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Semialachee Lodge Calendar 2009. S E M I A L A C H E E. P u b l i c a t i o n s. 2032 Thomasville Rd. Tallahassee, FL 32308. January 2010 LEC Meeting 9 Annual Lodge Banquet February 2010 4 LEC Meeting 19-21 Winter Fellowship March 2010 LEC Meeting April 2010 LEC Meeting
Semialachee Lodge Calendar 2009 S E M I A L A C H E E P u b l i c a t i o n s 2032 Thomasville Rd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 • January 2010 • LEC Meeting • 9 Annual Lodge Banquet • February 2010 • 4 LEC Meeting • 19-21 Winter Fellowship • March 2010 • LEC Meeting • April 2010 • LEC Meeting • 17-19 Section Conference • October 2009 • 1 LEC Meeting • Southern Region One Day of Service • November 2009 • 5 LEC Meeting • 6-8 Fall Fellowship • 13-15 Section Seminars Camp La-No-Che • December 2009 • Lodge Re-charter Meeting • 3 LEC Meeting Return service requested.
1 SERVING THE SUWANNEE RIVER AREA COUNCIL Quarterly The Vol. XI Issue 4 Official Newsletter of Semialachee Lodge October 2009 Fall Fellowship/Section Seminars Southern Region One Day of Service-New Date! The 2009 Fall Fellowship is scheduled for November 6-8, 2009 at Wallwood BSR. We have several events planned for your enjoyment on Saturday afternoon and we will conduct service at camp on Saturday morning. We will offer a Brotherhood Ceremony on Saturday evening. There is no additional cost for this ceremony, but we need to hear from you ahead of time that you plan on participating. Ordeal members who have completed 10 months as an Ordeal member are eligible. As always, we will have plenty to eat, lots of great activities and good fellowship. With that don’t forget, the weekend (Nov.13-15) following the fellowship is Section Seminars at Camp La-No-Che in Paisley, FL. This is a weekend of training and Native American events that can’t be beat. Registration for this event is $40.00 (see insert). Mr. Rivera and Mr. Cushing will be leading the contingent for Semialachee for this event. Register early for both events! The Lodge will once again participate in the Southern Region One Day of Service. Our scheduled date of service is October 24, 2009 at the Tallahassee-Leon Animal Service Center. We will meet at 9:00 AM and work until 3:00 PM. You should wear comfortable work clothes and bring gloves and a water bottle. Adults are asked to bring small hand tools for minor repairs. Lunch will be served courtesy of Mr. Bill Kennedy and it is important that we have an accurate count of who will attend. Please e-mail Mr. Pate at adviser@semialachee.net or Chief P.J. Rivera at chief@semialachee.net to confirm attendance. This event is one of several that qualify for the Lodge Adviser’s Leadership Award! 2009 NATIONAL ORDER OF THE ARROW CONFERENCE As you already know, the Order of the Arrow is not a place, a thing, a single person, or even an event. Rather, it is a thing of the spirit. Likewise, THEPOWEROFONE was not just a theme for the 2009 NOAC. It is a perspective on life, a forward-looking vision, and a concept that could enable new friendships and tremendous impact. This year, 17 Arrowmen (15 attendees and 2 staff members) represented Semialachee Lodge by travelling to Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana and participating in one of the highlights of OA membership-the National OA Conference. The Lodge members who attended were treated to some of the most awesome shows available. Members participated in classroom lectures, hands-on training and fellowship that cannot be described. Semialachee Lodge submitted two teams for the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony evaluation and both teams were recognized as National Honor Teams! We had awesome food and the dorms were pretty nice too. Every night we attended either a professionally presented show at the IU basketball auditorium or we attended all-out fun events such as the Grand Hodag. If you ain’t seen the Hodag yet, then you better ask a brother who was there! The weather in Indiana was not to be believed as they had almost zero humidity with highs in the 70s. During each day at IU, Arrowmen chose their own courses with regard to what classes or events they wanted to participate in-exactly what it might be like if you were attending college there. Reunions were held for ArrowCorps5, the Southern Region and a special Section 4 gathering was held where the Four Corps 2010 project was announced and Klondike bars were served. On our return trip, we stopped for a day of fun at the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom amusement park. We are already making our plans for NOAC 2012 which is tentatively scheduled for July 30-August 4, 2012 at Michigan State University. Have you found within yourself the Power of One?
