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May, 13 th . 2003. CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out. C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html. HPTDC Workshop. 1. CMS. Compact Muon Solenoid.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 1 CMS Compact Muon Solenoid It is a general purpose particle detector designed to run at the highest luminosity of LHC and optimized for muon detection and track reconstruction. It is one of the 4 main detectors that will be placed on the ring of the LHC at CERN. CMS DETECTOR PHYSICS PERFORMANCE: Higgs physics: CMS optimized for Higgs Mass between 0.08 TeV < MH < 1 TeV through different decay channels. SUSY Higgs: CMS may confirm some predictions of the Supersimmetry model. Heavy Ions physics: detection of quark-gluon plasma QGP through muons and jets measurements.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out y z x C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 2 MUON DETECTOR: Barrel: DT & RPC Endcap: CSC & RPC TRACKER: high pt charged particles tracks reconstruction ECAL: precise measurements of electrons and jets RETURN YOKE SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNET Φ • GENERAL FEATURES: • 15 m diameter x 21.5 m length. • 12500 tons weight. • Up to 4 Teslas magnetic field. • Collaboration of 36 countries. • Operative by 2007. Low angle calorimeter: to insure a hermetic detector HCAL: hadrons energy measurement
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out GAS: Ar/CO2 (85/15) HV: wires 3600V strips 1800V I-beams -1200V Tmax < 400 ns Drift velocity ~ 55 μm/ns Single wire resolution < 300 μm => 100 μm Φ 150 μm θ C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. ROB 3 DT-Chamber: 1 Superlayer Φ 1 Superlayer θ Honeycomb 1 Superlayer Φ MINICRATE
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out DT hits CSC hits RPC hits Local trigger Track segments Local trigger Track segments Pattern Comparator Trigger <4 barrel + <4 endcap muon candidates Regional trigger Barrel track finder <4 muon candidates Regional trigger Endcap track finder <4 muon candidates Level 1 trigger Global Muon trigger <4 muons C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 4 Muon Trigger System Mean-timer technique. Coincidence After a fixed delay (Tdrift max) the shift registers give the corresponding bunch crossing, track position and angle to be used in muon trigger.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 5 Overview of the Electronics Layout of a Chamber
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out 172,200 chamber channels 10,960 FEB´s 1500 ROB´s 2 m. LVDS copper link 10 KHz 60 ROS´s 100 m. 60 optical links 800 Mbps Throughput ~ 80Mbps 20 m. 1500 LVDS copper links 240 Mbps Throughput ~ 16 Mbps DDU/FED DAQ C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 6 Read Out Scheme
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out neutron fluence 10 years < 1010cm-2 charged particles flux < 10 cm-2s-1 10 year integrated dose ~ 1 Gy OTHERS Stray magnetic fields, in the barrel region around 0.08 Teslas. Limited maintenance for 10 years of operation. C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. Design Parameters 7 RATES 40.08 MHz clock 10-34 cm-2s-1 luminosity, at 25 ns bunch crossing. 10 KHz/cm-2 charged particles rate: 10 KHz noise per TDC channel (cell dim: 250 x 4 cm) L1 Accept reduces to 1 KHz hit/TDC channel. Occupancy: Aprox. 0.5 muons/(event·chamber) => 0.3 hits/(event·TDC) 250 DT-chambers, a total of 172,200 anode channels. Overlapping triggers due to a trigger latency of 3,2 us. 100 KHz triggers ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION Radiation hard devices are not going to be employed, radiation tests have to be performed to every component.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 8 HPTDC, Why? Highly programmable which provides flexibility. High integration, 32 channels per chip. Overlapping trigger handling. Trigger latencies (50 μs) large enough to accommodate our requirements (3.2μs). Time resolution of ~265 ps RMS in low resolution mode (Required resolution~1ns) Implemented in a radiation tolerant technology, up to levels of 30 Krad total dose with slight increase in power consumption. Up to 2MHz hit rates, much more than our needs (noisy channels ~ tens of KHz). Up to 1 MHz trigger rates, enough for 100 KHz maximum estimated. Bunch and event identification. JTAG port for programming and monitoring. Flexible read-out interface: parallel, serial or byte-wise. Error flags signalling lost of events, TDC internal errors, etc. and self-bypass on error.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 9 Architecture Definition 250 DT-chambers, a total of 172,200 channels with a particular distribution: Number of TDC´s per ROB (max. 16) • 4 TDC´s connected in series for JTAG configuration. • Token ring scheme for readout.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out 10 layers PCB. Ground planes for thermal dissipation (water cooling) and fast signals (clock) isolation. Dimensions: 22.6 x 9.8 cm 2.5V and 3.3V power supply. Power supply protection circuitry: In case of 2.5V current consumption over 1.5 A or 3.3V over 1A, power supply is disconnected, with powering on cycles every 700 ms (10% power consumption of short-circuit). Sensor for temperature, 2.5V and 3.3V voltage and 2.5 V current monitoring. (Maxim DS2438). ROB´s individually addressed within a minicrate: Up to 7 boards/minicrate => 3 bits address range. ROBUS: Common bus per minicrate for trigger, event and bunch resets, test pulse signalling, Jtag protocol, address bits, power on... Independent LVDS clock distribution. LVDS Hits -> to LVTTL for trigger boards and enabling/disabling channels on test pulse mode. (National DS90LV048A) C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. ROB Basic Features 10
