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MONTENEGRIN QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK Zora Bogićević, Ministarstry of Education and Sports. MONTENEGRIN Q UALIFICATION S F RAMEWORK. Law on National Qualificatin Framework - December 2010. ( Eight level of qualification, learning outcomes, 3 types of qualifications) ,. Law on NQF.
MONTENEGRIN QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORKZora Bogićević, Ministarstry of Education and Sports
MONTENEGRIN QUALIFICATIONSFRAMEWORK Law on National Qualificatin Framework - December 2010. (Eight level of qualification, learning outcomes, 3 types of qualifications) ,
Law on NQF Council for Qualifications is formed (The Government of Montenegro, April 2011) Council for Qualifications is responsible for improving the system ofqualifications, approving and classifying qualifications in the Qualification Framework. Sector Commissionsare formed (Council for Qualifications, novembar 2011) Sector Commissions have toidentify existing jobs, occupational standards and qualifications, skills that are missing in the labor market, as well as future demand for qualifications in accordance with the principles of the National Qualifications Framework. .
Sector Commissions Number of SC: 15 December 2011 – SC Agriculture, SC Tourism, begin their work Since January 2012, other 7 SC started with work (Economy and Law, Constructions and Architecture, Traffic, Education, Information Technologies, Ingeneering, Mining) Number of members in SC: 7 – 15
Council for Qualifications adopted the documents • Guidelines on the work of sectoral commissions • Conditions for the members of sectoral commissions • Metodology of classifying qualifications in the National Qualification Framework • Awarding the qualification code • Guidelines for the development of qualifications (level I – V)
Ministry of Education and Sports (MES) MES adopted the rulebooks: The Rulebook on the description of level and sublevel qualifications The Rulebook on the procedures of qualification development from 1st until 5th level of qualification Rulebook on procedures of developing qualifications from sixth until eight level of qualifications is in preparation. MES has foreseen the establishment of the Department for Qualifications, having the role of the National Coordination Point (NCP)
Current activities Sector Commissions prepare “Profile of the sector” - represents a possible basis for decision making in the qualification system. Sector Commissions prepare determining qualification framework for the sector Center for Vocational education started developing standards of qualifications, based on learning outcomes and curricula for tourism and agriculture technicians. In this way all procedures given by Law will be checked.
Future activities Rulebook on procedures of developing qualifications from sixth until eight level of qualifications wiii be prepare University will work on defininig learning outcomes. The funds needed are provided by World bank Making conditions for recognition non formal and informal learning Preparation forcomparing Montenegrin qualifications framework with EQF