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Modern Project Procurement Methods - Prof. Dr. Attaullah Shah

Join Prof. Dr. Attaullah Shah as he explores various project procurement methods, including Best Value Procurement and Design-Build Delivery. Learn about their advantages, disadvantages, and how they can enhance the long-term performance and value of construction projects.

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Modern Project Procurement Methods - Prof. Dr. Attaullah Shah

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  1. Lec-3Modern Project Procurement Methods Prof. Dr. Attaullah Shah

  2. Some quotes about procurement • Labor was the first price, the original purchase - money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labor, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased. Adam Smith • “Property may be destroyed and money may lose its purchasing power; but character, health, knowledge and good judgment will always be in demand under all conditions.”  Roger Babson • “Men use care in purchasing a horse, and are neglectful in choosing friends”  John Muir. • Purchasing power is a license to purchase power.”  Raoul Vaneigem • “Excellence in any department can be attained only by the labor of a lifetime; it is not to be purchased at a lesser price.”  Samuel Johnson

  3. Some quotes….. • Passion can never purchase what true love desires: true intimacy, self-giving, and commitment” • “Experts agree that the best type of computer for your individual needs is one that comes on the market about two days after you actually purchase some other computer.”  Dave Barry • It takes me a long time to make a big purchase. Jessica Chastain • If a man will make a purchase of a chance he must abide by the consequences. Richard Richards

  4. “Self-pity is our worst enemy & if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world” - Helen Keller


  6. Bio details of the Speaker • Dr. Attaullah Shah • Vice Chancellor City University of Science and IT Peshawar • Previously Director ( Planning and Projects AIOU) • pdaiou@yahoo.com. pd@aiou.edu.pk, www.drshahpak.weebly.com • +92-333-5729809, +92-51-9057212 • Qualification • PhD Civil Engineering ,M.Phil Eco ,MSc Structure Engg • MBA, MA Eco, MSc EnvirDesign,BSc Civil Engg (Gold Medal), Post Grad Dip Comp (Gold Medal) • Professional and Field experience: • 25+ Years • Research Publications in refereed journals and conferences: • 25 Journals publications+55 Conference publications • Areas of interests • Structural Engineering • Sustainable built Environment • Construction project Management

  7. Various Project Procurement Methods

  8. Best Value Procurement (BVP) is a relatively new procurement process for public agencies, A process of acquiring construction-related services or commodities that mirrors the long-used practices of design-build and negotiated agreements in the private sector best (best) adj. Superlative of good. 1) Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement or quality; most excellent. value (val´yoo) n. An amount, as of goods, services or money considered a fair and suitable equivalent for something else; a fair price or return. A common definition can be suggested as follows: A method of procurement that matches project requirements, as defined by the construction documents, with a contractor that is best able to complete the project, factoring in contractor qualifications, experience, technical competency, construction planning, and cost, using a formulaic scoring methodology.

  9. Time and again, the Supreme Court has expressed concern over the system for awarding contracts and the opportunities it has afforded public officials for abuse, fraud, and favoritism. As a result, the competitive bidding process became so narrowly defined that public agencies had little or no opportunity to make subjective decisions. The PEC procurement Rules allowed for the first time to use Design and Build (D&B) in 2010 The Public Procurement Rules-2004, introduced the Two Envelop procedures to ensure best value procurement. The qualification based procurement, includes short-listing contractors by qualifying potential bidders on the basis of various technical and performance/financial parameters.

  10. Best Value Procurement • Best-Value Procurement—a procurement process where price and other key factors are considered in the evaluation and selection process to minimize impacts and enhance the long-term performance and value of construction. • These primary concepts are: • Parameters, • Evaluation criteria, • Rating systems, and • Award algorithms. • Where: x = weighting A = Cost, B = Time , P = Performance and Qualifications • Q = Quality Management, D = Design Alternates

  11. Build Operate and Transfer (BOT)

  12. Design-Build Delivery What is Design-Build? • A project delivery method that overlaps the design and construction phases • Phases are concurrent rather than sequential like traditional Design-Bid-Build methods • New project and quality management approach • New roles and responsibilities for Owners and Contractors

  13. Design-Build Delivery

  14. Design-Build Delivery What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Design-Bid-Build? Advantages • Long history of acceptance • Open competition • Distinct roles are clear • Easy to bid Disadvantages • Innovations not optimized • Cost overruns • Disputes between parties • Owner retains most risks • Usually low bid; incentive for change orders • Owner responsible for errors and omissions • Linear project delivery process

