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EVIDENCES FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD . 从科学和哲学的角度来看神存在的证据. Last lesson 。。。. What is apologetics? 什么是护教学? Importance of apologetics 护教学的重要 Four misconceptions concerning apologetics. 四大误解 Christianity is concerned about reason and evidences. 基 督教讲求理由和证据。. 你们写下的问题. 从科学和哲学的角度来看神存在的证据
Last lesson。。。 • What is apologetics? 什么是护教学? • Importance of apologetics 护教学的重要 • Four misconceptions concerning apologetics. 四大误解 • Christianity is concerned about reason and evidences. 基督教讲求理由和证据。
你们写下的问题 • 从科学和哲学的角度来看神存在的证据 • 你怎么知道是神创造宇宙。科学证据呢? • 你都没看见那里知道他存在? • 从科学和神学的角度来看科学与信仰的关系 • How do you know the stories in the Bible are real? • 从历史的角度来看耶稣是真神和神是三位一体的证据 • 为什么只有耶稣是真神?其他如佛教也很有道理。我不对了吗? • Nobody has ever seen Jesus. How do you know if we will see him after life or we will see God? All of these seem to be imagination? • 从哲学,历史,和神学的角度来看基督教比其他宗教好的证据 • 为什么基督教比其他宗教好?排斥其他宗教? • 为什么有各种各样的宗教?为什么基督教那么多支派?和天主教、东正教的区别?
你们写下的问题 • 从哲学和神学的角度来看罪和苦难的问题 • 罪是神创造的吗? • 人的灵魂是什么时候进入胎儿? • 为什么有些人不顾别人只顾自己? • 世上太多不公义,所以神不存在, 要靠自己? • 人为何有那么多苦难?为何地球那么多自然灾害 (包括地震海啸。。)世上的灾难是神的刑罚吗?为何坏人不受罚? • 为什么每天祷告,还会有一些自己不想到的事发生?神真的会给信他的人平安吗? • 从哲学和神学的角度来看为何要信耶稣 • 即使不信耶稣,他也爱我。为何要信呢?信基督有什么好处? • 假设我不到英国,不接触基督教,我怎么可能变成基督徒? • 你的神会给你一切吗? • 如何确信我进入永生? • 如果到死以前还有罪没认清楚,可以得救吗? • 在永生里,人要做什么?
Next few lessons接下来的课 • 1.从科学和哲学的角度来看神存在的证据 • 2. 从科学和神学的角度来看科学与信仰的关系 • 3.从历史的角度来看耶稣是真神和神是三位一体的证据 • 4.从哲学和历史的角度来看基督教比其他宗教好的证据 • 5.从哲学和神学的角度来看罪和苦难的问题 • 6.从哲学和神学的角度来看为何要信耶稣
1.从科学和哲学的角度来看神存在的证据 • http://www.reasonablefaith.org
1.从科学和哲学的角度来看神存在的证据 • 上帝,你與我何干? • [上帝存在的五個理據及 • 上帝存在對你尤關重要的三個理據] • http://www.reasonablefaith.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=6541
The Big Bang Theory • If a star moves outward from the earth, its light energy will be reduced and its wavelength stretched or red-shifted. • 如果星球离地球的距离增加,它的光能就会减少 • In 1929 Edwin Hubble's measurements of the red-shift in the optical spectra of light from distant galaxies, which was taken to indicate a universal recessional motion of the light sources in the line of sight. • Incredibly, what Hubble had discovered was theisotropic expansion of the universe. Stars are assumed to be speeding outward as a result of the explosion。 • 科学家发现宇宙正在膨胀。
The Big Bang Theory • This has the astonishing implication that as one reverses the expansion and extrapolates back in time, space-time curvature becomes progressively greater until one finally arrives at a singularity. This state therefore constitutes an edge or boundary to space-time itself. • The standard Big Bang model thus describes a universe which is not eternal in the past, but which came into being a finite time ago. • 这意味着宇宙有一个开始。
How big is the Universe? • Watch video • Our sun is one of >200 billion stars in our galaxy • 太阳只不过是我们的银河系里 >200亿星球之一。 • Our galaxy is one of >100 billion galaxiesof the observable universe • 我们的银河系只不过是>100亿星系之一。 • c = 300,000 km/s: Sun, our star - 8 light-minutes. • Next nearest star is Alpha Centauri, four light-years。 • And all this comes from a singularity which is smaller than our room, smaller than ourselves , smaller than your finger! • 这些星球都是从比你指头还小的小点而来。
