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Biojeopardy …Evolving

Biojeopardy …Evolving. Descent with Modification. The Evolution Of Populations. The Origin of SPECIES. Phylogeny and Systematics. Molecular Genetics. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400.

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Biojeopardy …Evolving

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  1. Biojeopardy …Evolving

  2. Descent with Modification The Evolution Of Populations The Origin of SPECIES Phylogeny and Systematics Molecular Genetics 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 700 700 700 700 700 800 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

  3. 100 The branch of biology that names and classifies organisms, originated by Linnaeus What is taxonomy Continue

  4. 200 In a snake, these are the remnants of pelvic and leg bones in a snake (historical remnants of ancestral structures) What are vestigial organs Continue

  5. 300 Cuvier is the father of paleontology and proposed that the differences he saw in fossils were the result of local events like floods and droughts. These ideas laid the groundwork for his “theory” of________________ What is Catastrophism Continue

  6. 400 The earliest forms of life on Earth were recorded from fossil deposits dating from about 3.5 billion years ago. These deposits likely included these deposits. What is bacteria Continue

  7. 500 Charles Darwin was the first to propose the theory of evolution by ______________and provide evidence What is natural selection Continue

  8. 600 This is the smallest unit that can evolve. What is a population Continue

  9. 700 __________ Structures are body parts that resemble one another in different species that have evolved independently as adaptations to their environments, whereas _____________structures are body parts that resemble each other and have evolved from a common ancestor. What is analagous; homologous Continue

  10. 800 “The long neck of a giraffe is a result of its ancestors continually trying to reach to higher branches,” was a statement made by this person. Who is Lamarck Continue

  11. 900 The 3 different types of fats and how to distinguish them. What is fatty acids on a saturated fat have no double bonds in their hydrocarbon chains. Saturated fats tend to be solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fats are liquid. Continue

  12. 1000 The name of the pink molecule. What are chaperonins (chaperone proteins) Continue

  13. 100 This is the major source of genetic variation in bacteria…and in animals. What are mutation…sexual recombination Continue

  14. 200 This is a measure of an individual’s relative contribution to the gene pool of the next generation What is fitness Continue

  15. 300 Genetic drift that occurs when only a few individuals colonize a new area What is founder effect Continue

  16. 400 This is an example of intrasexual selection What is “any example with same-sex competition for a mate” Continue

  17. 500 In a Hardy-Weinberg population with two alleles, A and a, that are in equilibrium, the frequency of the allele a is 0.7. This is the percentage of the population that is homozygous for the “a” allele. What is 49% Continue

  18. 600 This chromosomal mutation can increase the mass of DNA present in an organism’s genome creating superflous DNA that may undergo further changes producing entirely new genes What is duplication Continue

  19. 700 A population of birds on the coast range in size from 9-15cm, with the majority of birds being 12 cm. Another population of birds exist on a distant island off the same coastline, but all the birds are 15cm. What is the most likely explanation for difference in sizes of members of these populations What is genetic bottleneck or founder effect Continue

  20. 800 These are the allele frequencies for the following scenarios: There are a population of 100 rats…40 are TT for long tail, 25 are Tt, and 35 are tt (short tail) What is T=105 and t=95 Continue

  21. 900 These are the five conditions that must be maintained in order for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to be maintained What are 1)very large population, 2)no gene flow or transfer of alleles, 3)no mutations, 4)random mating, 5)no natural selection Continue

  22. 1000 This characteristic is what places mitochondria and chloroplasts in a separate category from organelles in the endomembrane system. What are Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain DNA, which encodes some of their proteins. Also…they are not connected physically or via transport vesicles to organelles of the endomembrane system. Continue

  23. 100 This is the function of the accessory pigments. What is absorption of energy that chlorophyll a does not absorb. Continue

  24. 200 During photosynthesis, the __________________produce NADPH and ATP, while the ____________Cycle produces sugar What are light reactions/Calvin Continue

  25. 300 The isthmus of Panama separates two species of fish that are more closely related to each other than they are to the other species of fish in the bodies of water in which they exist…this is an example of _______________speciation. What is allopatric speciation Continue

  26. 400 In C3 plants, “this wasteful process” occurs when plants close their stomata on hot days and CO2 concentrations fall. This process makes Rubisco add O2 to RuBP What is photorespiraton. Continue

  27. 500 These “channels” are found in plant cells and allow water and cytosol to pass from cell to cell. What are plasmodesmata Continue

  28. 600 This is the most abundant protein in chloroplasts and is the is enzyme that catalyzes carbon fixation in phase 1 of the Calvin Cycle What is rubisco Continue

  29. 700 In noncyclic electron flow, the electron “hole” of p700 is filled by _______, and the electron “hole” of p680 is filled by ___________. What is an electron from p680; an electron from water photolysis Continue

  30. 800 This is how ATP synthase gets is energy to generate ADP and inorganic phosphate from ATP in respiration What is chemiosmosis of H+ Continue

  31. 900 Respiration : oxidative phosphorylation and Photosynthesis: _________________ What is photophosphorylation Continue

  32. 1000 The function of the third phase of the Calvin Cycle. What is What is regeneration of CO2 acceptor (RuBP) Continue

  33. 100 A yellow pea plant is heterozygous for color is crossed with the recessive phenotype (green). ________of the 800 offspring could be expected to be green. What is 400 Continue

  34. 200 The assumption that genetic mutations occur at a regular rate over time is part of this hypothesis. What is molecular clock Continue

  35. 300 Tall humans usually have tall children, and short parents have short children. But this is the observation of why adult humans have such a wide range of heights (that fit a bell curve) What is height is partially hereditary and appears to exhibit polygenic inheritance with a wide norm of reaction, indicating that environmental factors have a strong influence on phenotype. Continue

  36. 400 What is diploid In an alternation of generations life cycle, the sporophyte refers to the individual that is (haploid / diploid / triploid) Choose one! Continue

  37. 500 Independent assortment of homologous chromosomes, crossing over and random fertilization generate the What is genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms Continue

  38. 600 This is what the haploid number and diploid number for dogs are, since dog sperm contains 39 chromosomes. What is haploid is 39 and diploid is 78 Continue

  39. 700 In What is photorespiraton Continue

  40. 800 The genotypes (respectively) for a male and female who both have achondroplasia (dwarfism: under 3.5 feet tall) but have a child of normal size. What are Aa, Aa, aa Continue

  41. 900 These are the precise chemical reactions for photosynthesis and respiration. What are: 6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2 C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP Continue

  42. 1000 What is “light provides energy to push e- to the top of the electron chain” (rather than energy from food molecule oxidation) Continue

  43. 100 “This” stores information, codes for the production of proteins and is found in all living things What is DNA Continue

  44. 200 This part of our photosynthesis lab setup was necessary to absorb most of the light’s infrared radiation while having little effect on the visible radiation. What is the heat sink Continue

  45. 300 A defective protein has been produced due to an error in transcription, and this is the “molecule” that contains the error. What is mRNA Continue

  46. 400 The enzyme that unzips the DNA molecule prior to replication is ______________ , whereas _____________records the genetic code by catalyzing transcription What are helicase and RNA polymerase Continue

  47. 500 DNA replication is described as being ______________, which means that a replicated DNA molecule is composed of one old strand and one new strand. What is semi-conservative Continue

  48. 600 These are two examples of accessory pigments that might accompany primary pigment, chlorophyll a, in the photosystems What are carotenoids (xanthophylls and carotenes), chlorophyll b, etc. Continue

  49. 700 The function of accessory pigments What is Continue

  50. 800 In What is the unboiled chloroplasts in the light Continue

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