  15. Design-Build Delivery What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Design-Build? Advantages • Shorter delivery time • Reduce user costs • Innovation by contractor, designer and owner • Allows flexibility in design • Innovative material selection and construction methods • Contractor selection process can be based on technical and financial proposal evaluation • Minimizes the impacts on residents and businesses Disadvantages • New method; unfamiliar process • Owner needs to make quicker decisions • Not for every job • Bid processes can be more expensive

  16. Design and Build Variants

  17. Design-Build Delivery When do you use Design-Build? • Project that need to be “fast tracked” because of safety, emergency, funding or political reasons • Projects that allow for innovation in the design and construction • Packaged projects (several smaller combined into one larger project) • Projects with complex designs, staging and traffic control • Projects where in-house staffing cannot meet the project demands

  18. Design-Build Delivery Types of Pilot Program Example Projects: • Large box culvert projects • Bundled bridge projects • Mill and overlays • Intersection upgrades (signals, paving, curb and gutter, etc.)

  19. Design-Bid-Build Roles and Responsibilities Owner / Agency • Environmental Approvals • Complete Design (Plans and Specs) • Right-of-Way • Contract Administration / Construction Management (inspection, testing, etc.) Contractor • Construction • Safety Contract • Owner/Agency provides the plans and specs in the form of a proposal • Contractor with the low-bid is awarded the contract

  20. Design-Build Roles and Responsibilities Owner / Agency • Environmental Approvals • Preliminary Design • Design Oversight • Right-of-Way • Construction Oversight Contractor • Final Design • Utilities and Permits • Construction • Quality Control / Assurance • Inspection/Testing • Safety Contract • Owner / Agency issues RFP • Contractor submits proposal • Contractor awarded by “best value” or low-bid

  21. Project Delivery Method – Market Share

  22. Design Build – Market Size in US

  23. Feedback Cycle Contractor Architect Consultants Trade Contractors Design Program Test Re-Design Re-Program Phase Long Delay Effect of Delayed Feedback • Design Effort Wasted • Design/Project Schedule Extended • Options Constrained • Upward Drift in Project Cost Design-Bid-Build

  24. Design-Bid-Build

  25. Design/Builder Design/Builder GC + Architect Consultants & Key Subs Test Test Test • Continuous Cost Data • Rapid Estimation (BIM) • From Engaged Contractors Key Subcontractors Feedback in Design-Build Projects

  26. Disadvantages Designers of record and contractor on same team Prequalification process can extend contract award process Owner does not pick A/E directly Criteria/Bridging A/E cannot propose on design-build team

  27. Determining The Right DB Strategy • Strategies available • Best Value • Lump Sum • Design competitions • Stipends • Why pay a stipend • How to determine the amount of the stipend • How far to take the criteria/bridging documents

  28. Develop DB Agreement To Achieve Project Objectives • Deal Point Summary • Project objectives and goals • Compensation • Project management • Communication flow • Change orders • Dispute resolution process • Project charter/teaming agreement

  29. Team Composition Skills • Technical expertise • Problem solving/decision skills • Interpersonal skills Diversity • Experience & knowledge • Creative tension Size (5-9) • Small = efficient = 4 or 5 • Large = creative <=12 • Smallest team necessary Personality • Collaboration (1/3 not collaborative) • Command and control • Firm culture

  30. Team Organization Cross-functional teams • Interdisciplinary • Systems or areas • Discrete whole • Cost, scope and responsibility • Design, construction, cost, schedule, commissioning Duration • Dependent on function • Package work to teams, not teams to work Teams within teams External or internal coordination

  31. Team Agreement • Mission Statement • Value Statement • What is most important to team • Behaviors • Process & strategy • Measurable Goals • Value • Goals • Target • Metric • Communications • Teams • Leadership • Cross-functional

  32. DBE Selection– A Two-Step Process • Step 1 - RFQ/Pre-Qualifications • Process • Establishing requirements • Scoring SOQ’s • Shortlisting (5-6 teams) • Interview proposed teams • Notice to qualified proposers • At least 3 and no more than 5

  33. DBE Selection (Continued) • Step 2 – RFP • RFP must be clear and concise • Define the process • Confidential meetings • Evaluation/scoring of proposals • Evaluation criteria • Weighting of evaluation criteria • Criteria compliance • Interviews • Selection • Award

