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Bienvenidos al II Seminario Anual de la TV Cable LAMAC Formada y financiada por 29 Canales miembros Misión Facilitar el entendimiento de la TV Cable y su lugar en el panorama de medios en Chile y América Latina.
LAMAC Formada y financiada por 29 Canales miembros
Misión • Facilitar el entendimiento de la TV Cable y su lugar en el panorama de medios en Chile y América Latina. • Desarrollar la inversión publicitaria en TV Cable, superando los obstáculos de la industria. • Promover una distribución equitativa de la inversión publicitaria.
Objetivo • Compartir cifras actualizadas de la televisión de Paga. • Discutir nuevos conceptos de mercadeo.
Los medios tradicionales ERAN la fuente principal de entretenimiento Revolución de la información y los medios
El mundo de hoy es diferente Necesitamos redefinir nuestros esquemas de comunicación y mercadeo…
Entonces… ¿cómo podemos diferenciar nuestras marcas?
A través de … Mensaje publicitario + Los medios
Pero los medios han recibido menos importancia como herramienta para la diferenciación de marcas
Históricamente … “¡Quiero más alcance!” “¡Quiero CPMs más bajos!” “¡Quiero estar en el canal de la Universidad Católica!”
35.0% 35.0% 32.8% 29.6% La penetración muestra una tendencia de crecimiento 18% Fuente: IBOPE Media (Chile). Tablas de universos 2004-2007
La TV Cable tiene una penetración del 35% Fuente: IBOPE Media (Chile). Tablas de universos 2007
La TV Cable fragmenta la audiencia de TV Abierta -42% Fuente: IBOPE Media (Chile). Media Workstation. Rating promedio anual 2006 Total personas, lunes a domingo, 06:00 a 30:00 hrs.
Lo que representa un 16% del share de audiencia Fuente: IBOPE Media (Chile). Media Workstation. Share promedio anual 2006 de TV Cable. Total personas, lunes a domingo, 06:00 a 30:00 hrs.
Porque nos debemos ajustar a la realidad • Los shares de la TV abierta ha disminuido de 84% a 81% Fuente: IBOPE Media (Chile), Media Work Station, share trimestral Enero 2005-Diciembre 2006. Total día, lunes a domingo, target total personas.
El share en las personas ABC1 ha mantenido un crecimiento constante 33.9% 31.8% 31.7% 13% 30% Fuente: IBOPE Media (Chile). Media Workstation. Share promedio anual 2003-2006 En personas ABC1, lunes a domingo, 06:00 a 30:00 hrs.
Frans demostró… efectividad = apreciación ratings ≠ efectividad
Frans Kok también concluyó… • Existe la transferencia: • Buscar congruencia entre el medio ambiente y la marca • Los medios transfieren sus cualidades a las marcas que ahí se anuncian
Dr. Edward C. MalthaouseNorthwestern University • Profesor de integrated marketing communications. • Especialidad en medios y minería de datos. • Autor de publicaciones como Journal Consumer Psychology • Co-editor en The Journal of Interactive Marketing
Media Engagement and Advertising Congruence EDWARD C. MALTHOUSESills Distinguished Associate Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications Senior Researcher, Media Management Center MEDILL SCHOOL OF JOURNALISMNORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYecm@northwestern.edu
Overview • What is engagement? • Why does engagement matter? • Engagement causes advertising effectiveness (in addition to execution factors) • Experiential congruence between ads and advertising vehicles make ads even more effective • How can cable TV leverage its focused, relevant content to attract advertisers? • As time permits, which medium is most engaging?
Two Views of Media • Traditional view of Media: • Advertising effectiveness depends on the product and creative execution of the ad • Media is about optimizing exposure to the ad • The New View of Media: Advertising effectiveness depends on • The media context of the ad • As well as the product and ad execution
What is Engagement? • Marc (1966): How disappointed a person would be “should the magazine stop publication.” • Davina Kent, TiVo: “Engagement is the average time spent in a branded experience.” • Mark McLaughlin, Yahoo!: “Operationally, Yahoo! defines Engagement on two dimensions: Loyalty (retention of unique users, new visitors per month, average properties/channels per user) and usage (average minutes per day average days per month, average page views per visit visits per month, share of minutes spent online). ….”
Engagement Usage • Instead, Engagement causes usage and me to • Be “attentive” • Regard it as “one of my favorites” • Be “very satisfied” with it or parts of it • “Recommend it to a friend” • Think “I would miss it if it were no longer published” • The absence of Engagement causes me to stop using it • Engagement is more fundamental (and actionable) than its consequences. It more actionable because it is more directly under the control of content producers
What is Engagement? • MI4 Committee Working Definition: “Engagement is turning on a prospect to a brand idea enhanced by the surrounding context.” • Mike Pardee, Scripps Networks: “Scripps defines viewer engagement in terms of four factors: ad receptivity, life enhancing, trusted source, and Near & Dear TV.”
What is Engagement? The collective experiences with contentExperiences are the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of readers about their program
ENGAGEMENT CONSEQUENCES OF ENGAGEMENT Usage and attentiveness Experience 1 Experience 2 Affective responses Experience 3 Reactions to an ad Engagement: The collective experiences with content
Our Research Approach • (Exploratory Research) Qualitative interviews with consumers generate descriptive statements (items) • Watching this TV program gives me something to talk about. • (Descriptive Research) Survey (agree-disagree with items) • Exploratory factor analysis to identify latent dimensions and purify scales • Social “talk-about-it” experience, also indicated by: • I bring up things I have seen on this program in conversations with many other people. • I use things I have seen on this program in discussions or arguments with other people I know. • A big reason I watch it is to make myself more interesting to other people. • I give advice and tips to people I know based on things I’ve seen • Confirmatory survey and factor analysis (CFA) • Higher-order CFA models identify Engagement • Evaluate effects on readership and advertising
I am a better person for using this site/watching this show I like for other people to know I watch this show Self-Esteem Experience Reading this newspaper/magazine/site makes me feel good about myself Watching this news program makes me feel like a better citizen
I lose myself in the pleasure of watching this program It’s an escape Going to this site improves my mood, makes me feel happier It takes my mind off other things that are going on Timeout Experience It’s a quiet time I like to kick back and wind down with it I like to go to this site when I am eating or taking a break Reading/Watching is my time alone It is my reward for doing other things I feel less stress after reading it
I look at the pictures in it and think “Wow!” It’s an escape I can picture myself at the scene of the events and places described I like to picture things in my own mind while I am reading it Visual / Transportation Experience I sometimes show a picture in it to someone else I like to look at the pictures even if I don’t read the story I like to look at the pictures for a while Most often I look at the pictures before reading the article