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Restructured Code – Rollout and Implementation

Discussion on promoting awareness & adoption of new Code, standard release details, communication strategies, support from IFAC staff, key messages for stakeholders, planning the year-long activation process. Communication focused on effective messaging for global stakeholders.

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Restructured Code – Rollout and Implementation

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  1. Restructured Code – Rollout and Implementation IESBA Meeting, New York March 12-14, 2018 Kim Gibson, Working Group Chair Tony Mirenda and Nathaniel WebbIFAC Communications

  2. Objective • Obtain Board views about possible rollout initiatives aimed at promoting awareness and implementation of restructured Code • Discuss standard release package • Receive a presentation from IFAC Communications Staff

  3. Nature of Changes to Code • Changes to Code = significant • April 2018 – Code available to public • Fall 2018 – New handbook available • June 2019 – Code effective (eCode?) • Promoting awareness of improvements to Code critical to its successful implementation and adoption

  4. Standard Release Package • Coming in April 2018 • Press release • Glossy summary publication • Final Pronouncement • Basis for Conclusions documents • At a Glance publications • Video Clips • Presentation slides www.ethicsboard.org/restructured-code

  5. Additional Materials • To be made available routinely up until June 2019 • Webinars  Webcasts YouTube Videos • FAQsQ&AsArticles • In-person presentations Conferences • Social Media Interactions • Topic-specific and provide more “in-depth” information • Targeted audience (stakeholders, jurisdiction, interest)

  6. Support from IFAC Communications Staff • Effective communication and global stakeholder engagement needed • IFAC Communications Staff to collaborate with WG • Determining an approach to communicate key messages in a consistent manner • Identifying target audience • Organizing and leveraging resources • Describing changes to the Code in “easy to digest” manner

  7. Communications Overview The Restructured Code Prepare, Engage, Activate

  8. A Realistic Plan • Critical moment-in-time to leverage Restructured Code to lead a discussion about “Ethics in the Global Economy” • The Code is a technical document for PAs • It isn’t new • Engaging stakeholders requires terrific story-telling for key audiences: • The profession: What’s new (more technical advice) • General public: Why it matters

  9. Prepare, Engage, Activate: A Year Long Plan • Key dates: • Early April 2018; Effective Date June 2019 • Initial focus - leverage messaging that: • Restructured Code has been released • Resources are available • www.ethicsboard.org/restructured-code is place to go to download materials • WG/IESBA staff/Commscollaborate on language

  10. Existing IFAC Infrastructure Key Objective: Make Users/Preparers Aware • Smart, efficient use of existing IFAC infrastructure: • Senior IFAC Executive Visibility Program: • Update global speeches, remarks with key Ethics messaging • Talking points for meetings with regulators, others • Social media channels, including: • Twitter @IFAC_update; LinkedIn; Facebook; IFAC Intranet/Staff • Committees: PAIBC, SMPC, PAODC • Member Organizations, including in-house publications

  11. Existing IESBA + CAG Infrastructure Key Objective: Make Users/Preparers Aware • Smart, efficient use IESBA infrastructure: • IESBA Executive Visibility + Outreach Program: • IESBA Members:14 countries, 9 different languages • Key media spokespeople: Chair; WG Chair; CAG Chair; TD, DD • IESBA/CAG Members deployed as-needed in local language/markets • Prepared remarks, speeches • Messaging for social media • Social media: Twitter @Ethics_Board

  12. Other Pathways to Success Key Objective: Make Users/Preparers Aware • Smart, efficient social media presence • Consider small ‘paid’ campaign to drive awareness: • Social media • Digital advertising with key global trade publication(s) • Earned media/traditional press: • Strong message development critical • Restructured Code woven into any media discussion/interview

  13. Insight from Edelman Trust Barometer 2017 “For the first time, ‘a person like yourself’ is as credible a source for information about a company as a technical or academic expert” • Great news for IESBA Members and TAs – and a reason we need your help to spread the word!

  14. Reaching Key Audiences • Internet and social media networking sites are the primary sources of news for people aged 18-29 • Edelman Trust Barometer lesson: you are trusted as both peer AND a technical expert • LinkedIn key business communications tool • IESBA Members = more than 4k potential influencers! • Number will increase with TA + CAG Members

  15. Reaching New Audiences • Global surveys continually show young people are deeply focused on ethics • Accounting students • Business/NGOs with strong youth-oriented programs • Partner with survey organizations • IESBA positioned as voice of authority on ethics • Seek opportunities to speak about ethics in new environments

  16. Questions and Reactions

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