  34. Criteria Compliance Log - Sample

  35. Facilitating Design Process • Basis of Design • Proposal presented to all stakeholders • Program Verification • Owner/stakeholder involvement • Systems Confirmation • Conformance with criteria • Target Value Design Process • “Construction Documents”

  36. Quality Control • Design Quality • Design issues log • Requests for clarification • Requests for information • Design reviews • Construction Quality • Submittal reviews • Action • Information

  37. Design Issues Log - Sample

  38. Quality Control • Inspection & Testing • Inspector of Record • Testing & Inspection • Start-up & Testing • Punch-list

  39. Commissioning & Acceptance • Commissioning • Compliance with criteria • Beneficial Occupancy • Full Occupancy • Transition Plan • Warranties & Guarantees

  40. Design and Build under PEC bidding Doc and Two Stage Two Envelop Procedure • For all works with estimated value of more than Rs.25 Million. •  Instructions to Bidders • Bidding Data • General Conditions of Contract, Part-I (GCC) • Particular Conditions of Contract, Part-II (PCC) • Specifications - Special Provisions. • Specifications - Technical Provisions. • Letters of Bid & Appendices to Bid • Sample Price Schedule. • Form of Bid Security • Form of Contract Agreement • Form of Performance Security/Bond & Mobilization Advance Guarantee/Bond • Drawings (Conceptual Design-Indicative Line Diagram)

  41. Specifications-Technical Provisions Employer to prepare and incorporate the brief specifications to provide guidelines and enable the Bidders to design the Works. Bidders shall prepare the detailed technical specifications, to be approved by the Employer, in line with the design. A clause setting out the scope of the Works is often included at the beginning of the Specifications, and it is customary to give a list of the Drawings. As the Contractor is responsible for the design of the permanent Works, the extent of his obligations must be stated.

  42. Drawings: An Indicative Line Diagram and brief specifications are to be prepared and incorporated by the Employer The bidders shall provide preliminary design drawings, design criteria and technical details as part of their Technical Bid under TSTE Under SSTE, the employer to prepare, in advance, the conceptual design drawings which would be attached by the Employer under the title of Drawings

  43. Bids: • Bid to include, the prices for all the works including design, execution and completion of all the works as required under the Price Schedule. • SUBMISSION OF BIDS FOR TWO STAGE TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE • Bidder shall submit his TECHNICAL BID and PRICE BID in separate inner envelopes and enclosed in a single outer envelope. • ORIGINAL and each copy of the Bid shall be separately sealed and put in separate envelopes and marked as such • No bid may be modified by a bidder after the deadline for submission of bids unless specified • The Employer shall examine the Technical bids thus complete the technical evaluation. • The Employer shall notify Bidders in writing who have been rejected • Those Bidders willing to meet the Employer’s requirements, shall be called for further discussion. • The bidder shall submit the revised Technical Bid with Supplementary price bid

  44. Appendices to Bid • SPECIAL STIPULATIONS-Clause-Conditions of Contract (BA-1) • FOREIGN CURRENCY REQUIREMENTS (If required and only in case of International Bidding) (BB-1) • PRICE ADJUSTMENT UNDER CLAUSE 70 OF CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (BC-1) • PRICE SCHEDULE (BD-1) • The Bidder shall enter a prices in the Price Schedule against the pay items indicated for performing all design, procurement, manufacturing, establishment, material supply, and processing, construction, quality assurance, quality control, testing, commissioning and all other works to implement the total project, as described in these documents, as prescribed therein. • The whole cost of designing, executing and completing the works is deemed to be covered in the pay items of the price schedule

  45. Price Schedule Schedule of Progress Payment

  46. Day work Schedule • Work shall not be executed on a day work basis except by written order of the Engineer. • Bidders shall enter basic rates for Daywork items in the Schedules, which rates shall apply to any quantity of Day work ordered by the Engineer. • Nominal quantities have been indicated against each item of Daywork • DayworkLabour • DayworkMaterial • DayworkConstructional Plant

  47. DAYWORK Summary (Daywork)

  48. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE DescriptionTime for Completion a) Whole Works __________________ days b) Part-A __________________ days c) Part-B __________________ days d) ___________ __________________ days e) ___________ __________________ days

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