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Valladolid. Valladolid. Castilla y León. Industrial and government city on the meseta castellana (“purest” Castilian accent) c. 450: Roman town 711 – 900 century: Moslem / Arab speaking 1346: Universidad de Valladolid 1506: Columbus’ last residence Before 1563: capital of Spain

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  1. Valladolid

  2. Valladolid Castilla y León

  3. Industrial and government city on the meseta castellana (“purest” Castilian accent) c. 450: Roman town 711 – 900 century: Moslem / Arab speaking 1346: Universidad de Valladolid 1506: Columbus’ last residence Before 1563: capital of Spain 1602-1604: home of Cervantes 1978: capital of Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-León 2003: pop. 320,000

  4. Valladolid’s old city center (casco antiguo)

  5. Calle Platerías (S. Pedro Regalado, city’s patron saint, born 1390 here) Plaza del Ochavo (where D. Alvaro de Luna’s head was hung in 1453) Iglesia de la Vera Cruz

  6. Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (1580 to 18th century: classical style with façade by Churriguera; potentially the second largest cathedral in the world)

  7. Colegio Mayor de Santa Cruz: University of Valladolid 15th century Gothic; then Renaissance; then Neoclassical styles

  8. Colegio de San Gregorio (first: Dominican theology school) Museo Nacional de Escultura (Gregorio Fernández; Berruguete; Juni) Façade: plateresco style by Gil de Siloé (late 15th century)

  9. Iglesia de San Pablo Founded by Alfonso X el Sabio’s wife, doña Violante (late 13th century); remodeled by Cardinal Torquemada in plateresque style (late 15th century)

  10. Iglesia de Santa María de la Antigua 11th century: founded by Conde Ansúrez, city’s founder; 13th centure Romanesque tower; 14th century Gothic additions

  11. Iglesia y monasterio de San Benito; 14th century; 2003: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Español

  12. Convento de Santa Teresa de Jesús (Carmelitas Descalzas) 16th century

  13. La Universidad de Valladolid (1346); major secular Spanish University; Baroque façade; Sapientia aedificavit sibi domun

  14. Cervantes’ house 15th century

  15. José de Zorrilla’s house of birth (18th century) Author of Don Juan Tenorio (1844)

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