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1. Developmental and Learning Sciences Program
Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Division
Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
3. Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) Supports:
Research to develop and advance scientific knowledge focusing on human cognition, language, social behavior, and culture
Research on the interactions between human societies and the physical environment
4. Developmental and Learning Sciences (DLS) DLS supports research that increases basic understanding of cognitive, social, and biological processes related to infant, child, and adolescent development and learning in formal and informal settings
5. Examples of Topics Funded by DLS Developmental cognitive neuroscience research on learning, brain adaptability, and experiential factors that affect brain development.
Development of higher-order cognitive processes (e.g., critical thinking, memory, language, mental representation) that maximize learning potential.
Use of molecular genetics data to inform the study of continuities and discontinuities in development.
Development of peer relations and family interactions.
Multiple influences on children's development and learning, including the impact of family, school, community resources, social institutions, and the media.
Relation of adolescents' development to their preparation for entry into the workforce.
Transfer of knowledge from one domain or situation to another.
Cross-cultural research on development and learning, and the role of cultural influences on development.
Multidisciplinary, multi-method, microgenetic, and longitudinal approaches to the study of development and learning.
Development of new methods, models, and theories for studying learning and development.
Research that integrates different processes (e.g., memory, emotion), levels of analysis (e.g., behavioral, social, neural), and time scales (e.g. infancy, middle childhood, adolescence) Some DLS Priorities
7. Perception, Action &Cognition (PAC) Supports basic research on human cognition, action, and perception
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Spatial Cognition
Language Processing
Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception
Motor control
Developmental issues in all PAC topic areas
Research supported by the program encompasses a broad range of theoretical perspectives such as Symbolic Computation, Connectionism, and Dynamical Systems
8. Cognitive Neuroscience Supports highly innovative and interdisciplinary proposals
Proposals should aim to advance a rigorous understanding of how the human brain supports:
Social processes
Other aspects of cognition and behavior, including how such processes develop and change in the brain and through evolutionary time
9. Social Psychology Supports basic research on human social behavior, including cultural differences and development over the life span
Among the many research topics supported are:
Attitude formation and change
Social cognition
Personality processes
Interpersonal relations and group processes
The self
Social comparison and social influence
Psychophysiological and neurological correlates
of social behavior
10. Linguistics Supports scientific research of all types that focus on
human language as an object of investigation
the syntactic, semantic, phonetic, and phonological properties of individual languages and of language in general
the psychological processes involved in the use of language
the development of linguistic capacities in children
social and cultural factors in language use, variation, and change
the acoustics of speech and the physiological and psychological processes involved in the production and perception of speech
the biological bases of language in the brain
11. Additional Standing BCS Programs Cultural Anthropology
Physical Anthropology
Geography and Spatial Sciences
Documenting Endangered Languages
12. Division of Social & Economic Sciences (SES)
Decision, Risk & Management Science
Innovation and Organizational Sciences
Law and Social Science
Methodology, Measurement, & Statistics
Political Science
Science, Technology, & Society
13. Co-Review, Co-Funding Investigators may request co-review by more than one program
Proposals may be co-reviewed by programs located anywhere within NSF (not limited to SBE Directorate)
Program Directors may decide to share proposals with other programs on their own
For DLS community, most commonly shared within the psychological and linguistic cluster of BCS programs, as well as education…
14. Other Programs of Interest Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering (REESE), Division of Research on Learning in Formal & Informal Settings (DRL), Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR)
Advance research focused on core scientific questions of STEM learning, education, and evaluation, and provide the foundational knowledge necessary to improve STEM teaching and learning at all educational levels and in all settings
Science of Learning Centers (SLC), SBE
Large-scale, long-term centers aimed at understanding what learning is and how it is affected at all levels
Small-scale proposals for research or workshops that connect new collaborations with current SLCs or bridge gaps in our understanding of the science of learning
Must contact program officers directly before submitting a proposal
15. Other Programs of Interest (cont.) Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE)
Supports true intellectual collaboration with foreign research partners, formation of new international collaborations, clear benefit to U.S science community, and especially the active engagement of U.S. students and junior researchers at foreign sites
Biological Systems Cluster (Animal Behavior), BIO
For comparative studies of development: Funds research on the development, function, mechanisms, and evolutionary history of behavior; encourages projects that seek to understand how combinations of neural, hormonal, physiological, and developmental mechanisms act synergistically as a system from which behavior emerges.
16. Additional NSF Initiatives of Interest
Training and early career awards
Graduate Research Fellowships (through DGE/EHR)
Minority Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (through SBE)
CAREER: Faculty Early Career Development Program (through individual programs like DLS)
new Fostering Interdisciplinary Research on Education (FIRE) (through DRL/EHR)
Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI)
Social-Computational Systems (SoCS)
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CFCNS)
17. Final Note
Postdoctoral mentoring
To implement the mentoring portion of the America COMPETES Act of 2007, NSF now requires a written plan for mentoring funded postdoctoral fellows to be included in the supplementary section