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 11 ROB power on protection circuitry
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out Clock synchronous token ring passing scheme where one TDC is configured as Master. An Altera FPGA manages the data_ready/get_data protocol, slowing down the readout frequency to 20 MHz. Bypass on error mechanism implemented. Byte-wise read-out scheme with commercial serializer DS92LV1021: At 20 MHz => Max. Bandwidth 240 Mbps. 1 AC coupled LVDS copper link per ROB to ROS. 12 bits: 2 control bits START/STOP. 1 valid data bit.(Generated at the FPGA). 1 parity bit from HPTDC. 8 data bits (MSB first). Link C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 12 ROB Read-Out Mechanism TDC data Global headers and trailers. Single edge leading measurement. Error flag words.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 13 ROB - 128 ROB - 32
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out FF1 0 d 0 FF2 1 q 2 FF3 3 1 TEST MODE Enable TDC 0 ch 0-3 Enable TDC 0 ch 0-7 Enable TDC 0 ch 7-12 ... C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. FPGA Control logic 14 Triple redundancy on ALTERA FPGA registers. SEU <= (FF1 xor FF2) or (FF1 xor FF3) or (FF2 xor FF3) Single event upset counter for radiation tests. Test pulses. For testing chamber channels and electronics during spill interleaves.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out Test beams at Gamma Irradiation Facility (CERN). Oct. 01: test beam at GIF (Gamma Irradiation Facility, CERN). MB2 chamber operated under real gas and voltage conditions. Two different types of beam: • non structured and 1200 triggers/s • 25 ns structured and 5200 triggers/s With and without gamma background during acquisition. Validation with overlapping triggers C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. Functional and Characterization Tests 15 No significant errors were found neither in HPTDC nor in the ROB design, (incorrect wordcount when using local headers). TDC can stand high hit rates, including noisy channels (~MHz). Irradiation tests at the Cyclotron Research Centre (UCL) 5·1010 p.cm-2 of 60 MeV protons. Regulators (MIC29151-3.3BU, MIC39151-2.5BU): ΔV<1% 4 ALTERA FPGA´s: No effect. HPTDC v 1.1: 1 recoverable SEU. Expected rate <1/day whole detector. Rest of ROB IC´s: No effect.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 16 Functional and Characterization Tests 2 Neighbour channels crosstalk Time measurement shift in one ROB channel due to neighbour signals. Below half HPTDC bin resolution < ±0.35 ns (set-up resolution). Temperature cycling. Small slopes: 5 min/ºC. Ambient temperature from 0ºC to 70ºC. ROB continuously operated and monitored. All devices bear perfectly temperature conditions. Small time shift: 900 ps/70ºC. Max variation ~ 40 ps/ºC. LV regulators temperature dependence Negligible variations due to temperature (< 5mV/30ºC). Lifetime test ROB fully operational at 105ºC ambient temperature for 4 months (3100 hours). Frequently operated and status monitored.
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 17 Functional and Characterization Tests 3 Link reliability RO link to ROS-8 prototype has been tested using a TTC system (TTCvi, TTCex, TTCrx). Measured jitter on ROB with TTC clock: ~40ps RMS; ~380ps pk-pk BER < 10-15 No observed influence of TTC commands. = 0.26 ns Low resolution: Bin size : 0.781 ns Measured resolution: 265 ps Resolution measurements
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. Functional and Characterization Tests 4 18 L1 buffer parity error HPTDC v 1.3 has shown a problem with parity of L1 buffers related to high hit rates (Several channels simultaneously non-synchronised with clock). This problem appears in particular groups (mainly 2 and 3) of particular TDC´s and is coupled to 2.5V voltage. About 11% of the chips tested and accepted were affected at voltages 2.5V. SET-UP
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out 25 ns 25 ns 25 ns C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 19 Functional and Characterization Tests 5 Other incidences Dependence of time measurement with pll current. Problem on dll lock initialization in HPTDC v 1.2. Coarse count error due to an influence between hits and clock in HPTDC v 1.1. # errors Pulse delay to clock
May, 13th. 2003 CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out HPTDC has demonstrated to be appropriate for our design,widely covering our requirements. Version 1.3 will be assembled in our final 1500 ROB´s. A total amount of 6000 HPTDC´s will be used for the Read-Out electronics of the CMS DT-chambers. C. Fernández-Bedoya. - C. Willmott. CIEMAT. http://wwwae.ciemat.es/cms/DTE/Welcome.html HPTDC Workshop. 20 Summarizing...