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Scientific Case for Ultra-intense Laser-Matter Interaction Physics in Solid-density Plasma

Scientific Case for Ultra-intense Laser-Matter Interaction Physics in Solid-density Plasma. Helmholtz Beamline at European XFEL: Scientific Motivation. Unique science enabled by combining European XFEL with ultra-intense lasers - strong field QED, e.g., vacuum birefringence

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Scientific Case for Ultra-intense Laser-Matter Interaction Physics in Solid-density Plasma

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  1. Scientific Case for Ultra-intense Laser-Matter Interaction Physics in Solid-density Plasma

  2. Helmholtz Beamline at European XFEL: Scientific Motivation • Unique science enabled by combining European XFEL with ultra-intense lasers • - strong field QED, e.g., vacuum birefringence • Highest quality x-ray probing of laser-driven experiments • isochorically heated matter (laser-ions, self- & externally-magnetized targets, interface collisional heating, laser-ablation-driven shocks) • ion induced damage in materials • time-resolved spectroscopy of excited-state chemical pathways • extreme fields & currents in ultra-intense laser-matter interaction • high pressure phenomena in laser-driven shocks • multi-view tomography, multi-frame imaging spectroscopy • Add laser-based multi-species probing to XFEL experiments • - proton radiography, fs-electron diffraction, hard bremsstrahlung,… • Spin-offs • e.g., high-field X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism with small pulsed magnets • single-shot implementation of conventional synchrotron techniques

  3. Helmholtz Beamline at European XFEL: Scientific Motivation • ns-pulse, kJ-class, ramped compression laser •  create strongly-correlated matter at extreme pressure • Fundamental Goal: • precision & systematic study of P > 5 Mb cold matter • (advance beyond complex, expensive, single-shot laser expts) • Technique, requirements: • ramped-pulse isentropic compression  solid-phase!! • laser-compression, XFEL probe • Rep-rate >0.1 Hz, with 10 Hz desired • Why Euro XFEL: • multi-user => “dedicated” HED beamline • not planned elsewhere (LCLS, SwissFEL, SCSS?) • Scientific Applications: • planetary science • fundamental solid-state • “new chemistry”

  4. Helmholtz Beamline at European XFEL: Scientific Motivation • ultra-intense short-pulse PW-class (>100 TW) laser • hot-dense matter, and WDM generation • probing of XFEL-driven WDM • initiate dynamic processes & non-equilibrium conditions • Fundamental Goal: • precision & systematic study of near-solid density hot matter • systematic probing directly inside solid-density plasma • (advance beyond complex, single-shot laser expts) • Technique, requirements: • Isochoric heating with laser + XFEL (& laser-) probing • WDM: laser-ions (~1 ps) • WDM & HEDP: laser-electrons, self- & external-B, interfacial shocks • Isochoric heating XFEL (<50 eV) + Laser- probing (complements XFEL split+delay) • Laser-initiation of dynamic & non-equilibrium phenomena in solid plasma (filamentation, transport, heating relaxation, diffusion) • Ultrafast creation & probing • Rep-rate >0.1 Hz, with 10 Hz desired (move beyond complex, single-shot laser expts) • Why Euro XFEL: • XFEL pulse-train-based synchronization to ~10 fs • not planned elsewhere at 100+ TW level

  5. Helmholtz Beamline at European XFEL: Scientific Motivation • ultra-intense short-pulse PW-class (>100 TW) laser • hot-dense matter, and WDM generation • probing of XFEL-driven WDM • initiate dynamic processes & non-equilibrium conditions • Scientific Applications: • fundamental physics in P-T-r regimes accessed by isochoric heating • WDM & HED plasmas in strong B fields • fundamental study of dynamic & non-equilibrium phenomena in solid plasma (filamentation, e-transport, rad-transport, ionization, radiation, heating, relaxation, magnetic diffusion, anomalous & collisional resistivity) • Goal: Predictive understanding of ultra-intense laser-matter interaction •  control & improvement of laser-ion acceleration, compact radiation sources for application in research, medicine & industry • (e.g., better backlighters, ion sources, ultrafast probing…)

  6. Helmholtz Beamline at European XFEL: Scientific Motivation • ultra-intense short-pulse PW-class (>100 TW) laser (II) • initiate radiation-induced processes in materials, bio, chemical systems • Fundamental Goal: • access the dynamics of particle-induced damage in materials • study fundamental atomic-level “jump” processes in materials • systematic study of chemical & biophysical processes initiated by radation • Technique, requirements: • Sample irradiation with laser-generated ions, electrons, x-rays, g-rays, neutrons… • (NB: optical pumping does not require TW-PW class) • Probe with XFEL, complementary laser-generated probes (?) • Ultrafast creation & probing • (Rep-rate >0.1 Hz, with 10 Hz desired )? • Key challenge to identify best probing techniques (XANES, EXAFS, diffraction, XCPS?…) • Why Euro XFEL: • 100+ TW for secondary particle & radiation production, not planned elsewhere • GOAL: Predictive understanding of fundamental materials processes at atomic- and nano-scale

