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MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY. Lingua facit pacem. Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology. Rodmonga Potapova, Elena Loseva , Olga Statsenko Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology Rodmonga Potapova, Elena Loseva, Olga Statsenko Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics Moscow State Linguistic University potapova@linguanet.ru; elenaloseva@yahoo.com; eloseva@pt.comcor.ru; ostatsenko@yahoo.com
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Rodmonga K. Potapova 2004 Introduction Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology • Experiment 1(speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Priority Trends of the Scientific Research at the Centre : • speech analysis and synthesis • development of speaker identification systems • speaker identification by his/her voice and speech on the basis of the language unknown to the expert • speaker identification considering code-switching • corpus linguistics (creation of speech databases for special purposes regarding several languages especially those of the former USSR) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction • Centre Projects: • ‘Mechanisms of spoken language understanding based on prosody features of speech’ (Russian, English, German) - RFBR (Russian Foundation for Basic Research) Grant • ‘Informative Russian spontaneous discourse markedness’ - RFBR Grant • ‘Text specifity in virtual communication’. All language levels are analysed. (Russian, German, English, French, Italian) - Ministry for Education and Science of the Russian Federation Grant • ‘Phonetic databases creation’ (English, German, etc.) - Ministry for Education and Science of the Russian Federation Grant • ‘Prosodic specifity of oral dialogue in different conditions’ - Ministry for Education and Science of the Russian Federation Grant • ‘Development of speech interface in phonetic learning systems’ - Ministry for Education and Science of the Russian Federation Grant • etc. (E.g., some projects concerning speaker and language identification) • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem 5 classes of graduates with MSLU certificates 2 times/ year - 1 month There existrefreshercourseprogrammes for the following subjects: Mathematical processing of speech signal Acoustic processing of speech signal Perceptual auditive analysis Methods of conducting expertise taking into account all language levels Judicial basics of expert’s work Introduction Centre Refresher Courses • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) Training of experts from different regions of Russia in the field of speaker identification by voice and speech • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction Aim of the experimental research 1:Determination of probable changes of acoustic and prosodic features of speech under conditions of code switching (The research was based on data of the Russian and English spoken languages). Methods: Speech material: - 12 Russian native speakers with knowledge of English (10 female and 2 male speakerslast-year students and post-graduate students of the Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics at MSLU) • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction Material for recording: - A fragment of O. Wilde’s “The Nightingale and the Rose” (English(volume = 271 words)and Russian (volume = 217 words)versionsregarding different types of speech activity: reading and speaking). Two types of the analysis perceptualacoustic • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) 30 listeners (students and post-graduate students). The native language of all listeners - Russian, the first foreign language – English. Multi-Speech program (Kay Elemetrics Corp) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) The task of the perceptual analysis: - to describe such specific voice and speech features of each speaker as voice pitch, vocal effort, voice timbre, tempo of speech, speech breathing, duration of pauses, ways of their filling, type of articulation, speech melody, accentuation and rhythmical pattern, manner of speech, and emotional state of a speaker. Each listener had to fill in a special prepared protocol sheets with variations of answers. The task of the acoustic analysis: • to analyze the mean fundamental frequency for each speaker separately for different kinds of speech activity (reading, speaking). • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) Results of the perceptual analysis voice pitch:thetendency for the pitch falling when switching from Russian to English both in case of retelling and in case of reading (in 75 percents of cases). tempo of speech:the tendency for its slowing down when switching from a native language to a foreign one. It is more noticeable in case of retelling (60 percents of cases). duration of pauses:an increase in number of long and very long pauses in case of retelling of the English text in comparison with retelling in Russian. vocal effort:tendency for weakening of the vocal effort when switching to a foreign language. In case of retelling we observe these changes especially distinctly. • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) accentuation and rhythmical pattern:less strongly expressed when switching from a native language to a foreign one both in case of reading and in case of retelling (in 70 percents of cases). manner of speech:more reserved in case of retelling of the English text than in case of retelling of the Russian version. melody, speech breathing, ways of filling of pauses, articulation:no evident tendencies for their changes when switching from Russian to English voice timbre:no common tendencies for changes of timbre characteristics. Nevertheless the voice of some speakers becomes more muffled, hoarser, more