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Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology, & You. Genetic Engineering. So what does genetic engineering mean? Genetics has to do with what? Genes Engineering means to what? Manipulate So genetic engineering means to manipulate genes. Genetic engineering. So, how does this affect us?
Genetic Engineering • So what does genetic engineering mean? • Genetics has to do with what? • Genes • Engineering means to what? • Manipulate • So genetic engineering means to manipulate genes.
Genetic engineering • So, how does this affect us? • Ever heard of GMO? • Check out some of the stuff that you eat. • Sometimes it will say GMO “then a food name” • Like GMO soybeans • Anyone know what GMO means? • Genetically modified organisms
Genetic Engineering • What else can be considered GMO • #1 Soybeans • Put into hamburgers, drinks, and a variety of foods • #2 Corn • You heard about the taco bell shell incident • Anything that you could think of • Dogs • Cats • Plants • Almost everything can and will be genetically engineered
How GE can help us • Think about plants. How can GE help with plants • Disease resistant crops • Make more abundant food • What about animals • Jurassic park • Cows – milk and meat • What about people???
New terms • selective breeding • Inbreeding • hybridization.
Vocabulary • Restriction enzymes • DNA recombination • DNA insertion • DNA sequencing • Transgenic bacteria • Transgenic plants • Transgenic animals • Cloned animals
In the future • By the time you graduate from college, the human genome should be completed. • Crops will be disease and drought resistant. • Genetic diseases like colorblindess, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and so on can be treated and cured • What technology will bring this future closer?
Genetic Engineering • Genetic Engineering and You • Today, it is possible to directly change the genetic material of living organisms • We are able to manipulate DNA change in organisms • Today we will cover the different techniques in genetic engineering and discover ways to introduce new genes
1. Restriction Enzymes • What are restriction enzymes? • Proteins that can cut DNA at specific sequences • Example: EcoRI cuts DNA at TTAA • Very accurate in cutting out DNA • Possible to cut out and separate DNA fragments to be analyzed • BIG PICTURE – you can use them to cut out the genes you need.
Restriction enzyme Restriction enzyme EcoRI cuts the DNA into fragments. Sticky end
2. DNA Recombination • DNA fragments are put back together • Use plasmids (circular DNA from bacteria) to make recombinant DNA
3. DNA Insertion • Once you have the DNA you want in a plasmid, you need to grow it • So, you put it into a bacteria • The bacteria grows and divides; grows and divides • So you get more copies of the DNA you want.
4. DNA sequencing • You make the DNA glow under UV light and you can see where they match up. You check it. • You find out the order of the bases and genes
Gene for STUPIDITY Recombinant DNA Gene for STUPIDITY Human Cell DNA recombination Sticky ends DNA insertion Bacterial Cell Bacterial chromosome Bacterial cell for containing gene for STUPIDITY Plasmid
Genetic Engineering Overview • Use restriction enzymes to cut out “insulin” gene • Recombine the “insulin” gene into a bacteria DNA • Insert recombinant DNA into bacteria. Let it grow and divide to make copies • Finally, you get multiple copies of “insulin” gene • That is how drug companies make $$$!
But I want to be like Spiderman • What if I want to have the ability of a spider • Walk on walls • Super strength • Shoot spider web • Spidey says, “you need to be transgenic!” • It means organisms that contain foreign genes.
Transgenic _____ • Transgenic Bacteria • Helps make most of our drugs and hormones • Transgenic Plants • Create disease resistant, drought resistant plants • Transgenic Animals • Create disease resistant animals. • Cloned animals • Dolly the sheep
BIG picture - Genetic Engineering • Problem – I want my dog to glow at night so I can find him. • So do dogs glow? • What do I need to do? • Find a ___ for glowing from a firefly • Cut it out with _____ ______ • Recombine with dog’s DNA • BAM! I got a glowing dog!
Things to think about • Genetic engineering helps us solve crimes through DNA fingerprinting…umm OJ • Gene therapy is around the corner to treat genetic diseases • Human Genome project is 96% done • And the ethics that face your generation in cloning and designer babies • Who decides what is wrong and right
Classwork • Work on handout • Student led discussion
Homework • Answer all SA for Ch 13 • Start in class