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Cooperating Teacher Orientation MSUM Field Experiences 2006 Dear Cooperating Teacher, Thank you for your willingness to welcome a student teacher into your classroom. It is our hope and expectation that your experience as a cooperating teacher will be enjoyable and rewarding!
Cooperating Teacher Orientation MSUM Field Experiences 2006
Dear Cooperating Teacher, Thank you for your willingness to welcome a student teacher into your classroom. It is our hope and expectation that your experience as a cooperating teacher will be enjoyable and rewarding!
Expectations of the cooperating teacher, student teacher, and university supervisor How to prepare for your student teacher Timelines How and when to fill out forms What to do if there is a problem In this Orientation you will find information about……….
Guide Planning & Evaluation • Ask to see plans in advance of teaching. What is the purpose for the lesson? What are the strengths of the plan? • Check for sufficient management plans. Are procedures for handling supplies and movement present and adequate? Will your students understand the procedures? • Help the student teacher move to longer-term planning. How does the lesson align with previous and future lessons? • Expect a variety of instructional strategies. Are different strategies included? Which seem easiest for your student teacher to implement? How can you assist him or her in successfully trying alternate strategies? • Relate the planning and evaluation to student learning. Do assessment activities align with objectives? Does the student teacher assess student learning?
Guide Discipline & Management • Explain the discipline procedures that you have found most successful. • Allow your student teacher to establish authority in ways that may be different from your own. • Help your student teacher plan for management in your classroom and debrief management issues after lesson implementation. • Give both specific hints for classroom procedures and the rationale for their use. • Think about and explain your classroom procedures. Where and when can students sharpen pencils? When is it ok for students to use the bathroom? How do you correct homework? • Let your student teacher "hear you think." This will help in his or her own metacognition. • During your observations, collect evidence related to your student teacher's management and discipline and help him or her draw conclusions from the evidence as you debrief. (For instance, you can record the amount of time spent during transitions or write down names of children who were not on task during the student teacher's lesson.)
Guide Relationships with Students • Help student teachers understand that while they need to develop a good relationship with the students, they do not want to become their "buddy.“ • Help your student teacher analyze student performance to discuss instructional implications. • Keep student need and interests at the center of discussions concerning planning, instruction and management.
Guide Relationship Between Cooperating Teacher & Student Teacher • Give clear expectations *How far in advance do you want lesson plans? *Do you expect long-term plans? *How closely must the student teacher follow the adopted texts? May he or she try things that are not in the texts? *What do you expect in terms of instructional strategies? Is cooperative learning ok? Do you want to see direct instruction? *Will you ever intervene during a lesson? Under what conditions? *Who grades what? Which papers will the student teacher be expected to grade? *How much noise do you tolerate? *How much latitude does the student teacher have in changing the discipline plan? Moving the desks? *What time should the student teacher be there in the morning? How late should she or he stay after school? *What is the procedure for calling in sick? *What is the dress code? *Establish the expectation that you will communicate regularly. *Make a plan for how and when you will talk about teaching performance.
The best student teaching experience happens when the cooperating teacher………….
Makes the student teacher feel welcome and comfortable in the classroom. • Acquaints the student teacher with the school building, resources, other faculty and staff. • Explains classroom procedures, schedules, etc. • Assists the student teacher with instructional planning and evaluates plans before instruction. • Gradually turns over teaching responsibilities to the student teacher until the primary responsibility for teaching is the student teacher's for at least one week. • Provides ongoing, evaluative feedback. • Provides the student teacher with a place to work. Even if your school has a space problem, a small table and chair will give the student teacher of place of his/her own to work. • During the observation period, provides student teachers with seating charts so that they can learn names and observe specific student characteristics and behavior. • Points out mistakes student teachers make as quickly as possible. The students expect constructive criticism.
