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MODULE 2 . CUSTOMER SERVICE By Dale Pfeiffer. Session Learning Objectives Customer Service. Understand the Basics of Customer Service Understand the 7-Steps of a Customer Service Plan Development Model Describe the 7-Step Model at Work
Session Learning Objectives Customer Service • Understand the Basics of Customer Service • Understand the 7-Steps of a Customer Service Plan Development Model • Describe the 7-Step Model at Work • Understand how to take Customer Service beyond the 7-Steps
REVIEW OF THE BASICS • Understanding the essential difference between government and business customer service • Know what constitutes good customer service • Know how to help employees provide better customer service
What is Good Customer Service • Philosophy of excellence in customer service must be incorporated into day to day operations. • Systems must be built to provide structure to both the customer and the employees who serve them. • Staff should be given the right tools, training and consistent support. • This is NOT an overnight program!
The Role of Managers in Customer Service • The first step is develop a comprehensive strategic plan. • Understand the balance of responding to individual citizen’s request and providing the general public with adequate LOS for maintaining infrastructure. • This balance is guided by Mission, Vision and Value statements which are the starting point for the strategic plan. • Management must provide the work orce with the information, action and skills needed to succeed.
Basics of Developing a Strategic Plan for Customer Service – a Case Study
Establish and reiterate the vision of customer service as a part of the department’s mission statement and supporting goals • Since the early 1990s a Customer Service Plan has been in place. • In 2001 the Department revised its Customer Service Plan as a part of a Citywide effort. • A 7-Step Model was developed to use as a blueprint for all Customer Service efforts throughout the City. • Managers and line employees must buy into the concept of developing a Plan. • Citywide and Department Mission/Vision statements must support the effort. • Customer Service must be supported from the Top Down.
City of Vacaville Department of Public Works Mission Statement • “Service is our Business” City of Vacaville Department of Public Works Supporting Goals • Gain and hold our customers’ respect…. • Remain competitive in our services and excel in quality….. • Load proactively by seeking innovative solutions…… • Treat our employees as our greatest resource……
City and Department Mission and Vision Statements • Do you have them? • Do they support each other? • Do they reflect a commitment to good customer service?
IDENTIFY EXISTING CUSTOMERS AND SERVICES • Each work group identified key customers and major services. • Services --- activities performed, information provided, functions involved. • Developed correlation matrix mapping key customers to major services.
Do You Know Who Your Customers Are? • Engineering • Central Garage • Development Engineering Do You Know What Services are Provided?
DEVELOP SURVEY INSTRUMENTATION & COLLECT DATA • Customer/service correlation matrices serve as a springboard for survey development. • Provide training sessions to assist employees in survey design/development. • Survey data collection --- depends on how best to contact your customers.
What are the different ways we can contact and acquire information about our customers’ needs?
Develop action plans to implement proposed changes and suggested improvements • Action plans must be developed and prioritized to address areas of greatest importance. • During the initial round of development in Vacaville, 74 action plan items were identified. • Action items served to lead and guide customer service efforts of each work group.
Complete department customer service plan • Incorporate action items into the customer service Plan. • Submit the plan to city leadership and the public works steering committee for review and approval. • Use the plan as a baseline for the department’s customer service efforts.
Conduct employee training • Provide employees with training opportunities for action items identified in the customer service plan. • New employee orientation should incorporate customer service training focusing on key concepts and core values.
Sustain customer satisfaction through on-going monitoring, assessment and updating • Continue to review customer service performance standards, programs , procedures & policies. • For example: All 74 of Vacaville’s public works action items were achieved. • Along the way new action items have been discovered, developed and addressed.
Vacaville’s Department of Public Works 2006 Customer Service Workplan • There is more to customer service than just measuring performance. • How we go about delivering our services is equally important. • Success is the relationship we cultivate with our external and internal partners. • Public awareness makes the difference.
MEASURING SUCCESS • In 2000 a citywide survey measured overall public satisfaction with City service at 79% (good to excellent) • City’s goal was to increase this to over 80%. • 2005 citywide survey showed satisfaction rose to 81%. • Public Works ratings of good to excellent in 2005 were: Street maintenance: 63% Park maintenance: 87% Refuse collection: 90% • The ultimate measurement is the 2006 Mayor/Council election.
CUSTOMER SERVICEBEYOND THE 7-STEPS • Once the customer service plan has been implemented, it’s time to focus on even more effective methods of customer service. • Re-examine how to better deliver services, promote partnerships and improve public awareness.
Developing a Long TermCustomer Services Strategic Plan • For customer service efforts to succeed, a long term strategic plan is needed. • The strategic plan must address how to keep customer Service efforts up-to-date and how to infuse the appropriate culture into the organization. • Training and education, partnering, and working with the public are all important.
Fostering Upper Management’s Role, Commitment and Involvement in the Customer Service Process • Upper management’s involvement is essential. • Ideally, involvement begins at the executive level of government and continues downward. • At minimum, customer service must be a performance measure for the director of public works, division heads, managers and supervisors. • Discussions with other city departments and a citywide customer service advisory committee are also important.
How to More Effectively Deal with Both Internal and External Customers • Education, training and attitude adjustments are needed. • The “how to” aspect of customer service is more complex than previously realized – it does not automatically occur. • The attitude we portray and the image we project helps ensure customers feel respected and important.
Education, Training and Collaborative Employee Efforts • Anticipating customer needs • Determining we are truly meeting customers’ needs • Timeliness • Going beyond the minimum • Following-up to ensure satisfaction • Fully informing customers of upcoming projects/tasks • Evaluating impacts from all points of view • Maintaining adequate and effective communication • Exploring incentives for employees exemplifying customer service in action
Education, Training and Collaborative Employee Efforts (continued) • Provide training focusing on the “how to’s” of customer service • Consider what we must do differently since we are the only game in town • Implement new and innovative training models such as Disney’s “Keys to Excellence” program • Consider other types of customer service training: pre-determined scripts, communications skills, diffusing difficult situations • PW director and managers frequently discuss customer service in their communications to staff • Assign one person as a “champion” of customer service