nasalized. • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) Results of the acoustic analysis • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction Conclusions • switching from the native language to a foreign one influences on the process of speech generating. Under the influence of the code-switching some changes of specific voice and speech features of a speaker occur. • there are such individual peculiarities of a speaker among these specific characteristics, changes of which are the most obvious under the influence of switching from one language to the other. These features are voice pitch, tempo of speech, voice strength, duration of pauses, accentuation and rhythmical pattern, and manner of speech. • there are such individual peculiarities of a speaker’s speech that depend on the peculiarities of his/her central nervous system (speech breathing, emotional state and etc.), his/her speech culture (for example, a way of filling of the pauses). • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction What is planned in the future? • Experiment 1(speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • to involve into the experiment more speakers and listeners • to carry out more detailed acoustic analysis • to analyze spontaneous speech • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction Aim of the experimental research 2:creation of a multilanguage phonetic database of allophonic realisations of the trilled phoneme /r/ in English, German, Russian & Chechen Motivation:/r/ as a possible clue in solving the task of speaker identification Tools:Segmentation, transcribing, analysis by means of the programme Multi-Speech Signal Analysis Workstation and transcribed with the help of the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and the modern phonetic machine-readable alphabet SAMPA. • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) • Measured parameters: • three formant frequencies F1, F2, F3 of trills • three formant frequencies F1, F2, F3 of neighbouring vowels and of transitions between vowels and trills • duration of the sounds under consideration and of their components ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction • LanguageSpeech MaterialSubjects • EnglishPart of the database 12 (6 m, 6 f) Corpus IViE (Intonational Variation in English, UK ESRC award R000237145) (Oxford Phonetic Laboratory, Cambridge Speech Centre) Cambridge, Cardiff & Dublin dialects, different types of speech activity • GermanFrom the Internet (HR2 10 (5 m, 5 f) broadcasting) and Demo CDs, different types of speech activity • RussianPart of the database created 6 (3 m, 3 f) by the researchers of the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology of MSLU, different types of speech activity • ChechenNews items from the Internet-site 131 (96 m, 35 f) “Radio Freedom”, recording of native speakers, different types of speech activity • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction Results 1 • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem R r R Introduction Results 2 English English linking /r/ as an approximant Englishlinking /r/ as a trill • Experiment 1(speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem ɐ r R Introduction Results 3 German German uvular trill in the word 'Roboter' Vocalic [ɐ] in the word 'Forscher' • Experiment 1 (speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem r R R Introduction Results 4 Russian Palatalised devoiced trill in the word 'pantsir'' at the end of a phrase Nonpalatalised fricative trill in the word 'derzhat'' in the middle of a phrase • Experiment 1(speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) rj Rj º º Nonpalatalised approximant in the word 'forsiroval' in the middle of a phrase Nonpalatalised nasalised trill in the word 'shturman' in the initial position of a phrase r R ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem R r R º º R Introduction Results 5 Chechen Fricative trill in the word 'orshot' ("Monday") Voiceless trill in the word 'bar' (a female speaker) • Experiment 1(speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) Weakening of a Chechen trill in the word 'hilar' before a pause in the middle of a phrase Voiced trill in the word in the word 'bar' (a male speaker) R ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction Conclusions • As a result of the experimental analysis there was formed a multilanguage phonetic database of trilled realisations in Russian, English, German, Chechen. • The results of the experimental research allow to draw parallels between the trill systems of the four languages under consideration and outline some universal features that are congruous with those formulated as a result of the theoretical research: • trilled [r]-sounds are most frequently realised with one closure component; • partially and wholly devoiced trills appear after voiceless sounds; • fricative allophones tend to be found before fricatives. • Considering speaker identification it is noteworthy that some German speakers tend to realise uvular trills whereas the speech of others is abundant in front trills. Chechen speakers stand out for pronouncing uvular trills which are rather uncommon for the language under consideration. Besides it was typical for some speakers to realise voiceless trills. • Experiment 1(speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction Futureperspectives • to enlarge the sample • to implement other tools • to involve into the experiment both native & non-native speakers & listeners • Experiment 1(speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY Lingua facit pacem Introduction • Experiment 1(speaker identificationconsidering code-switching) Thank you very much for your attention!!! • Experiment 2(phonetic database creation ) Questions? ‘Some Research Trends on the Domain of Forensic Phonetics in the Centre of Fundamental and Applied Speechology’ R.Potapova, E.Loseva, O. Statsenko