Four Corps 2010 June 13-19, 2010 The Quarterly 2 Visit us online! Section S-4 is hosting the groundbreaking “FourCorps 2010” at Camp La-No-Che in Paisley, FL. Modeled after ArrowCorps5, FourCorps 2010 will be a week of service and fellowship. Come experience different types of work that the United States Forest Service performs. Conservation projects include restoration of power line right-of-way, blocking illegal motor vehicle access roads, removal of both aquatic and land exotic vegetation, erosion control, building kestrel nesting boxes, and planting forage for wild turkeys. All of Camp La-No-Che’s facilities are available in the evening with special educational displays arranged by groups such as the Forest Service and the Wild Turkey Federation.Participants will spend Monday and Tuesday working in the Forest. Every participant will also be given one day for a recreation experience. Choices for recreation include tubing, fishing, Kennedy Space Center, Orlando Science Center, and Daytona Beach. Cost for the week which includes food, tenting, recreation, safety gear and patch is only $195. This about what you would pay for a week of summer camp! Space is limited to 300 Arrowmen and all high adventure medical requirements apply to Arrowmen who are actively working in the field. If you participated in ArrowCorps5, then no further explanation is necessary-you already know what a blast a project like this can be. For those of you who know you have the Power of One within you and are ready to lead through your service, then this is the project for you! Special outdoor training will be available for FourCorps 2010 at Section Seminars in November. This training will be necessary if you are interested in participating in this event as a squad leader or in other leadership roles. Many jobs exist and while we have at least 300 slots, we anticipate that it will fill up fast-so don’t wait. For more information and an on-line registration form, please visit the S-4 website at: http://www.sections-4.org/FourCorps%202010/ Also, we have some scholarship funds available through fundraisers conducted by the Section. Please see Chief P.J. Rivera if you are interested applying for a scholarship to attend this fun event. Dues and Demographics One of the continued problems we have faced in the Lodge is effective written and electronic communication. We have made some great improvements in recent years, mainly by virtue of the various electronic means of communication that currently exist. We have been conducting a “clean-up” of our member database with the intent of having accurate information about our members in the database. This allows to communicate important Lodge information and ensure that we have members present for events, adhere to all national rules and accurately collect dues and retain members. In this issue of the Quarterly, you will find a demographics form that we are asking all members to complete. We are also asking you to respond to see if you are interested in receiving this document via e-mail, which will save the Lodge money and ensure a quicker delivery to you. It is important that all Lodge members fill out this survey ad return it to the Council Service Center or submit it at the next Lodge event. We are in the middle of migrating our member database over to the Lodge Master program and we need your help! Finally, dues for 2010 are coming up soon. Members who have an All-Access Pass for 2010 have their dues included in that fee. Members who were inducted as Ordeal Members in 2009 have their 2010 dues included in the fee they paid for their Ordeal weekend. All other members should remit their dues (Youth $10.00, Adults $12.00) by January 1, 2010.
October 2009 3 www.semialachee.net Arrow Points • Dues are payable to the Council Service Center anytime for 2010. Dues are currently $10.00 for youth and $12.00 for adults. Dues are for January 1- December 31, 2010 and are considered late on March 1, 2010. • Patch designs. We have two large projects coming up. We need input on a lodge flap design for the Jamboree Contingent and for our 2010 year patch. If you have any ideas or would like to serve on the patch design committee, please contact Davis Ponder at treasurer@semialachee.net or Mr. Griffin at kgriffin239@comcast.net • All-Access Pass 2010. We will once again be offering the “AAP” for 2010. For one fee, you get guaranteed registration at all Lodge weekends and a free Annual Lodge Patch. For more information, see the flier and registration form in this issue of the Quarterly. Want to make it even better? Save $5.00 if you pay prior to December 1, 2009! • Have you registered at the Yahoo Groups site for Semialachee Lodge? If not, please go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Semialachee/ and register your e-mail to start receiving news and updates on all things Semialachee! • Demographics form. You will find a Lodge Member Demographics form included in this issue. This is very important that this be filled out and returned to either the Council Service Center or at the next Lodge event! • Health Forms. Please bring a current health form to the next Lodge Weekend or if you are submitting one for any other event, ask that the Council service Center staff make an extra copy for the OA file at the office. • Shooting Sports Release-All Youth under 18 years of age must have this form signed by their parents prior to participating in any shooting sports events at camp. Once it is signed, you are good to go for any future events. Just a hint-we have skeet shooting on the program for Fall Fellowship! This form is included in this newsletter. Have your parents review, sign and turn it to the Council Service Center or bring it with you to the next lodge weekend. You do not need this form if you have reached your 18th birthday or if your parent is present with you at the event. Lodge Executive Committee 2009-2010 Treasurer: Davis Ponder treasurer@semialachee.net Historian: Nathan Cornelison historian@semialachee.net Secretary: Michael Schindler secretary@semialachee.net Lodge Adviser: David Pate (850)-251-3060 adviser@semialachee.net Associate Lodge Advisers Francis McCall (850)-524-3203 aadviser@semialachee.net Orlando Rivera (850) 528-2377 aadviser2@semialachee.net Staff Adviser: Joey D’Souza (850) 576-4146 sadviser@semialachee.net Lodge Chief: PJ Rivera (850)-877-9499 chief@semialachee.net Vice Chief of Inductions: Austin Cushing vcinductions@semialachee.net Vice Chief of Program: Michael Cenedella vcprogram@semialachee.net