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Hydraulics Training

Hydraulics Training. E.I.S. Why Choose Hydraulics. Alternatives. Hydraulics. Vast range of force capability Responsive Versatile. Pneumatics :- Low force-simple response- Mechanical:- Electro-Mechanical:- Resonance Systems:-. Hydraulic System Components. Pumps Filters Ring Mains

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Hydraulics Training

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  1. Hydraulics Training E.I.S

  2. Why Choose Hydraulics Alternatives Hydraulics Vast range of force capability Responsive Versatile • Pneumatics :- Low force-simple response- • Mechanical:- • Electro-Mechanical:- • Resonance Systems:-

  3. Hydraulic System Components • Pumps • Filters • Ring Mains • Coolers • Actuators • Valves • Controllers • Safety

  4. Hydraulic Pumps • FIXED PUMPS deliver oil at constant flow and pressure, VARIABLE PUMPS deliver oil at variable flow and pressure depending upon system demand. • GEAR PUMPS • PISTON PUMPS

  5. Oil and Filters • New oil is dirty (25μ), typical pump filter 5μ, manifold filter 3μ, servo valve filter 1μ. • Contaminants (solids + water) • Modern oils – additives include Lanolin & Ammonia • Good filtration monitoring is better than regular oil changes

  6. Ring Mains • Ring mains are used to distribute oil from the pump to a test facility. • Typically 150mm bore steel pipe for main run and 30mm dia. steel pipe to manifold blocks • Actual pipe size depends on flow requirements, but typical flow velocity is 5m/s

  7. Cooling Systems Oil Temperature <55 C to prevent additive breakdown • Heat Exchangers • Bowman tube type use water to extract heat from oil. • Air fan systems cool the oil circulating in the radiator. • Main considerations:- • Running costs • Environment (noise, legionela) • Efficiency

  8. Hydraulic Actuators • Linear Type • Static or dynamic • Double or single acting • Equal area or compound • Fixed or swivel mountings • Rotary Type • Static or dynamic torque • Displacement depends on number of vanes (typically 100 degrees for a twin vane)

  9. Servo Valves • Provide closed loop control of an actuator • Valve size depends on flow and response requirements 2 stage servo valve

  10. Accumulators • Accumulators are energy stores • They enable the supply circuit to respond more quickly to any temporary demand and to smooth pulsations. • This means that the pump doesn't need to be so large to cope with extremes of demand • Accumulators should be positioned as close as possible to the hydraulic actuator

  11. Transducers • Load • Position (linear or angular) • Strain • Acceleration

  12. Servo Controllers • Can be Analogue or Digital, normally 10V fsd • P.I.D (Proportional, Integral, Differential) control. • Feedback can be Load, Strain, Position or Acceleration depending on the test spec. • Signal output types:- • Static • Simple constant amplitude • Complex real time

  13. Safety Systems • Oil Supply • Pressure • Temperature • Filtration • Control • Limits • Mechanical • Guarding • Hoses and connections Outer Inner Inner Outer

  14. System Specifications • Test Requirements • Actuator Sizing / Performance Calcs. • Oil Flow Requirements • Cooling Requirements • Control & Monitoring • Electrical Supplies

  15. Environmental Considerations • Floor Loading • Bed Plates • Seismic Blocks • Ventilation • Noise & Vibration • Accommodation / Access • Health & Safety

  16. Practical Example • Bi Axial Fatigue Testing on Rubber Isolation Mounts • Typical Test Requirement • Vertical load 25kN, 40 mm at 5 Hz • Longitudinal load 35kN, 4mm at 10Hz • Test Requirements

  17. Leaf Spring Suspension Pot Hole Brake Event


  19. Test Schematic Av Flow Vert. = 88 Litres / min TOTAL FLOW = 106 Litres / min Vert Av Flow Long. = 18 Litres / min Long

  20. BASIC HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT pressure pump return drain lcu Distribution manifold Controller

  21. Static Test Mono-frequency cyclic fatigue test Block Loading cyclic fatigue test Shaped random fatigue test PSD f Service load simulation fatigue test Controller Selection

  22. Summary of Considerations • What components are going to be tested (now & future) • What is the complete test specification (simple or complex) • How are the results to be presented • Details of site installation (space, power supplies) • Hydraulic installation (Cooling, hose lengths, cables) • Complete equipment list for supply • Calibration requirements • Training requirements for engineers and technicians • Installation & commissioning agreements • Acceptance test details

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