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Simulation Standards and Interfacing

This paper discusses the need for a common accelerator description format for the International Linear Collider (ILC) simulation. It explores the integration of international collimation and background studies, common simulation tools, and the motivation behind creating a common repository for accelerator specifications. It also introduces the use of XML and provides examples of accelerator markup language (AML) and its specification. The paper highlights the standard elements, beam parameters, and run control requirements for the accelerator description format.

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Simulation Standards and Interfacing

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  1. Aims: Do we need this at all? Define the accelerator description format Interfacing procedure (bds-detector, linac-bds,etc.) Common ILC repository Simulation Standards and Interfacing

  2. Introduction. Accelerator description format (Agapov) ILC Repository (Glen White) Tools and Modeling for Collimator Studies (Andre Sopczak) Detector-IR interfacing (John Carter) Discussion Agenda Sopczak

  3. Simulation tools: GEANT,MARS,STRUCT,MERLIN, BDSIM, MAD,DIMAD,TURTLE,..... Integration of international collimation and background studies Integration of repositories Motivation

  4. Optics repository SLAC Detector description (Mokka), Mokka-Geant interface Software repository Zeuthen (not complete) Simulation database (QMUL) Need for common accelerator specification Where we are

  5. Standard elements: drift, sbend, etc. Inherit MAD functionality Geometry specification Field specification Beam (and background) distribution specification Run control Accelerator description format requirments

  6. David Sagan's AML http://www.lns.cornell.edu/~dcs/aml/ Nick Walker's specification XML option

  7. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xslt" href="Accelerator-ML.xsl"?> <?DOCTYPE Accelerator SYSTEM="Accelerator-ML.dtd"?> <!-- Lattice definition--> <AcceleratorDescription> <Section name="FODO" l="10m" tag="FODO Cell"> <QF type="QFA" l="1m" k="1" aperture="10cm" tilt="0.1deg"></QF> <Drift l="1m"></Drift> <QD type ="QDXX"></QD> <Drift l="1m"></Drift> <QF></QF> </Section> <Accelerator> <Section></Section> </Accelerator> </AcceleratorDesctiption> XML example

  8. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- ---------------------------------------------- Accelerator markup language DTD Draft, (C) Ilya Agapov agapov@pp.rhul.ac.uk -------------------------------------------------- --> <!-- --------- Entities --------- --> <!ENTITY % bool "(true|false)"> <!-- --------- Accelerator definition --------- --> <!-- The root element. --> <!ELEMENT AcceleratorDefinition (BeamLine+,Element+)> <!-- Accelerator attributes--> <!ATTLIST AcceleratorDefinition Name CDATA #REQUIRED XML dtd

  9. Problems Not yet defined No parser Need to convert existing decks XML

  10. Preserve (possibly) the MAD (MAD-X) lattice description Take out some control commands Provide some additional geometry- and material-related stuff Provide drivers to geometry and field description formats (CAD) flex/bison parser Implemented in BDSIM Can be changed to XML GMAD format

  11. Elements: <name> : <type>,attribute=<attr_val>, attribute=<attr_val>,...; Commands: include <filename>; use,period=<name>; ... Beam parameters: beam, attribute=<attr_val>,...; Options: option, attribute=<attr_val>,...; GMAD specification

  12. Element types: marker,drift, sbend,rbend,quadrupole,sextupole,octupole, solenoid,multipole,coord_transform, rcol,ecol,element Commands: use, gas, beam, sample GMAD specification

  13. include atf_optics.gmad; include options.gmad; beam, particle="e-", energy=1.5405110 * GeV, nparticles=1e+10, distrType="gauss", sigmaX=0.01*mm, sigmaY=0.01*mm, sigmaXp=0.001, sigmaYp=0.001; use ,period=ext; sample, range = startl; !sample, range = endl; option,turnInteractions=1,ngenerate=100; GMAD example (atf 2)

  14. ! standard options for bdsim option, beampipeRadius = 10 * cm, boxSize = 1.9 * m, tunnelRadius= 2.0 * m, beampipeThickness = 1 * cm, chordStepMinimum = 0.0000000001 * m, deltaIntersection = 0.00000001 * m, deltaChord = 0.001 * m, lengthSafety = 0.00001 * m, thresholdCutCharged = 1 * MeV, thresholdCutPhotons = 1 * KeV; option,turnInteractions=1; option,ngenerate=10; GMAD example (continued)

  15. ! kickers ; akick := 0.0025 ;!half-angle ; ke1x_1 : sbend, l=0.25, angle=akick, e1=0, fint=0.5, fintx=0 ; ke1x_2 : sbend, l=0.25, angle=akick, e2=2*akick, fint=0, fintx=0.5 ; ke2x_1 : sbend, l=0.25, angle=akick, e1=akick, fint=0.5, fintx=0 ; ke2x_2 : sbend, l=0.25, angle=akick, e2=akick, fint=0, fintx=0.5 ; * * * ! sextupoles ; lfftbsextupole := 0.1 ; S2 : sextupole, l=lfftbsextupole/2, aper=(2.13*0.0254)/2 ; S1 : sextupole, l=lfftbsextupole/2, aper=(1.38*0.0254)/2 ; GMAD example (continued)

  16. colli : element,l=1*m,geometry="gmad:colli.geo", bmap="gmad:e1.bmap"; file colli.geo : Tubs { x0=0, y0=0, z0=0, rmin=6, rmax=600, z=400 material="Al", phi0=0, dphi=360, temperature=300 } GMAD example (continued)

  17. Wakefields Taylor maps Acceleration (time-varying field specification) Interfacing to CAD tools GMAD open issues

  18. VO 'ilc' supported – RHUL, QMUL, DESY Software packages have to be installed on all nodes - suggestions? Grid update

  19. Goals ?

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