So where does the Big bang come from? 大爆炸从哪里来? • If you hear a bang。。。 • The scientist's pursuit of the past ends in the moment of creation. This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the theologians. They have always accepted the word of the Bible: In the beginning God created heaven and earth... For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." ---Professor Robert Jastrow-, from Columbia University; Chief of the Theoretical Division of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1958-61) • 宇宙的膨胀相当附和圣经所说的
以 賽 亞 書 40:22 神 。。。铺 张 穹 苍 如 幔 子 , 展 开 诸 天 如 可 住 的 帐 棚 。 。
So where does the Big bang come from? 大爆炸从哪里来? • Some scientists claim that the universe came out of nothing • By ‘nothing’ they mean quantum vacuum. • But Quantum vacuum is not non-being • A vacuum state does not mean a state of nothing. Because one is dealing with quantum mechanics, the vacuum state has a zero-point energy (The energy remaining in a substance at the absolute zero of temperature (0 K), which gives rise to vacuum fluctuations (“vacuum state”A Dictionary of Physics. Ed. John Daintith. Oxford University Press, 2009. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press). • Therefore, if the universe came from quantum vacuum, where did that vacuum come from? • 有些科学家说这宇宙是从‘无’(‘nothing’) 变有。但他们所说的‘nothing’是量子真空, 而这量子真空并非全然无有,而是有能量的,这能量又是从哪来呢?
不可能自我产生。。。 • A 'self-caused' existence cannot exist because it would need to exist causally prior to it coming into existence, which is self-contradictory. • 自我产生的东西是不可能存在的,因为若要产生自己它就必须在自己还没存在之前存在,这是自我推翻。
不可能无限倒退。。。 • There cannot be an actual infinite regress of existences consisting of 'caused-by-others' existences. • 1. The impossibility of an actual infinite number of things in existence • 2. The impossibility of traversing an infinite • Therefore,there must exist a first cause, • 无限倒退是不可能存在的,所以必定有第一‘因’。
Characteristics of the first cause第一‘因’ • The first cause must be an uncaused existence that either has a beginning (=>comes from non-being) or has no beginning and timeless • But something cannot come from non-being • Therefore the first cause must be something that has no beginning and timeless. • 这第一‘因’必定是没有别的东西产生的 (如果有,就不是‘第一’) • 这第一‘因’必定是没有开始而无时空的 (如果这第一‘因’是在时空里有开始,就意味着这第一‘因’是从全然无有变为有,但这是不可能的)
第一‘因’ • The only way which a timeless entity can cause the first event in time is that the timeless entity had the power to initiate and refrain from initiating the first event, i.e. the entity must have free-will and therefore must be personal. • The uncaused existence has all the power in the universe, as the uncaused existence is the one who ultimately brought the universe into existence • 这无时空的第一‘因’必定有自由意志才能产生时空的第一刻。 • 这无时空的第一‘因’必定有超乎宇宙一切的能力才能产生宇宙。
第一‘因’ • A first cause who is uncaused, beginning-less, timeless, personal and has all the power in the universe is God. • Therefore God exist . • 一位没有别的产生他存在,没有开始,无时空,有自由意志和有超乎宇宙一切的能力的第一‘因’,我们称他为‘上帝’。 • 所以,宇宙的存在证明上帝存在。 • http://www.reasonablefaith.org • http://www.reasonablefaith.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=6541
羅 馬 書 1:20自 从 造 天 地 以 来 , 神 的 永 能 和 神 性 是 明 明 可 知 的 , 虽 是 眼 不 能 见 , 但 藉 着 所 造 之 物 就 可 以 晓 得 , 叫 人 无 可 推 诿 。
Homework • 告诉你还未信主的朋友神存在的证据。