Lets student teachers know from time to time that they are doing a good job (if this is true). A compliment from the cooperating teacher can be a real day brightener. • Keeps in mind that this experience is probably the most important task that your student teacher has ever faced. Remember your own student teaching experience and how much you wanted to succeed. Many student teachers expect to have 100% good days and become depressed after a class has gone badly. Share some of your "bad day" experiences. Above all, keep your sense of humor. • Expects big things from your student teacher and let him/her know this. • Expects well-planned lessons from the start. You are the expert and should carefully review lesson plans prior to the class presentation. Many times you will be able to spot trouble areas and potential mistakes before they occur. • Calls upon student teachers to do something extra when you are faced with a time shortage. This often makes the student feel that she/he is an integral part of the classroom and that you have confidence in her/his ability to do the extra task. • Encourages innovation. Urge student teachers to be creative. • Holds conferences with the student teacher as soon as possible after your classroom observation. This can be done in an informal manner over a cup of coffee.
Things you need to know… • A student teacher can never be used as a substitute teacher. She/he is not licensed and it is illegal. • A successful student teaching experience is based on open, honest communication among all parties involved. You are encouraged to contact the university supervisor at any time to express concerns or to share reservations. • Final evaluation forms are due the last week of the student teaching assignment. Please share this evaluation with your student teacher. The university supervisor assigned to your student teacher will give you instructions on where to find the form and how to fill it out.
Midterm evaluation form: The cooperating teacher will fill out a midterm evaluation of the student teacher. The cooperating teacher and student teacher will meet to go over the midterm. The student should set goals for the second half of student teaching. • Dispositions final evaluation: Please fill this out at the end of student teaching and share it with your student teacher. *Your student teacher will fill out a dispositions self-evaluation and set goals at midterm. The university supervisor will provide this form. The student teacher will share the goals with you and ask for your feedback. • Final evaluation: Fill out a final evaluation for the student at the end of student teaching. Use the same procedure as with the midterm, but without the goal-setting. Please give one copy to the student teacher. • All forms are submitted online at www.mnstate.edu/fieldexp. If you have difficulty accessing the forms, please contact the university supervisor. • The Student Teaching Handbook can also be found at the Field Experiences website.
Professionalism • Attendance: Student teachers will follow the calendar of their cooperating school. They are expected to work the same hours as their cooperating teachers, unless told otherwise by the cooperating teacher. They are also expected to be in attendance every day of the scheduled term (including in-service and conference days) except in the case of illness or emergency. The one exception to this policy is attendance at the Minnesota Career Fair, which is considered an excused absence, but must still be cleared with the cooperating teacher and university supervisor ahead of time. **Student teachers should offer to make up absences. If more than three absences are incurred, make up of the missed time is mandatory. • Dress Code:Clothing should be professional, not too revealing, clean and in good repair. T-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, exposed body piercings (other than ears), tattoos and unusual hair colors are not appropriate for the school setting. (Student teachers are encouraged to participate in special dress days. For instance: school spirit day, pajama day, casual Fridays, etc)
Professionalism • The student teacher is expected to: • Show initiative • Take pride in her/his work • Be prepared, reliable and responsible. • Seek ways to improve performance • Welcome constructive feedback • Show respect to those in supervisory roles
Required Activities of the Student Teacher • Lesson Plans/Thematic Units: The student teacher and cooperating teacher should decide early on what topics will be covered in different subjects/periods. They should also discuss when the student teacher will be teaching part of the day, which subjects he/she will be teaching and when he/she will be teaching all day. Detailed lesson plans are required and should be approved by the cooperating teacher before each lesson the student teacher teaches. At least once during the placement the student teacher should develop a full unit or a sequence of lessons on a broad topic. • Videotaping: The student teacher should videotape herself/himself some time during the placement. The cooperating teacher will be asked to do a formal observation in which s/he takes notes throughout the lesson. • Journal: The student teacher is required to keep a reflective journal during student teaching. The journal is shared with the university supervisor during classroom visits. Students know that the journal time can wait until after school. However, there may be occasions when the student will want to write something down right away so as not to forget!
