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B O N U S P L A N. Glossary of Terms. 1. PV (Point Volume). 5 . Line. 2. Real Map. 6 . Spillover. 3. Binary Map. 7 . Level. 4. Position. 8 . Compression. REAL MAP. BINARY MAP. LEFT. RIGHT. Z. Level 0. Z. Level 1. B. B. C. D. A. A. Level 2. D. A2. C. C2. A1. C1.
Glossary of Terms 1. PV (Point Volume) 5. Line 2. Real Map 6. Spillover 3. Binary Map 7. Level 4. Position 8. Compression
REAL MAP BINARY MAP LEFT RIGHT Z Level 0 Z Level 1 B B C D A A Level 2 D A2 C C2 A1 C1 A2 Spillover Level 3 A4 A1 A3
- If 2 boxes are purchased at registration, 1 box will be given as a present. - All products are counted in units of “boxes”. Product Purchases - In order to receive a bonus (specific profit), you must satisfy all of the conditions. Purchases are not mandatory and not making a purchase will not result in the loss of your membership. However, if you do not make any purchases for six months, you will automatically become a non-business member.
24 USD 80 USD A bonus that can only be obtained by the sponsor upon a new registration. 24 USD when 1 box is purchased by a direct referral purchaser. 80 USDPV will be paid when 2 boxesare purchased by a direct referral purchaser. Sponsor Bonus
Number of boxes purchased Number of new direct referral purchaser Members are eligible to receive a Pair Bonus when there is at least one direct referral purchaser on bothsides of the members Binary Map, purchasing at least one product in a given month. Whencalculating the pair bonus, the areas with no purchases will be compressed. Pair bonus can be obtained as a sum of money in accordance with the following table.However, there is a maximum limit of 300 to levels that can be counted as pairs. Pair Bonus
12,000PV 12,000PV 12,000PV 0PV 12,000PV Compression 12,000PV 12,000PV 12,000PV 12,000PV 12,000PV 0PV 12,000PV The level is counted after referral purchaseron the binary map who have not made a purchase are compressed. 12,000PV 12,000PV
Personal purchase 2 boxes 1 boxes Example of Pair Bonus 24 USD 12 USD Level 1 24 USD 12 USD Level 2 12 USD Level 3 24 USD Direct referral purchaser Personal purchase 1 box: 12USDx 3 levels = 36USD Personal purchase 2 boxes: 24 USD x 3 levels =72 USD
BALANCE BONUS Based on the total sales of the member’s right and left group in a given month. A member can qualify to receive balance bonus if the conditions for the PairBonus have been met. An upper limit is set, depending on rank, for available bonus amounts and number of boxes to be calculated. When 3 or more boxes are purchased, boxes from the 3rd box onwards will be added to small group sales.
For each sale of 1 box, the amount shown in the following table can be obtained depending on rank
Rank and The Upper Limit Silver 88 USD Gold Triple Silver 1,680 USD 384 USD Diamond Triple Gold 24,800 USD Six Silver 6,240 USD 768 USD Triple Diamond Six Gold 86,400 USD 12,480 USD Six Diamond The maximum for large group is 5 times the number of boxes sold in small group 172,800 USD
For example: For a personal purchase of 2 boxes, rank of Gold, organization of 500 boxes in large group and 200 boxes in small group From Large Group: 500 boxes x 2.4 USD = 1,200 USD From Small Group: 200 boxes x 4.8 USD = 960 USD 1,200 USD + 960 USD =2,160USD Due to the upper limit of Balance Bonus for Rank Gold, members can only receive 1,680 USD 200 Boxes 500 Boxes
A bonus: • Which is the total of the shares for each rank completed and below • Which can be obtained when Triple Gold or higher rank has been achieved • There is at least 1 direct referral purchaser on both the right and left sides of the binary map. 1% of all global sales for the Thanks Ai Group will be distributed to people who have achieved each of the following ranks. Global Bonus
GLOBAL BONUS Example: For total global sales of 1 billion PV (1% = 10 millionUSD)
- Allocate 1% of global sales as a bi-annual Season Bonus in June and December of every year. - You are required to achieve the rank higher than the Gold Rank more than three times in the six months prior to receive the bonus. [Target months] - If the allocation month is June -> six months from December of the previous year to May.- If the allocation month is December -> six months from June to November. SEASON BONUS
6 months If global sales achieved 60000000USD (six-month total) and the number of members who achieved the Gold Rank more than three times was 300 members. Feb Last Dec Jan Mar Apr May Calculate Bonus Jul Jun Sep Aug Oct Nov The Season Bonus would be 60000000x 1% / 300 people => 2000USD (2 times chance in a year) Calculation Example