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El Proposito Basico De Que La Iglesia Local es de:. EvangelizarConectar a toda persona a todo tiempo posible por todo medio posible con el evangelismo de Jesus Cristo Producir DisipulosEstablecerlos en todas las iglesia locales, entrenando y ensanando como llegar a ser como Cristo MovilizacionMovilizar el ejercito de Dios para ayudar a cada persona encontrar su lugar y funcion en el Cuerpo de Cristo .
1. La Importancia De Que La Iglesia Este Conectada A Un Equipo Apostolico Hello everyone! My name is Bobby Leek and welcome to this session “The Importance of the Local Church being Connected to an Apostolic Team”.
First of all, I would like to say that I’m grateful to be able to teach this topic. It is a topic that I happen to love and believe in deeply. I believe that “Apostolic Teams” is one of the greatest truths that God is restoring to the church during these challenging times in which we live, is the power that can be found only in this great connection. During this session, I hope to reveal to you in a simplistic manner God’s original and only plan in which His church was to be governed and empowered to grow. I also plan to show you how, you, your church and the Kingdom of God can benefit and be blessed through this connection.
Before we can truly understand the importance of the local church being connected to an apostolic team, we first need to establish some blocks in which to build on. Hello everyone! My name is Bobby Leek and welcome to this session “The Importance of the Local Church being Connected to an Apostolic Team”.
First of all, I would like to say that I’m grateful to be able to teach this topic. It is a topic that I happen to love and believe in deeply. I believe that “Apostolic Teams” is one of the greatest truths that God is restoring to the church during these challenging times in which we live, is the power that can be found only in this great connection. During this session, I hope to reveal to you in a simplistic manner God’s original and only plan in which His church was to be governed and empowered to grow. I also plan to show you how, you, your church and the Kingdom of God can benefit and be blessed through this connection.
Before we can truly understand the importance of the local church being connected to an apostolic team, we first need to establish some blocks in which to build on.
2. El Proposito Basico De Que La Iglesia Local es de: Evangelizar
Conectar a toda persona a todo tiempo posible por todo medio posible con el evangelismo de Jesus Cristo
Producir Disipulos
Establecerlos en todas las iglesia locales, entrenando y ensanando como llegar a ser como Cristo
Movilizar el ejercito de Dios para ayudar a cada persona encontrar su lugar y funcion en el Cuerpo de Cristo The first block that I believe needs to be established or reestablished is “the purpose of the local church”. Though this may seem elementary to some of you, I believe it’s a truth which has been lost in many churches today and needs to be redefined once again.
Though the purpose of the local church may be defined by different people in different ways, I believe that there are three basic things that should never be left out from any of these definitions. These three basic things are evangelism, discipleship and mobilization. Without these three elements a local church merely becomes a social club and fails to accomplish the mission for which they were commissioned by Christ himself.
Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV) And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen The first block that I believe needs to be established or reestablished is “the purpose of the local church”. Though this may seem elementary to some of you, I believe it’s a truth which has been lost in many churches today and needs to be redefined once again.
Though the purpose of the local church may be defined by different people in different ways, I believe that there are three basic things that should never be left out from any of these definitions. These three basic things are evangelism, discipleship and mobilization. Without these three elements a local church merely becomes a social club and fails to accomplish the mission for which they were commissioned by Christ himself.
Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV) And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen
3. El Proposito Basico De Un Equipo Apostolico Es De Asistir a la iglesia local a elevarse y conducir servicios guiados por el Espiritu Santo y hacer publicos los ingresos de ministerios multipicado por cino ( 5 fold ministries)
Sembrar iglesias que trabajen juntas con el proposito de reproducir lideres e iglesias
Darle supervision apostolica que apoya y que fortalezca la iglesia The second block that I believe needs to be established is “the purpose of an apostolic team”. Once again, many people may define the purpose of an apostolic team differently and still not be incorrect. But for our intentions today I hope to establish three basic points as to what an apostolic team purpose should be, or again it will fail at what it was commissioned by Christ to accomplish.
