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ENHANCED INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR MIGRANT WORKERS. Product Features. Personal Accident Accidental Death & Dismemberment Accidental Medical Reimbursement Daily Hospital Income Benefit Permanent Total Disablement Assist America Services Emergency Medical Evacuation
Product Features • Personal Accident • Accidental Death & Dismemberment • Accidental Medical Reimbursement • Daily Hospital Income Benefit • Permanent Total Disablement • Assist America Services • Emergency Medical Evacuation • Medically-supervised Repatriation • Return of Mortal Remains • Compassionate Visit • Subsistence Benefit • Money Claims Benefit
Personal Accident • Accidental Death & Dismemberment • Pays the Insured Person’s legal heirs if accidental death / dismemberment is sustained by an Insured Person. • whilst overseas • caused by accidental, external and visible means • results in the death of the Insured Person, independent of all other causes, within twelve (12) consecutive months of the date of such accident.
Permanent Total Disablement • Pays the Insured Person in the event of accidental bodily injury resulting in permanent disablement, occuring within the twelve (12) calendar months from the date of accident.
Medical Reimbursement • Reimbursement of medical expenses due to accident. Burial Assistance Financial assistance for burial expenses in the Philippines in the event of accidental death of the insured OFW.
Daily Hospital Income Benefit • Gives a daily cash benefit for hospital confinements due to accident/sickness
OFW Emergency Assistance Emergency Medical Evacuation • Provides the insured emergency medical evacuation to the nearest medical facility.
OFW Emergency Assistance Medically Supervised Repatriation • Arranges medically supervised repatriation back to the Insured’s Philippine residence after hospitalization.
OFW Emergency Assistance Return of Mortal Remains • Gives necessary assistance, in the event of the Insured’s death which includes the ff: • Transport of body • Legal Assistance for paperwork
Subsistence Benefit • Gives the Insured a subsistence allowance for a maximum period up to six (6) months in accordance with the Policy Schedule: • upon the Insured person having filed a claim, in the country of employment, against his employer and/or employment agency for violation of the conditions of his contract of employment and; • while the Insured Person continues to reside in his host country of employment.
Money Claims Benefit • Gives the Insured a monthly amount equal to the salary stated in their contract of employment following their repatriation to the Philippines due to an insured event or circumstance covered under the policy.
Exclusions • Loss, damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by: -War, -Invasion, -Acts of foreign enemies, -Hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), -Civil war, -Rebellion, -Revolution, -Insurrection, -Civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising or military or usurped power.
Exclusions • Death, Disablement, or Bodily Injury occasioned by: -Suicide or attempted suicide -Hernia, -Alcoholism, -Intoxication, -Illegal/regulated drugs, -Intentional self-injury, -Insanity, -Diseases caused by bacterial infections or infections caused by parasites (except phylogenic infections which shall occur through an accidental cut or wound). -Poison or any poisonous substance taken, administered, absorbed or inhaled (other than the accidental inhalation of domestic gas.)
Exclusions • Death or disablement or bodily injury: -Occurring whilst the Insured is traveling in an aircraft other than one licensed for public passenger service and operated by a regular Air Line on a published scheduled flight over a regular air route between two recognized and established airports in which the Insured is traveling as a ticket holding passenger. -Occasioned by pregnancy or childbirth with respect to women. -Consequent upon the Insured Person engaging in the making or handling explosives or upon being engaged as a custodian of explosives. - Consequent on the Insured Person committing or attempting to commit a felony; or as a consequence of the Insured Person in an illegal occupation, or performing an unlawful act.
Exclusions • Costs arising from voluntary repatriation driven by personal choice or whim. • Repatriation arising directly or indirectly through: -A deliberate act of negligence of an Insured Person. -Any breach of law in any employment host country or state by an Insured Person. • Death or disablement directly or indirectly arising out or consequent upon or contributed to by Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex howsoever this syndrome has been acquired or may be named. • Any loss resulting from: discharged, explosion, or use of, or the direct or indirect contamination or poisoning by, any nuclear, chemical or biological device or agent.