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Imperialism and the Victorian Era. Warm Up – Define the following: Imperialism Capitalism Nationalism Racism Social Darwinism. Queen Victoria. Imperialism – A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically and socially
Imperialism and the Victorian Era Warm Up – Define the following: Imperialism Capitalism Nationalism Racism Social Darwinism Queen Victoria
Imperialism –A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically and socially • Capitalism – Economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit • Nationalism – The belief that people should be loyal mainly to their nation – that is, to the people with whom they share a culture and a history, rather than to a king or ruler. • Racism – Belief in the superiority of one race. • Social Darwinism – ideas about “survival of the fittest” applied to humans.
Imperialism or Nationalism? In your group, decide whether the picture depicts imperialism or nationalism and tell why you chose as you did.
Why Imperialism? • Empire Building • Economics • Political and Military Interests • Power and Authority • Nineteenth Century – 1800s • British Dominance - called the Victorian Era after Queen Victoria who ruled for 64 years
The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire Examine the map below and then decide in your groups what the title means.
White Man’s Burden • Racist or Satirical? • “Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses” ~Juvenal Satire 1st Century Rome 100 A.D.
Imperialism and Empire - Africa • Textbook – page 710 • 1880 – Most of Africa consisted of independent states • 1914 – With the exception of Ethiopia and Liberia, all of Africa was controlled by Europeans
Europeans Claim Muslim Lands • Ottoman Empire loses power after Sulemain dies. • Geopolitics – an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location and products, played an important role in the fate of the Ottoman Empire. • Russia wanted control of the declining Ottoman Empire (specifically control of the Mediterranean Sea). • Crimean War (Russia v. Ottomans). • Britain and France did not want Russia controlling Ottoman lands so they helped and defeated Russia. • The War exposed Ottoman weaknesses. (lost a considerable amount of land).
Egypt Initiates Reforms • Egypt’s strategic location at the head of the Red Sea made it valuable to Britain and France. • Leader Muhammad Ali began a series of economic and military reforms. • Suez Canal construction – human-made waterway that cut through the the Isthmus of Suez connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. • This project proved to be enormously expensive and created huge amounts of debt for Egypt. • As a result: British occupied Egypt.
Suez Canal - 1875(page 708) • Europeans needed a faster way to get from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean • The French and the Egyptians, with funding from France, began a canal to connect the two water bodies. • Because Egypt could not pay their canal debts, they sold their shares to Great Britain • 1882 – Egyptian nationalists rebel against foreign influence. British make Egypt a protectorate and take over control of the canal.
Persia Pressured to Change • Russia and Britain competed to exploit Persia commercially. • Persia lacked the capital to develop its own resources, so it began granting concessions to Western businesses. (tobacco and oil)
Forces Enabling African and Indian Imperialism • European technological superiority • Steamboats • Automatic machine gun • Locomotive • Telegraph • Europeans had the means to control their empires • Easy travel • Wide spread communication • African and Indian disunity • Huge variety of cultures • Fighting among cultures • Huge business interests and support fromcompanies
10 Seconds Remaining What is direct control? • Foreign leaders come in to govern. • Foreign leaders come in to help lead. • Local leaders take charge of foreign country’s policy. • Local leaders govern.
10 What is indirect control • Foreign leaders govern. • Foreign leaders come in to help lead. • Local leaders take control of outside country’s foreign policy. • Local leaders govern how they want.
10 Seconds Remaining Geopolitics is __________ • an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location and products. • an interest in or taking land for political reasons. • an interest in or taking of land for geographical reasons. • an interest in or taking land for economic reasons.
10 The Crimean War was between • Russia v. Britain • Russia v. Britain & France • Russia v. France • Russia v. Ottoman, Britain, & France.
What project created large amounts of debt for Egypt? • Panama Canal construction. • Suez Canal construction. • Root canal construction. • Croydon Canal construction.
Foreign businesses wanted to exploit Persia for two major resources which included _____ & _______. • tobacco & cotton • cotton & oil • wheat & tobacco • tobacco & oil
British in India • British East India company controlled much of India using sepoys. • Sepoys – Native Hindu or Muslim mercenary private police • Crops: opium poppies for sale in China and cotton and tea for sale in the rest of the British empire • Cotton textile making outlawed in India • India was so profitable, it was called the “Jewel in the Crown.”
Negative Impacts of Colonialism in India • British held most of the political power. • British emphasis on cash crops & restriction of Indian-owned industries led to famines. • Presence of missionaries and their racist attitudes threatened traditional Indian life.
Positive Impacts • Construction of the world’s 3rd largest railway network throughout India. • Telegraph and telephone lines were also developed. • Damns, bridges, canals enabled India to modernize. • Some estimates – literacy increased.
Sepoy Mutiny • Growing resentment that Europeans were attempting to convert Indians to Christianity. • As economic problems increased > so did resentment. • Rumors their rifles were greased with beef & pork. Muslims and Hindus were outraged.
Imperialism and Empire - India Page - 713 • The Sepoy Rebellion allowed British soldiers to invade and control all of India • The British established control of India and its neighbors by 1914. • The British controlled Australia, New Zealand and much of the far east. The worlds’ biggest empire!
Imperialism in China – page 714 • Because of repeated attempts at invasion, China distrusted foreigners and tried to remain isolationist. • They were unsuccessful. • Britain gained spheres of influence in China through smuggling opium. Resulted in Opium War (page 614) and Boxer Uprising. (page 714)
Imperialism in AmericaPages – 717-718 • Early imperialism called Manifest Destiny – to expand from “sea to shining sea.” Indian wars, the Mexican War and the Civil War have been called examples of such imperialism. Americans moved out into the Pacific Ocean in the nineteenth century (1800s). Took control of Hawaii. • Japan – in 1853 Commodore Matthew Perry opened up trade with Japan by threatening military action. • Japanese opened up trade to everyone. By 1830, Japan itself was an imperialist power, taking control of the Pacific. This led to American involvement in WWII. • Fought a war with Spain in 1898. Acquired the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico. (Spanish American War)
The Age of Imperialism, 1850-1914 Causes Nationalism To gain power, European nations compete for colonies and trade. Imperialism Economic Competition Europeans exerted influence over the economic, political, and social lives of people they colonized. Demand for raw materials and new markets spurs a search for colonies. Missionary Spirit Europeans believe they must spread their Christian teachings to the world.
The Age of Imperialism, 1850-1914 Effects Colonization Europeans control land and people in areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Imperialism Colonial Economics Europeans exerted influence over the economic, political, and social lives of people they colonized. Europeans control trade in the colonies and set up dependent cash-crop economies. Christianization Christianity is spread to Africa, India, and Asia.