Because a biblically based apostolic team is made up of men and women who function in the ascension gifts, more commonly called fivefold ministry gifts, I believe it is necessary for us to see what the word of God defines their purpose within the body of Christ to be.
Ephesians 4:11-16 (NKJV) And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
From this Scripture and all evidence found throughout the New Testament, we can see that it was Christ Himself who commissioned these teams of gifted men and women for the sole purpose of helping to establish the local church and to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry themselves. These men and women were not only great visionaries who went around establishing churches throughout the known world, they showed an even greater quality, selflessness. They work together as a tireless team, in unity, always looking for the greater good of the Kingdom and their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The second block that I believe needs to be established is “the purpose of an apostolic team”. Once again, many people may define the purpose of an apostolic team differently and still not be incorrect. But for our intentions today I hope to establish three basic points as to what an apostolic team purpose should be, or again it will fail at what it was commissioned by Christ to accomplish.
Because a biblically based apostolic team is made up of men and women who function in the ascension gifts, more commonly called fivefold ministry gifts, I believe it is necessary for us to see what the word of God defines their purpose within the body of Christ to be.
Ephesians 4:11-16 (NKJV) And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
From this Scripture and all evidence found throughout the New Testament, we can see that it was Christ Himself who commissioned these teams of gifted men and women for the sole purpose of helping to establish the local church and to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry themselves. These men and women were not only great visionaries who went around establishing churches throughout the known world, they showed an even greater quality, selflessness. They work together as a tireless team, in unity, always looking for the greater good of the Kingdom and their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
4. La Vision Basica De Un Equipo Apostolico Es De Sembrar organizaciones en el mayor numero de naciones del mundo cuanto sea posible
Crear y levantar equipos apostolicos con lideres clave en cada nacion
Implementar ministerios desarrollados de dotes quintuplicados y dirigidos en el Espirtu Santo hacia las naciones
Trabajar unidos como naciones unidas con un proposito en comun, hacer llegar al mundo el evangelio de Jesus The third and final block that I will established is “the vision of an apostolic team”. This block is a little different than the last two. While the purpose or goals of any person or team is primarily established by scripture. (I.e. the mission) This is not necessarily true as to the vision. The mission is what has to be accomplished, and the vision is how we are going to accomplish it. This is important to understand, since every apostolic team could be given a different vision from the Lord. Therefore, the basic points I would like to make are those which are common to many apostolic teams today and were accomplished within the First Apostolic Church.
Though the vision of some apostolic teams may differ, there are fundamental and most basic requirements that all apostolic teams must meet. All apostolic ministry is to serve, not to be served. Apostolic team members are not to serve their own agenda or personal ministry, but are to firstly serve the Lord, secondly to serve those that the Lord has appointed over them within the body of Christ, and finally to serve those to whom the Lord would send them. Paul once stated in 1 Corinthians 4:1, “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God”.
This should be the heart of all true apostolic ministry teams working with the local church. They must be willing to be true servants in serving and assisting churches and leaders in progressing the vision the Lord has given those leaders. It is not the function of these teams to force their own ideas and dogma, but to be respectful of the ministry and calling of those to whom they are sent. The third and final block that I will established is “the vision of an apostolic team”. This block is a little different than the last two. While the purpose or goals of any person or team is primarily established by scripture. (I.e. the mission) This is not necessarily true as to the vision. The mission is what has to be accomplished, and the vision is how we are going to accomplish it. This is important to understand, since every apostolic team could be given a different vision from the Lord. Therefore, the basic points I would like to make are those which are common to many apostolic teams today and were accomplished within the First Apostolic Church.
Though the vision of some apostolic teams may differ, there are fundamental and most basic requirements that all apostolic teams must meet. All apostolic ministry is to serve, not to be served. Apostolic team members are not to serve their own agenda or personal ministry, but are to firstly serve the Lord, secondly to serve those that the Lord has appointed over them within the body of Christ, and finally to serve those to whom the Lord would send them. Paul once stated in 1 Corinthians 4:1, “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God”.
This should be the heart of all true apostolic ministry teams working with the local church. They must be willing to be true servants in serving and assisting churches and leaders in progressing the vision the Lord has given those leaders. It is not the function of these teams to force their own ideas and dogma, but to be respectful of the ministry and calling of those to whom they are sent.
