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Plant production: container options David A. Bainbridge Alliant International University Author: A Guide for Desert and Dryland Restoration 2007 Why containers Container planting is desirable because direct seeding may succeed only once every ten years in the desert (Cox et al., 1982)
Plant production: container options David A. Bainbridge Alliant International University Author: A Guide for Desert and Dryland Restoration 2007
Why containers • Container planting is desirable because direct seeding may succeed only once every ten years in the desert (Cox et al., 1982) • Good seedling survival and growth from containers can be expected even in areas with less than 3 inches [75 mm] of rain per year if plants are well prepared • And provided with protection from grazing and minimal water
Deep containers • The choice of container type is guided by ecological, physical and bureaucratic issues • Use local site adapted seed • Deeper (taller) containers have often been more successful • The more uncertain the climate and the bureaucratic environment - the bigger the containers should be
Container goals • A container that will produce an acceptable seedling at the highest practical growing density, in the shortest time, at the lowest cost • Easy to handle and plant • Suited to the project, site environment, and planting and maintenance program
Root development wanted • Small shoots and vigorous roots are wanted • The root/shoot ratio should favor roots • Fertilizer management and pruning may be used to get good root/shoot ratios
Supercells • The ten cubic inch plastic cell fits in a rack • The plastic holders are relatively fragile • I like to transfer cells to 5 gallon plastic bucket with a rack
Plant bands • Plant bands are square tubes made with folded and glued plastic or foil coated cardstock • Plant Bands with holes can lead to root tangles • Plant bands can be pulled up over the plant in some cases for minimal root disturbance
Half high Smoothwall PVC 6” x 16” If drainpipe or less shiny plastic is used it can be hard to get the plants out without disturbing roots • The bottom can be closed with a crossed wire and wire mesh disk or shadecloth or screen taped onto the pipe • This summer I am trying Tubex shrub plant protectors as containers. Pulling it up after planting would give a secure and effective protector
Container suppliers • Listed in book - one good source is Stuewe and Sons • Plant bands can be custom made at any size
Other options • Citrus pots and tall containers • It is often good to use tapered pots upside down - this minimizes root disturbance on planting
Tall pots • The Center for Arid Lands Restoration at Joshua Tree National Monument (JTN Park) pioneered the development of the Tall Pot made with 32 inch tall, 6 inch diameter PVC pipe (Apache 2729)
Jelly Roll • For some situations and species the best container is no container • Plants are grown in a loose soil mix, then rolled bareroot in a roll of absorbent paper or Kimtex • A cooler can hold hundreds of plants
Other challenges • Timing - what do you do if contracts are delayed? • This field of cholla was finally plowed down - it became too hard to handle after a long delay
Soil Mix • Many desert species have limited defenses against root rots, damping off, and other pathogens • They may also have high oxygen demand • Well drained soil mix (washed plaster sand is often used) • Experimental trials recommended before big grow-outs are attempted • The soil mix must fit the container, plant species, irrigation, and nursery operation
Inoculation • VA mycorrhizal fungi (P) and rhizobia (N) may be important for some larger disturbances such as mines and borrow pits • But on most sites native species will colonize roots • If needed collect inoculum on site and put in planting holes
Handling • Efficient and gentle handing and staging is important to reduce the cost of planting and improve survival • Contract growing may be more efficient than starting a local “nursery” which can be labor intensive and 24/7
Cost per survivor • It depends on the year, the site, the planter and the species • With water and plant protection • An average survival and cost per survivor might be something like • Supercell 40% $15 • Plant band 60% $10 • Tall pot 95% $30
The right choice • There is no one container or production system suitable for all conditions and species • Deep containers generally result in higher survival and better growth • A combination of small through large containers is often best • This might include 10% tall pots, 20% half highs, 30% plant bands and 40% supercells
Out of season • Growing plants out of season never seems to be worth it • Even when contracts come at the wrong time it is better to wait • Build in sufficient time to collect seed, prepare sites and grow healthy plants
Everything has to be right! • Neglect of any of the key factors may lead to complete failure or very low survival • Plant protection rarely receives sufficient attention • Irrigation is important and rainwater harvesting can help • With careful preparation, good protection and some water -- excellent survival and growth may be achieved with minimal water use, limited maintenance, and low cost
The toughest conditions • Off road vehicle damage A-BDSP • Far from the road, 4wd access only • Pitting, seeding and container planting • Low budget - or the road could have been filled in