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A structured guide for teachers to enhance students' reading comprehension through in-depth analysis and writing tasks over a five-day period. This resource focuses on genre introduction, vocabulary exploration, evidence gathering, and culminating writing assignments.
TitleAuthor Essential Question:
Day One: Launching the Text • Summary: • Genre: Identify instructional focus point (CCSS) • Introduce genre. • Post an Essential Question/Learning Target/”I Can” statement. • Students read the entire text independently or teacher reads the text aloud with expression while students follow along. • Teacher may discuss vocabulary as needed during the text reading. (Depending on how complex the text is and the amount of support needed by students, the teacher may choose to reverse the order.)
Day One: Read and ReactI can… • Preview text. • Read along or independently and React: • Zoom in: As you read, notice….
Day Two: Making MeaningI can… Students discuss what they currently understand about the text as their teacher listens in. • Focus on key vocabulary including abstract words that require more attention. • Support students in determining word meanings from context clues.
Day Three: Gathering EvidenceI can… Students re-read to answer questions (literal ones as well as those that involve, inferring, synthesizing, analyzing, or evaluating). Teacher needs to read aloud the section again that supports the text based questions. Students think and discuss their answers in whole group, small groups, pairs or independently, focusing on details from the text. Students share answers orally or write answers to questions (Thinking Maps, recording forms, journals, post-its, exit cards, anchor charts, etc.)
Day Four: Writing About Reading • Let’s read the question together, unpack it, and brainstorm some ideas for answers. Find evidence in the text. Type question/petition here • Partner up and share your thinking.
Day Five: Closure Connect the work of the day to the purpose. Help students reflect on how well they are acquiring the expected knowledge and learning target. At the end of the text reading and discussion, students will complete an evidence-based text dependent culminating task writing assignment. The task will be based around the core understanding and key ideas, vocabulary, or structure identified earlier that (a) reflects mastery of one or more of the standards (b) involves writing, and is structured to be completed by students independently. This is the time that the students “read like a detective and write like a reporter”. This could be a discussion around the writing about reading task from the day before, a comprehension assessment, an art project, reader’s theater, a trivia game…