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Absurd Math Project. An Online Pre-algebra Adventure. Absurd Math is an interactive online pre-algebra adventure. How to play: Each location has 2 objectives, a mathematical objective and a game objective.
Absurd Math Project An Online Pre-algebra Adventure
How to play: • Each location has 2 objectives, a mathematical objective and a game objective. • Both objectives must be accomplished in order to progress further into the game. • Record information on your answer sheet. • Click all icons for needed information, hidden areas, or hints. • Other areas of your browser may contain hints.
To complete this project... Fill out your answer sheet as you solve the online puzzles.
Start by going to this website READ and follow the directions on each page.
When you get to this page… • Read the directions. Enter your first name and last initial here. Ms. Williams
Later, you can continue a game by entering your Pagecode here. Ms. Williams
As you go through the game…you will be asked to solve puzzles.
Ok, so I’m at the puzzle page…Where’s the puzzle? Look where you enter the answer.
If you enter the correct answer…you will be taken to the next webpage.
If you’re having trouble... …this guy can help you. Click on him.
How To Fill Out the Answer Sheet: Page Code Page Title Hotel Unknown 696E7
How To Fill Out the Answer Sheet: Include every page that has a Title and Pagecode… Four of these pages will not have a puzzle to solve or an answer to write down… That’s okay, include them anyway. Hotel Unknown 696E7
How To Fill Out the Answer Sheet: The Bullybot will not have a Pagecode. You should NOT write this on the answer sheet.
How To Fill Out the Answer Sheet: Unless…you find the destruction code.
The answer sheet should be filled up. Hotel Unknown JF21 1234 HsiauwiJich KL05 456 JbcjkGehoql P340 99.999 ZmvksPbjkdw LK98 x = 7 PbdnksGskjs DR01 987 SkmnvlsLbhki JH02 45635 RknclOkxncl LK65 -------- JjbchdaDfml GH99 5465 Kkjdbka Food F123 -------- SvkUkbjsksd US987 21345 PbdnksGskjs DR01 987 HsiauwiJich KL05 456 ZmvksPbjkdw LK98 x = 7 SvkUkbjsksd US987 21345 JjbchdaDfml GH99 --------- Kkjdbka Food F123 897465 RknclOkxncl LK65 1268 HsiauwiJich KL05 456 Hotel Unknown JF21 --------- 222222222 123 456 789 000 Your grade will be based on how much of this sheet you complete.
Ask Ms. W about the Junkyard Dog and the Ogre Bus.
Questions??? You can email me at GWilliams@prsdnj.org