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Building the European Construction Research & Innovation Area. Ankara 13 October 2006 Future Turkish Construction National Platform. European Commission DG RTD-G.2. FP7 Special features. 7 years duration (cf. 5 years). Increase of budget +60% vs. FP6. Growth and Jobs supportive.
Building theEuropean Construction Research & Innovation Area Ankara 13 October 2006 Future Turkish Construction National Platform European Commission DG RTD-G.2 CL 13 October 2006
FP7 Special features 7 years duration (cf. 5 years) Increase of budget +60% vs. FP6 Growth and Jobs supportive Simplified & Rationalised ( legislative, project life-cycle) Optimised Management of funds / Externalisation Links with Competitiveness and Innovation Programme and Structural Funds operations CL 13 October 2006
Budgets of the EU Framework Programmes CL 13 October 2006
FP7 budget (EUR billion) JRC 1,751 Capacities 4,217 Cooperation 32,365 People 4,728 Ideas 7,46 CL 13 October 2006
1. Cooperation – Collaborative research 2. Ideas – Frontier Research 3. People – Human Potential 4. Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom 7th Framework Programme 4Specific Programmes 9 Cooperation Themes + • Health • Biotechnology • Information Society • Nano, Materials & Production • Energy • Environment • Transport • Socio-economic Research • Security • Space + Competitiveness & Innovation Programme CL 13 October 2006
Development of the work programme FEEDBACK FP 6 project portfolio (including specific roadmapping/foresight studies) ANALYSIS& DIALOGUE Agreed call topics for 200X + indicative priorities for future calls Proposal for a multi annnual implementation plan Programme Committee Platform SRAs Other foresight material + requirements of other stakeholder groups External Advisory Group CL 13 October 2006
Theme 4 - NMP STRUCTURE INSTRUMENTS DELIVERABLES Collaborative projects NoEs Coordination actions Supporting actions Knowledge intensive industry Area 1:Nanosciences &Nanotechnologies Area3: New Production High value added products & services Area 2: Materials New production paradigms & efficient production systems + ERANET ERANET+ JTI IMS Sustainable industrial production & consumption Area 4: Integration of technologies for industrial applications Strengthening of leadership fields & integration of knowledge Strategic research topics implemented through a range of instruments Aimed at delivering industrial transformation CL 13 October 2006
Cooperation Theme 4: Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies Overall objective: Improve the competitiveness of EU industry (incl. SMEs) and ensure its transformation through: • Transition from resource to knowledge-based industry • Generation of breakthrough , applicable knowledge Importance of Technology Platforms to help establish common research priorities and targets CL 13 October 2006
Construction CL 13 October 2006
Construction Situation • >10% of the EU GDP • >42% of total energy in Buildings • ~50% cultural heritage lost last 100 years • ~12 millions direct workers (EU-15) • >2.5 Millions enterprises 90% of SMEs • >40% of natural resources consumption • > 180 Million waste/year • <1% of Turn Over in R&D • Safety problems (on site, indoor..) • Bad image • Existing stock low upgrading rate • … CL 13 October 2006
Construction Challenges • 80% citizens live in cities (urban sprawl..) • Climate change (CO2..) • Energy and raw material reduction • By 2020 , 1/3 of population >60 years • Infrastruct. & buildings -> EU competitiveness • Environmental & man made impact reduction • Fragmentation of the stakeholders • Conservative sector (barriers for innovation..) • Indoor environment, quality of life (health…) • Reliable decision systems (life cycle…) • Risks reduction (natural & human hazards…) • Societal acceptance • … CL 13 October 2006
Construction achievements • Research coverage of their priorities by NMP / Sust.Dev./ IST / ENERGY/ENVIRONMENT with more than 116 construction running projects • From the FP5 to FP6 have a successful transition from technology development to application and multidisciplinary solutions • Enhanced its strategic position (ECTP) in accordance with their economic significance CL 13 October 2006
Implementation Proposal CL 13 October 2006
Meeting Client/User Requirements - A complete life cycle driven processes Becoming Sustainable - Radically reduce negative impacts Transformation of the Construction Sector - New image of innovation, high level technology, quality, security and good working conditions FP7 CONSTRUCTION MAIN POLICY CL 13 October 2006
Priority Identification Process SG/HLG FAs NTPs Others… ECTP/SRA MS EC Nat. and Multinat. Progr. EC Input to thematic Work Programmes Input to First Call CL 13 October 2006
Overview 1/2 The Construction Sector has identified: • New technologies, concepts and high tech materials for efficient and clean buildings • High Added Value Construction Materials • Technologies for Healthy, Safe, Accessible and Stimulating Indoor Environments • Reduce Environmental and Man-made Impacts on landscape and cities • SMEs dimension in a traditional sector CL 13 October 2006
Overview 2/2 The Construction Sector has identified: • Improve Safety and Security • New Integrated Processes • A living Cultural Heritage for an Attractive Europe • Underground innovative Construction technologies • Sustainable management of transports & utilities networks • Nanotechnologies for materials in construction CL 13 October 2006
Topic:reducing energy & materials consumption Greenhouse gas emissions Europe’s reliance on imported energies Use of waste and secondary products Saving raw material/natural resources New concepts, technologies, design tools for the retrofit of existing & new buildings to implement new materials & renewable energy sources New materials & structures by means of nano, sensor and control systems Design tools, information systems, manufacturing technologies for high efficient buildings Resource efficiency monitoring and management systems New sustainable manufacturing systems New technologies, concepts and high tech materials for efficient and clean buildings 1st call Proposal -1- CL 13 October 2006
Topic:reducing energy & materials consumption Development of new high added value products and services Development of knowledge based construction processes/product especially for the retrofit, refurbishment and maintenance of buildings New manufacturing systems, robots and automation and ICT infrastructures and tools to develop ubiquitous SMEs access to the competitive knowledge Development of a new “full” services with high added value for clients/users 1st call Proposal -2- Innovative added value construction services CL 13 October 2006
Creating the European Research Area (ERA) in research on sustainable development in the construction and operation of buildings Preparing a trans-national –regional R&D programmein the construction area by enhancing the development of the learning network set up in Erabuild. 1st call Proposal -3- Strategic cooperation between national programmes for sustainable construction CL 13 October 2006
~25 National Construction Technology Platform CL 13 October 2006
Disseminate the Vision of the sector & connecting people (Industry, R&D, universities..) Take part jointly in EU initiatives, Eureka, Eranet (+), JTI etc… The boundaries of NTPs are larger than the ECTP, they are independent Stronger position -> funding agencies, ministries, funding organisations, European Institutions… Increase the SME’s impact transfer of technology & innovation NTPs roles CL 13 October 2006
Thank you for your attention • http://cordis.europa.eu.int/fp7/ • http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/LexUriServ/site/en/com/2005/com2005_0705en01.pdf for the “rules of participation” • http://cordis.europa.eu.int/technology-platforms/home_en.html CL 13 October 2006