5. El Proposito A La Larga De Estar Coneccion Es De Crear una infraestructura donde todas los dotes que se encuentran en
Efesios 4:11 puedan operar bajo una estructura gobernamental para que asi la iglesia se pueda movilizar como una, en poder; asi evitando que: “las puertas del inferno no prevalezcan contra ella” With these three blocks in mind, what was God’s ultimate purpose for this connection between apostolic teams and local churches. I believe it was to create an infrastructure made up of many smaller bodies of believers (churches or ministries), overseen by and apostolic form of government, working together, using each other’s strengths and giftings to create an army of believers that could and would trample down the gates of hell and establish Christ’s Kingdom here on earth! With these three blocks in mind, what was God’s ultimate purpose for this connection between apostolic teams and local churches. I believe it was to create an infrastructure made up of many smaller bodies of believers (churches or ministries), overseen by and apostolic form of government, working together, using each other’s strengths and giftings to create an army of believers that could and would trample down the gates of hell and establish Christ’s Kingdom here on earth!
6. Porque Debo Ser Parte De Esta Coneccion? Now that we understand the basic purposes of the local church and an apostolic team, why should you want to be part of this connection? Now that we understand the basic purposes of the local church and an apostolic team, why should you want to be part of this connection?
7. Porque se encuentra en el precipicio de lo que Dios esta haciendo de nuevo en nuestros dias
Porque Es Divino! No fue creado por el hombre, ni se basa en las tradiciones de los hombres,mas bien fue dado por Dios para la primera iglesia apostolica. Fue su unica forma de gobierno en la iglesia endosado por El. Se pude ver en funcion en el Nuevo Testamento
Some may believe that they should be involved simply because it is on the precipice of what is happening in our day and time. Though this is true, in and of itself this is not enough. Just because things are popular doesn’t mean it’s a good reason for us to become involved.
The only real reason that we should become connected with this or any other practice is because it’s of God! And this is the truth when it comes to the connection of the local church and apostolic teams, it is God’s only biblically endorsed form of church government! Some may believe that they should be involved simply because it is on the precipice of what is happening in our day and time. Though this is true, in and of itself this is not enough. Just because things are popular doesn’t mean it’s a good reason for us to become involved.
The only real reason that we should become connected with this or any other practice is because it’s of God! And this is the truth when it comes to the connection of the local church and apostolic teams, it is God’s only biblically endorsed form of church government!
8. Los sembradores de la iglesia del Nuevo Testamento casi siempre trabajan en equipos
Estos miembros de los equipos no siempre fueron buenos sembradores, muchos contribuyeron otros dotes a la mision del equipo apostolico
En el intento de hacer trabajo apostolico, individualmente, nos podemos tornar vulnerables y sospechosos The New Testament church planters almost always worked in teams.
Old Testament Examples of Teams
Moses and Aaron, two brothers, one (Moses) the great lawgiver and the other (Aaron) Israel’s first high priest. Exod. 7:12.
Caleb and Joshua, the two spies who gave the only positive report after searching out the land of Kadesh-barnea. Num. 14:6–9.
Zerubbabel and Joshua, Judah’s first political and religious leaders who headed up the return from Persia to Jerusalem. Hag. 1:14.
Ezra and Nehemiah, the two men who headed up the project to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Neh. 8:95.
New Testament Examples of Teams
Peter and John, the two key apostles in the early Jerusalem church. Acts 3:16.
Paul and Barnabas, the team that carried out the world’s first missionary journey. Acts 13:27.
Paul and Silas, the team that carried out the second missionary journey. Acts 15:40.
Barnabas and Mark, the uncle and nephew team that conducted a successful missionary trip on Cyprus. Acts 15:39
In an attempt to do apostolic work alone, we can become vulnerable and suspect.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NKJV)
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm;
but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.The New Testament church planters almost always worked in teams.
Old Testament Examples of Teams
Moses and Aaron, two brothers, one (Moses) the great lawgiver and the other (Aaron) Israel’s first high priest. Exod. 7:12.