Timeline for Student Teaching Stages 1 & 2 • Stage One. During the first week in the classroom, the student teacher should spend time observing classroom procedures and learning the names of the students. She/he may begin assuming a few administrative and procedural tasks such as roll taking and grade recording if the cooperating teacher feels it is appropriate. The student teacher may also begin assisting individual students or small groups with lessons or projects at this time. This is a transition time for the student teacher and open communication between him/her and the cooperating teacher is essential in clarifying roles and expectations. • Stage Two. This stage will comprise the major portion of student teaching. The student teacher and the cooperating teacher may plan lessons cooperatively, with the cooperating teacher giving final approval prior to each activity or lesson. A gradual increase in teaching responsibilities for the student teacher should begin to occur at this time until a full teaching schedule is assumed. Feedback at this stage is very important so that the student teacher can effectively evaluate his/her teaching performance.
Timeline for Student Teaching Stages 3 & 4 • Stage Three. The Minnesota Board of Teaching requires a minimum of one week (or five consecutive days) of full-time student teaching. MSUM recommends at least 2 weeks. During this stage, all activities normally assumed by a classroom teacher, including instruction, classroom management and pupil supervision should be performed by the student teacher as readiness is demonstrated. • Stage Four. At the close of the student teaching experience, the classroom responsibilities will return to the cooperating teacher. Opportunities for the student teacher to observe in other classrooms in the building should be provided if at all possible.
What the student teacher can expect from the University Supervisor • Provide orientation to the student teaching experience at the beginning of the semester. • Serve as a support to the student teacher by answering questions and providing consultative assistance. • Formally observe the student teacher 4 times in the classroom, giving written and verbal feedback. • Assign grade in consultation with the cooperating teacher.
What the Cooperating Teacher can expect from the University Supervisor • Serve as a liaison between the university and the cooperating teacher by interpreting the university program. • Provide extra support to the cooperating teacher if the student teacher is experiencing difficulties with student teaching.
Cooperating Teacher Checklist • Before Your Student Teacher Arrives • _____ Prepare your students for having a student teacher. • _____ Set aside an area in the classroom for your student teacher. • _____ Put together a student teaching survival kit, including the following. • *Daily schedules • *Class lists • *Fire drill procedures • *Classroom and school rules • *Discipline policies • *Particular student needs • *Phone number to contact you in the case of an emergency • *Other things you think are important • Meeting With Your Student Teacher • _____ Discuss the basic responsibilities of the student teacher. • _____ Orient the student teacher to the classroom and the school. • _____ Review any relevant special calendar dates. • _____ Discuss daily routine, schedules, duties, and so on. • _____ Review expectations for lesson plans. • _____ Discuss the appropriate dress code for the student teacher. • _____ Share the discipline plan for the classroom and the school. • _____ Discuss how your will observe your student teacher teaching. How often will you give feedback? • _____ Discuss the timeline for the student teacher to take over responsibilities in the classroom. Together, organize a calendar of when and which subjects the student will be teaching. • During Student Teaching • _____ Introduce your student teacher to the students. • _____ Introduce your student teacher to the principal, faculty and staff. • _____ Give regular feedback to your student teacher, with suggestions for improvement and recognition of positive aspects. • _____ Be available to answer your student teacher's questions and provide moral support.
Contact us with any questions you may have. Dr. Lynn Mahlum Director of Field Experiences 218 477 2256 mahlumly@mnstate.edu Renee Kerzman Assistant Director 218 477 2022 kerzman@mnstate.edu Tracy Heng Administrative Assistant 218 477 2217 hengt@mnstate.edu
Thank you for participating in the Cooperating Teacher Orientation!!!(Be sure to go to the next slide!)
To receive CEUs and a chance to win a $100.00 gift card, click on this button and fill out the survey. Click Here Once each week, we will send CEUs to teachers who have submitted the survey. We will also enter you in the drawing. The drawing will take place the day student teaching begins for the semester.