  7. Helmholtz Beamline at European XFEL: Scientific Motivation • ultra-intense short-pulse PW-class (>100 TW) laser (III) • Strong-field physics • nuclear physics??? • Fundamental Goal: • directly measure polarization of QED vacuum • … • Technique, requirements: • Vacuum birefrigence measured with XFEL x-rays • …. • Why Euro XFEL: • 100+ TW for strong optical fields, not planned elsewhere • …

  8. Pulsed external ~MG magnetic transport inhibitionBakeman et al., Megagauss XI (2007) http://conferences.theiet.org/mg-xi/mgxi-final-v7.0.pdf Electrostatic hot electron confinement using reduced-mass targetsPerez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 085001 (2010) Self-generated magnetic confinementRassuchine et al., PRE 79, 036408 (2009) Interface shock heating in heterogenous solid targetsSentoku et al., Phys. Plasmas 14, 122701 (2007) Isochoric heating with laser-accelerated protonsPatel et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 125004 (2003) Laser Isochoric Heating

  9. Short-pulse laser heating can access extreme states of matter Hot coronal plasma (collisionless) Relativistic positron-electron "plasma" • Isochoric heating (at depth) • - resistive return current • - electron cascade • (hot  warm  ions) • - electrostatic ion shock • - secondary beam • Confinement to increase Tion, ne+; and to probe EOS • - inertial (e.g., large target heated with ion beam) • - electrostatic (e.g, sheath fields) • - magnetic (external, or self-generated)

  10. H. Yoneda, 2008 WDM Winter School

  11. Electron transport & strong fields in laser-driven targets Current filamentation 1013 A/cm2, > 1000 T, 1013 V/m, ~keV solid density Quasistatic 5000 T fields in shaped targets, electron transport inhibition, enhanced heating J. Rassuchine et al, PRE 79, 036408 (2009) Extreme current densities, magnetized current filaments, and strong quasi-static magnetic fields in ultra-intense laser-matter interactions Extreme Ex • Important for: • Laser-ion acceleration • Isochoric heating • Fast Ignitor physics • Laser-plasma x-ray sources • Magnetized HEDP

  12. Concept – image B-fields by x-ray Faraday rotation with K= 2.629×10-13 M.K.S. units. 5000 Tesla quasi-static field  x-ray Faraday rotation imaging Extreme Ex Channel-cut Si cyrstals: I. Uschmann et al, HI-Jena LCLS-Matter in Extreme Conditions (HEDP) concept paper (04.2009): “Relativistic electron transport, isochoric heating, and multi-MG magnetization in solid density plasma” T.E. Cowan, M.S. Wei et al., (HZDR, UCSD, LANL, LLNL)

  13. Realization – use channel-cut Bragg crystal polarimeter I. Uschmann et al, “Determination of high purity polarization state of x-rays,” ESRF expt. (2010) (5 x 10-10 polarization) Channel cut Si 400 crystal

  14. Open questions & future directions • Begin with proof-of-principal (ride-along desirable) • Imaging through channel-cut crystals appears feasible (in progress) • Collimation requirements (diverging, or collimated with post-magnification) • Feasibility of post-magnification (convex Bragg mirror)? • What is short-pulse laser intensity, pulse energy available at LCLS? • MEC: 35fs/150mJ/800nm; 2-20ns/2x25J/527nm • Interesting directions: • fields in pre-formed plasma during hole boring • radial propagating near-surface fields • filament propagation in solid (ionization, heating, Weibel) • quasi-stationary fields from current filaments • magnetic diffusion (relaxation, >6 ps) • quasi-static resistive fields • material dependence

  15. Example: material dependence (g-1)ne B┴ Zavg • Filamentation in 6×1019 W/cm2, 300 fs, 20 J irradiation of Al, Cu, Au • Resistive B-field evolution: • η - collisional resistivity • in Al, dominant. B  5 MG Individual filaments. • in Au, dominant. B  100 MG Confines net electron flow. • in Cu, both important. Al ± 5 MG Cu ±100 MG Au theo: Y. Sentoku, A. Kemp; exp: J. Fuchs, T.E. Cowan et al ±100 MG

  16. FLASH experiment • Larger Faraday rotation with longer wavelength  FLASH? • RAP Bragg crystal (2d = 26.2 Å). nl = 2d sin(45°) = 1.85 nm (670 eV) • RAP “channel cut” in development at HI-Jena (I. Uschmann) • 3rd harmonic operation, 1.85 nm, 670 eV (flux?) • 10 mm Al sample possible (FLYCHK) • for 10 eV Al, OD = 5 • > 60 eV Al, OD < 1 • Expected signal? Te 10 eV 60 eV 110 eV …. … … 410 eV . 670 eV