Caleb and Joshua, the two spies who gave the only positive report after searching out the land of Kadesh-barnea. Num. 14:6–9.
Zerubbabel and Joshua, Judah’s first political and religious leaders who headed up the return from Persia to Jerusalem. Hag. 1:14.
Ezra and Nehemiah, the two men who headed up the project to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Neh. 8:95.
New Testament Examples of Teams
Peter and John, the two key apostles in the early Jerusalem church. Acts 3:16.
Paul and Barnabas, the team that carried out the world’s first missionary journey. Acts 13:27.
Paul and Silas, the team that carried out the second missionary journey. Acts 15:40.
Barnabas and Mark, the uncle and nephew team that conducted a successful missionary trip on Cyprus. Acts 15:39
In an attempt to do apostolic work alone, we can become vulnerable and suspect.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NKJV)
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm;
but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
9. Una mentalidad individualista fue ahuyaentada y por esa razon los apostoles no fueron nombrados por si mismo fueron escogidos por esos que reconocian el De Dios en ellos
Errores doctrinales y debilidades de caracter son facilmente dejados sin corregir en ministerios de una sola persona
Porque trabaja… y Dios esta en el centro de su gobierno y su relacion An individualistic mentality was discouraged, in that apostles were not self-appointed, but chosen by others, who recognized God’s calling on them.
Acts 11:22; 13:1,2; 15:2; II Corinthians 8:19,22,23
An individualistic mentality was discouraged, in that apostles were not self-appointed, but chosen by others, who recognized God’s calling on them.
Acts 11:22; 13:1,2; 15:2; II Corinthians 8:19,22,23
10. Cuales Son Algunas Bendiciones De Estar Conectada A Un Equipo Apostolico Now that we have biblical foundation for being part of an Apostolic Team, what are some of the blessings of being connected to an Apostolic Team? Now that we have biblical foundation for being part of an Apostolic Team, what are some of the blessings of being connected to an Apostolic Team?
11. Las Bendiciones De Relaciones Comprometidas
Estar en relaciones de por vida semejantes de igual pensar y espiritu.
Estar en fe espiritu, paz y concordancia con el proposito de renovar y cosechar.
Tener fuertes lazos de relacion con ministros y otras congregaciones.
Ya que los equipos apostolicos nacen de relaciones unidas se desarrolla una base fuerte de orar y un espiritu de paz y concordancia.
12. La Bendicion De Responsabilidad
Aconsejar y disciplinar a ministros y congregacion cuando sea necesario.
Tutoria apostolica.
Equipos apostolicos ofrecen la sabiduria que traen muchos anos de experiencia combinados con la habilidad de ministros y tienen la habilidad de fortalecer, aconsejar y tambien ofrece sabias advertencias a las iglesias y sus lideres.
Tener ese apoyo apostolico le da al pastor con quien hablar, Intercambiar ideas y con quien expresarse.
13. La Bendicion De Buen Concilio
En doctrina es de asistir a bregar con temas doctrinales que confrontan a la iglesia causando division en ella
En la disiplina de la iglesia es especialmente util en casos dificiles
Para evadir ataques personales contra lideres cuando existe la necesidad de disciplinar un miembro.
14. La Bendicion De La Proteccion
Los equipos apostolicos pueden ayudar a proveer una atmosfera de seguridad y proteccion para ambos el pastor y la congregacion
Para proteger a la gente-si el encargado cae en error o en pecado la congregacion sabe que hay a quien acudir para apelar para no permitir que la iglesia sea divididad
Para proteger al pastor-el pastor pude pedirle al equipo apostolico que asista en resolver los conflictos presentados que tienen que ver con acusaciones falsas.
15. La Bendicion De Confirmacion
Si es necesario o deseado, un equipo apostolico puede asistir en la supervision de servicios de licenciamiento y de ordenacion.
La manta apostolica pude ser usada en confirmacion o cuando se instalan los mayores y otros en la iglessia. Tener a alguien mas para entrevistar y confirmar candidatos para ministerios puede proveer una vista objetiva que usualmente falta en las iglesia independientes.
