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Join us for spiritual talks, Coptic language lessons, and hymn recitals at High School Coptic Treasures. Learn about the Advent Fast and how to empty ourselves like Christ did. Explore the Coptic alphabet and its pronunciation. All are welcome!
Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight You; then bulls will be offered on Your altar. Alleluia.
Holy, Holy, Holy. A passage from the Gospel according to Saint Luke (4:38-41), may his blessings be upon us all. Amen. Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So He bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them. When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying His hands on each one, He healed them. Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, ‘‘You are the Son of God!'' But He rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew He was the Christ. Glory Be To God Forever, Amen
Welcome to High School Coptic Treasures • Rules of the Class: • Please use bathroom/get drink of water before class. If you need to do either of these during class we ask you kindly try to wait until the end. • Class begins at 7 pm sharp on Friday • Do not talk while the servant is talking. Do not interrupt class. • Do not get out of your seat without asking (by raising your hand). • Be respectful to everyone else around you. • Participate!
Spiritual Talk • We’ve started the Advent Fast • What did Christ do in order to be incarnate? What did it involve Him doing? • What are practical ways to empty ourselves like Christ did?
Duck letters • Sample word with zeta… • Zenzen • Means “lizard” • More Coptic at: http://www.copticplace.com/coptic_languge/coptic.html • A-alpha • B-veta • E-ei • Z-zeta • I-iota • K-kappa • M-mei • N-nei • O-o • T-tav
“Wolves in sheep's clothing” • twnk- rise • iwt- father • niio]- the fathers • kocmoc- world • ,rictianoc- christian • ,ere- shere • Yy- eeta • Rr- ro • Cc- seema • <,- ke or sh orkh • Ww- oo • }]- tee
Just different • Vv- fei • Ss- shai • Ff- fai • Qq- khori • Hh- hori • Jj- janja • {[- cheema • Gg- gamma • Dd-delta • :;- theta • Ll- lola/lambda • Xx- eksi • Pp- pi • Uu- epsilon
Lobsh of the 2nd Hoos • Marenouwnh `ebol@ `mPi`,rictocPennou]@ nempiiero'altyc@ Dauidpi`provytyc. • Let us give thanks, to Christ our God, with David the prophet, and psalmist.
Verse 2 of the Lobsh • Je af;amio `nnivyou`i@ nemnoudunamic@ afhicen] `mpikahi@ e`hryihijennimwou. • For He has made the heavens, and all its hosts, and established the earth, on the waters
+ Nainis] `mvwctyr@ piry nem piioh@ af,au euerouwini@ qen pi`ctere`wma. Af`ini `nhan;you@ `ebol qen nef`ahwr@ afnifi `nca ni`ssyn@ sa `ntouviri `ebol. + Afhwou `noumounhwou@ hijen `pho `m`pkahi@ sa `ntefrwt `e`pswi@ `ntef] `mpefoutah. Af`ini `noumwou@ `ebol qen oupetra@ af`tco `mpeflaoc@ `n`hryi hi `psafe. + Af;amio `mpirwmi@ kata pef`ini@ nem tefhikwn@ e;ref`cmou `erof. + These two great stars, the sun and the moon, He has made to enlighten, the firmament. +He brought forth the winds, out of His treasure box, He breathed unto the trees, and they blossomed. +He caused the rain to fall, upon the face of the earth, and it sprouted, and gave its fruit. +He brought forth water, out of a rock, and gave it to His people, in the wilderness. +He made man, in His image, and His likeness, that he may praise Him.
+Let us praise Him, and exalt His name, and give thanks to Him, His mercy endures forever. +Through the prayers, of David the psalmist, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins. + +Through the intercessions, of the Mother of God Saint Mary, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins + Through the intercessions, of all the heavenly hosts, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins. +Blessed are You indeed, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (risen/come) and saved us. +Marenhwc`erof@ ten[ici `mpefran@ tenouwnhnaf `ebol@ je pefnai sop sa `eneh.+ + Hitennieu,y@ `ntepiiero'altycDauid@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan@ `mpi,w `ebol `ntenennobi. • +Hitenni`precbia@ `nte };e`otokoce;ouab Maria@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan@ `mpi,w `ebol `ntenennobi. + Hitenni`precbia@ `nte `p,oroctyrf `nteniaggeloc@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan@ `mpi,w `ebol `ntenennobi. +`K`cmarwout `aly;wc@ nemPekiwt `n`aga;oc@ nemPi`pneumae;ouab@ je (aktwnk/ak`i) akcw] `mmon.
Pi e p-nevmaem-para k-li-ton, et-af- eeepe-sea t e-vol-khe net fe, af-o rsheje n ef-o waiefowai, a v-ca jikhenhan-mi shenlas.
Coptic Alphabet song! Alpha, veta, gamma, delta Ee, so, zeeta, eeta// Theta, iota, kappa, lola, Mei, nei, eksee, oo// Pi, ro, seema, tav Epsilon, fei, kei, epsi// Ou, shai, fai, khai, hori, Jenja, cheema, tee 32 letters!