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Indian Economy Update. June 22,2007 Isher Judge Ahluwalia. Emerging Economies : Growing Contribution. Emerging economies’ contribution to global economy is increasing rapidly Their share of world exports has increased from 20 per cent in 1970 to 43 per cent in 2005
Indian Economy Update June 22,2007 Isher Judge Ahluwalia
Emerging Economies : Growing Contribution Emerging economies’ contribution to global economy is increasing rapidly Their share of world exports has increased from 20 per cent in 1970 to 43 per cent in 2005 Their GDP growth at 7 per cent is three times that of mature market economies at 2.3 per cent 2
India:4th Largest Economy in PPP terms GDP 2005 PPP (at 2003 Constant Billion USD) In real per capita terms, India is 9 years behind China. Source: World Bank, WDI 2006
Demographic Dividend % of Population aged 15-64 Source: UN, Population Statistics
Indian Economy on an Upward Growth PathGDP growth at constant prices(% per annum) Source: Central Statistical Organization
Inflation Rate (%) WPI CPI Source: Central Statistical Organization
Changing Income Distribution Source: World Bank, WDI 2005, NSS Full Sample Surveys
Social Indicators :1 Life Expectancy (Years) Literacy Rate (% of population) Source: Census of India, National Family Health Survey-I,II,III
Social Indicators :2 Infant Mortality Rate (per 1,000 live births) Maternal Mortality Rate(per 10,000 live births) Source: Census of India, Sample Registration System (SRS) Estimates, National Family Health Survey-I,II,III
Social Indicators :3 Population Growth Rate (%) Birth Rate Birth per 1000 population Fertility Rate Avg lifetime births per women Source: Census of India, Sample Registration System (SRS) Estimates, National Family Health Survey-I,II,III
Social Indicators :4 Access to Safe Drinking Water(% of households) Access to Sanitation Facility(% of households)) Source: Census of India
Social Indicators :5 Underweight Children (%) Net Enrolment Rate (%) For children under three years of age. The nutritional status (weight-for age) is measured as percentage below 2 SD from the median of the International Reference Period. Source: National Family Health Survey-I,II,III Source: Ministry of Human Resource Development
Gross Domestic Saving(% of GDP) Source: Central Statistical Organization
Gross Investment(% of GDP) Source: Central Statistical Organization
Trade in Goods and Services(% of GDP) Source: Reserve Bank of India
Exports & Imports of Goods and Services(% of GDP) Source: Reserve Bank of India
Growth of Goods Exports (%) Source: Reserve Bank of India; Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S) , Ministry of Commerce, Government of India
Growth of Services Exports (%) Source: Reserve Bank of India
Index of Real Effective Exchange Rate Source: Reserve Bank of India
Share of India’s Merchandise Trade in World (%) Source: www.stat.wto.org
Current Account Deficit(% of GDP) Source: Reserve Bank of India
Foreign Exchange Reserves (US $ Billion) Source: Reserve Bank of India
Foreign Investment Flows (US $ Billion) Source: RBI, India
Structural Change over timeGDP by Major Sectors: India and China Source: World Bank, WDI 2006