16. La Fortaleza De y El Aliento son la Bendicion de:
Continuidad/Transicion Equipping-
An integral part of the renewal God is bringing to the church is the restoration of the fivefold ministry gifts to the body. Through these ministry gifts, training for local church ‘body’ ministry is beginning to receive a much higher emphasis or priority within the local church. This becomes increasingly valuable when we decide to pursue the five-fold model of leadership we read of in Ephesians 4:11. Most local churches do not have all five dimensions of Christ’s leadership in fullness. Therefore it can be very beneficial to augment existing gifts within the church. A local church can draw on their relational apostolic team to supplement these gifts for a season of transition.
Paul usually begins his letters by reminding the churches that he is praying for them. In Galatians chapter four, he reminds the church that he labors in prayer and service until Christ is formed in them. He had a daily concern for churches and their leaders. In Ephesians he is praying that the church may come into the full expression of Christ their Head. It is at the place of prayer and intercession that all Apostolic Ministry begins.
“For I long to see you in order that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established” (Romans 1:11). Interestingly here, Paul states the church will be established through charismatic gifts and not just by lofty doctrine. Paul includes in the middle chapters of the epistle that it will take the Spirit and the Word to establish the local church. Paul later reminds his spiritual son, Timothy, that he must not ignore the spiritual (charisma) within him which was bestowed or imparted on him through the laying on of the hands of the presbytery and of Paul (see I Timothy 4:14 and II Timothy 1:6).
Apostolic teams can provide counsel, affirmation and encouragement to local leadership and local churches. This includes the sharing of insights and strategies for more effective ministry and for problem-solving. Often confirmation and direction are released into churches through this covenantal consultation.
It is always beneficial to have periodic evaluations in our lives and ministries. From time to time we need to take our spiritual and ministry temperature! Since it is difficult to evaluate ourselves and be objective, this is where apostolic teams come in. Most would agree that prevention is better then cure! Some maintenance along the way is better then continual crisis management.
The apostolic team can step in and assist the local leader and or a local church through transition. For example, Paul sent Tychicas to replace Timothy at Ephesus in order that Timothy could take on another assignment for Paul (see II Timothy 4:11-12). Transitions can be caused by encouraging or discouraging circumstances and it is good for local leadership to know there are experienced and seasoned ministers who can walk through these situations with them. Apostolic churches are working churches. The success of apostolic churches will not be measured by how many fill our auditorium, but rather by how many we have sent to gather in the end time harvest.Equipping-
An integral part of the renewal God is bringing to the church is the restoration of the fivefold ministry gifts to the body. Through these ministry gifts, training for local church ‘body’ ministry is beginning to receive a much higher emphasis or priority within the local church. This becomes increasingly valuable when we decide to pursue the five-fold model of leadership we read of in Ephesians 4:11. Most local churches do not have all five dimensions of Christ’s leadership in fullness. Therefore it can be very beneficial to augment existing gifts within the church. A local church can draw on their relational apostolic team to supplement these gifts for a season of transition.
Paul usually begins his letters by reminding the churches that he is praying for them. In Galatians chapter four, he reminds the church that he labors in prayer and service until Christ is formed in them. He had a daily concern for churches and their leaders. In Ephesians he is praying that the church may come into the full expression of Christ their Head. It is at the place of prayer and intercession that all Apostolic Ministry begins.
“For I long to see you in order that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established” (Romans 1:11). Interestingly here, Paul states the church will be established through charismatic gifts and not just by lofty doctrine. Paul includes in the middle chapters of the epistle that it will take the Spirit and the Word to establish the local church. Paul later reminds his spiritual son, Timothy, that he must not ignore the spiritual (charisma) within him which was bestowed or imparted on him through the laying on of the hands of the presbytery and of Paul (see I Timothy 4:14 and II Timothy 1:6).
Apostolic teams can provide counsel, affirmation and encouragement to local leadership and local churches. This includes the sharing of insights and strategies for more effective ministry and for problem-solving. Often confirmation and direction are released into churches through this covenantal consultation.
