: 01208 265682Locality team / Leaflet / On line / Publicity / Targeted meetings and focus groups including children
Thank you for listeningCommissioning team:Angie Andrews07968 892660aandrews@cornwall.gov.ukLeonie Loreilhe07837 311569lloreilhe@cornwall.gov.ukSharon Hindley07891 840439shindley@cornwall.gov.ukProcurement team:Fleur Hobbs McLernon01872 323871fhobbsmclernon@cornwall.gov.uk