  17. FLASH experiment -- cont’d Simulation (T. Kluge, 1 mm thick foil -- transient fields) 4 2 0 -2 -4 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 y z 2 µm x 2 µm laser laser MG α/nedz (µrad/ncµm) Rotation/(density x thickness) Magnetic field Bz Maximum rotation at 250 nc, 1 µm thickness would be ≈ 1 mrad Simulation: 2D3V PIC (picls), 10 nc, 1 µm foil thicknes, 1020 W/cm2. Output taken at 10 fs before pulse maximum

  18. FLASH experiment - cont’d. with K= 2.629×10-13 M.K.S. units. FR image FLASH 3rd harmonic transmission image (Te) RAP analyzer Al foil CPA beam • Expected signal l = 1.86 nm ne = 6x1023 cm-3 = 6x1029 m-3 (solid density hot Al) Bz = 100 T / MG Df = 54.6 mrad * ( B[MG] * Dz[mm] ) for 5 MG & 10 mm, Df = 2.7 mrad (or 50 MG & 1 mm) Df (x,y)≈FR image ÷ transmission image

  19. Electron transport & ionization dynamics Self emission spectroscopy Dt ~ 5-10 ps Space-averaged spectrum Bulk electron temperature Tbulk ( x, y, t ) 2D space-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy with D. Thorn, T. Stoehlker (HI-Jena, GSI), M. Harmond, S. Toleikis (DESY)

  20. Laser pulse Y Electron Beam X-ray pulse Laser-driven electron transport & ionization dynamics Streaked optical emission 1013 A/cm2 , 1013 V/m, >1000 T, ~keV solid density

  21. Collisions, electron diffusion by scattering, and radiative energy loss have now been included in simulation. (Y. Sentoku, A. Kemp, M. Bakeman et al.) Z=6 ni=4•1022 1/cm3 ne=Z•ni Ti(0) = 0 Th(0)= 30keV Tc(0)= 1keV/Z I=2•1017W/cm2 Pulse length = 700fs Target = 10m nh=10•1021 1/cm3 Ion temperatures of several 100 eV, at solid density (Z=6) for up to a few ps, may be possible with the “Tomcat”-Zebra coupling. (Experiments at UNR begun in December 2005.)

  22. NEEC/NEET with Short Pulse Laser atomic nuclear M L conical HOPG 150 TW few Hz t Au / 169Tm / Au target l X-ray Streak • Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture with ultra-intense short-pulse lasers: • 169Tm NEEC at Draco 150 TW laser @ HZDR (Jupiter @ LLNL?) • Isochoric heating to keV temperatures (Sentoku et al, PoP 14, 122701, 2007) • Streaked spectroscopy for 4 ns, 8.4 keV A. Kritcher et al., JINA Workshop, London March 13, 2011

  23. 169Tm layer 4 J, 25 fs < 10 Hz Au layers NEEC/NEET with Short Pulse Laser “Isochoric heating in heterogenous solid targets with ultrashort laser pulses,” Sentoku, Kemp, Presura, Bakeman and Cowan, Phys. Plasmas 14, 122701 (2007) • few keV • 10 g/cc • few ps

  24. conical crystal 150 TW few Hz t Au / 169Tm / Au target l X-ray Streak NEEC/NEET with Short Pulse Laser A Kritcher et al., JINA Workshop, March 13, 2011, London • Potential for 1st observation of NEEC • Short-pulse separates excitation from decay • Repetition rate for signal averaging & systematics • Resolve unknowns, e.g., Lifetime vs. Plasma Temperature • High-rep-rate 150 TW laser “Draco” at HZDR • tamped targets – short-pulse isochoric heating • large collection Bragg spectrometer • Fast X-ray streak, few ps (R. Shepherd) • Slow X-ray streak, few 100 ps (R. Shepherd) • kT ~ keV, t ~ few ps, n ~ solid density, 10 mm3 • Rate ~107 /s, Int. Conv. a=263.5 • Ng ~ (1012 nuclei)(107 s-1)(10-12 s)(1/a) ~ 104 per shot • Signal: (~ few g / shot) × (few shot / s)

  25. NEEC/NEET with Short Pulse Laser Detailed simulations of “shock” heating in CD2/Al/CD2: Lingen Huang, T. Kluge, M. Bussmann, et al. and planning for Callisto (LLNL) experiment: B. Ramakrishna, R. Shepherd et al. 1020 W/cm2 150 fs Longitudinal Electric Field Deuteron Density

  26. Relativistic laser-matter interactions open new vistas… APS Centennial Meeting HighlightsAtlanta, March 1999 Rückstrom Nuclear physics and Anti-matter creation with ultra-intense lasers APS News 8, No. 3, March 1999 e- 3 J / 20 fs 1020 W/cm2 B > 1000 Tesla Pre-formed plasma Fsc ~ 10 MV • At I = 1021 W/cm2 : • Eo ~ I1/2l = 1014 V/m • Bo = Eo/c = 300.000 Tesla • Atoms are ionized and electrons accelerated to >20 MeV in half-cycle

  27. We shall consider gaseous and solid density targets plasma wavelength < pulse length e- (a0=5)

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