It is always beneficial to have periodic evaluations in our lives and ministries. From time to time we need to take our spiritual and ministry temperature! Since it is difficult to evaluate ourselves and be objective, this is where apostolic teams come in. Most would agree that prevention is better then cure! Some maintenance along the way is better then continual crisis management.
The apostolic team can step in and assist the local leader and or a local church through transition. For example, Paul sent Tychicas to replace Timothy at Ephesus in order that Timothy could take on another assignment for Paul (see II Timothy 4:11-12). Transitions can be caused by encouraging or discouraging circumstances and it is good for local leadership to know there are experienced and seasoned ministers who can walk through these situations with them. Apostolic churches are working churches. The success of apostolic churches will not be measured by how many fill our auditorium, but rather by how many we have sent to gather in the end time harvest.
17. La Oportunidad De Bendicion
Para ser parte de algo mas grande que si mismo
Oportunidadez de entrenamiento de liderazgo y ministerio
Oportunidadez de misiones para ministros y miembros de la iglesia
Cultos especiales para aumentar la formacion espiritual de los nuevo lideres y para los que ya son lideres
18. Conferencias locales, Nacionales e Internacionales. Estas conferencias proveen la oportunidad de:
Aumentar la vision
Crear relaciones
Fomentar la fraternidad
Recibir entrenamiento y ministerio
Conectarse con una vision global
Fortalecerse y refescarse personalmente
19. Educacion Continua A Traves De Cursos De Colegio Universitarios (F.C.M.I.).
Estos cursos son totalmente acreditados
El uso de la Internet y de DVD para la educacion alrededor del mundo en el futuro.
Puede hacer uso de estos cursos para ayudarse a entrenar los lideres actuales y los proximos.
El colegio toma ventaja de todos los profesores dotados dentro del equipo apostolico para que impartan sus experiencias y conocimientos con los miembros de la iglesia.
Asiste en darle tiempo libre al pastor sabiendo que los miembros de la iglesia estan recibiendo una buena educacion espiritual.
20. La Bendicion de Sinergia
Que significa? Simplemente definido significa que el total es mas grande que la suma de sus partes.
Uno persigue 1,00 0 y dos pueden echar a volar 10,000.
Los grupos apostolicos ofrecen disponibilidad a traves de los diversos ministerios e iglesias.
La disponibilidad de los grupos apostolicos que consisten de los cinco dones de ascension (operando bajo la orden de Efesios 4:11) moviendose en la autoridad espiritual, ungiendo y brindando dones.
22. Porque es Divino!
No fue creado por el hombre, ni se basa en las tradiciones de los hombres, mas bien fue dado por Dios para la primera iglesia apostolica. Fue se unica forma de gobierno en la iglesia endosado por El. Se puede ver en funcion en el nuevo testamento, Y AUN HOY DIA, FUNCIONA!
23. Porque el la peor pesadilla del diablo!
Sin mirar a la iglesia por medio de lentes de colores, es aparente que en el primer siglo mucho dano se le hizo al reino oscuro. Naciones y ciudades fueron dominadas y gobernadas por espiritus daninos, falsos profetas, deidades paganas fueron invadidas por la iglesia apostolica de tal forma que cambiaron el rumbo de la historia. A pesar de todo lo que el infierno intentaba contra ella la iglesia avanzaba. Esto es exactamente lo que necesitamos hoy!
24. Como los apostoles de la primera iglesia Apostolica, es tiempo de comenzar a ser acusados de virar el mundo al reves y esta coneccion ordenada por Dios , es la clave!!! Do any of you know what God is going to do next, or where his next mighty outpouring will be? I doubt you do, and neither do I. Yet there is one thing I am convinced about, whatever it is, or where ever it is at, God will be working it out through His divine form of government and apostolic teams in connection with the local church will be involved!!! The second thing I know for sure is, I want to be part of it!!! How about you? Do any of you know what God is going to do next, or where his next mighty outpouring will be? I doubt you do, and neither do I. Yet there is one thing I am convinced about, whatever it is, or where ever it is at, God will be working it out through His divine form of government and apostolic teams in connection with the local church will be involved!!! The second thing I know for sure is, I want to be part of it!!! How about you?