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HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CAN BE SUCCESSFULLY INTEGRATED INTO ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE Monika Pichler, MD Michael Frass, MD Professor of Medicine Dept. Internal Medicine I Intensive Care Unit University of Vienna. PREFACE -1 Successful integration of homeopathy into allopathic medicine
HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CAN BE SUCCESSFULLY INTEGRATED INTO ALLOPATHIC MEDICINEMonika Pichler, MDMichael Frass, MDProfessor of MedicineDept. Internal Medicine IIntensive Care UnitUniversity of Vienna
PREFACE -1 • Successful integration of homeopathy into allopathic medicine • Homeopathy doesn´t want to replace allopathy but it can be very effective when used in conjunction with traditional medicine
PREFACE - 2 • necessary check- ups and medical tests have to be taken upon initial examination • diagnostic evaluation • life- sustaining drugs and therapies must not be withheld
Founder of homeopathy: Dr. Samuel Hahnemann born in 1755 in Germany died in 1843 in Paris/ France
Hahnemann studied medicine. • He had his own practice but he closed it because he was so disappointed with the inadequate therapeutic possibilities of his time. • He also worked as a chemist, pharmacist and as a translator.
1790: translating of the Materia Medica of Cullen • Cullen had described that the effects of ingesting Peruvian bark are similar to the symptoms of intermittent fever • Cullen explained this by the bitterness of the bark, but Hahnemann doubted
Selftest with Peruvian bark • Daily intake of 15 grams of Peruvian bark • Intermittent fever-like symptoms appeared. Hahnemann wrote down:´ the feet, the finger tips became cold, I became weak and tired, then my heart began to palpate, my pulse became hard and quick;
…an awful anxiousness, a trembling (however without shivering), all limbs were tired out, then a throbbing in my head, redness of the cheeks, thirst, in short all symptoms of intermittent fever appeared following each other.
….this paroxysm lasted for 2 to 3 hours each and came again only when repeating the dose. I stopped and became healthy again.´
Provings • Hahnemann performed provings with many other remedies, mainly minerals, plants and animal substances, in healthy volunteers. • He wrote down all the symptoms in a head to foot scheme in Materia Medica books.
„homoios = similar“ • Since 1807 the term homeopathy is used. • ´homeo´ comes from the Greek word ´homoios´ and means similar.
PRINCIPLES OF HOMEOPATHY • Law of Similars • Provings in healthy volunteers • Single homeopathic remedy
ORGANON • The whole homeopathic system is formulated in the „Organon of the rational art of healing“ in 291 paragraphs. • Hahnemann finished this 6th edition in 1842 but it was published only 79 years later.
Case taking • The totality of symptoms is important. • Mind, generals and local symptoms have to be considered
Mind can concern the intellect, the memory, the character, the social behavior • Generals can concern the sleep, aversions and desires for food and drinks, the weather, the time, the sexuality, discharges, etc.
Single symptom: • A single symptom should be described as precisely as possible. • the etiology, the sensation, the intensity and the modalities • Modalities are circumstances or situations that can aggravate or ameliorate the symptoms.
§ 153 Common symptoms are pathognomonical. …the more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms are chiefly and most solely to be kept in view…. as it is written in § 153
Lasting of case taking • About 1 hour for complicated cases • About ½ an hour for follow-ups • In acute cases prescriptions in 5 minutes
Homeopaths make notes, try to interrupt rarely, make only few additional questions • Homeopaths match the symptoms of the patients to the effects of the remedies. • i.e.: ten different patients who suffer from the flue but with different symptoms may get different remedies.
Reaction to the remedy • The healing follows the ´Herings law´: symptoms must disappear from internal to external, from head to toe, from the important to the less important organs, in the reverse order of their appearance. • The totality of symptoms has to be taken into consideration
Repertories • For the practical finding of the remedy Repertories are used. • In the Repertory symptoms and the relating remedies are summarized.
Initial reaction • After taking the remedy the symptoms might get worse for a short period of time but the patient feels better almost immediately. • Usually this initial aggravation or initial reaction is a good sign.
Remedies • Remedies are derived from plants, animals, minerals, metals, nosodes and imponderables. • Nosodes are products of diseases (i.e.: tuberculinum is prepared from the discharge of a TB- case) • An example for an imponderable is water treated with x- rays
Dosage • The dose is only a secondary principle in homeopathy • Remedies are prepared by a method of dilution and succussion called potentiation. • C-, D- and LM- potencies are differenciated.
Preparation • C: centesimal dilution 1 part of the substance is added to 99 parts of water -> shaken for ten times -> C1 1 part of C1 and another 99 parts of water -> succussion for ten times ->C2
In similar ways other potencies get prepared. • D- potencies are diluted in a ratio of 1:10 with 10 shakings. • LM- potencies are diluted in a ratio of 1: 50 000 with 100 shakings
Globules • Mostly remedies are taken as globules. Globules are made from saccharose impregnated with the remedy. • They get dissolved underneath the tongue.
CASE REPORT 58 year old male patient, travelling to Mexico received all the recommended prophylactic treatment for epidemio- logical diseases. However, after 5 days in Mexico: acute diarrhea with watery stools which were partly bloody and painful. The odor of the stools was offensive.
The patient was prostrated and felt anxiety of death. He had a burning thirst for small quantities of water and was very restless. As a reason for diarrhea he named meat which had tasted strange.
He had received instructions for these situations, so he started to take Acidum arsenicosum C12 every 30 minutes. He felt relieved after 2 hours and diarrhea stopped after 4 hours completely.
Treatment of acute childhood diarrhea with homeopathic medicine J Jacobs et al. Pediatrics 1994; 93:719-25
Result • Significantly shorter duration of the diarrhea (p < 0,05) • Significant less stools on day 3 (p < 0,05)
Is evidence for homoeopathy reproducible ?Reilly D et al., Lancet 1994; 344:1601-6 Testing of reproducibility in patients with allergic asthma. Daily visual analogue scale: Homeopathy significantly better (p < 0.003) Metaanalysis: homeopathy does more than placebo (p <0.0004)
Although many studies have already produced positive results, there is still a need for further evaluation of the basics of homeopathy as well as for clinical studies.
Many allopathic professionals remain sceptical as to the benefits of homeopathy because there have never been any effective studies which reveal the functional mechanism which causes the homeopathic healing to occur.
Homeopathy in Austria • known by almost everybody • Homeopathic medicine is often used in babies, pregnant women (also during delivery) and in chronic diseases.
Homeopathy,University of Vienna Prof. Frass, Head of the Intensive Care Unit of the Department of Internal Medicine I at the University of Vienna uses homeopathic medicine in several cases.
Homeopathy,University of Vienna Recent Case Report: A72 year old female patient with a poisoning of deadlyamanita was admitted to the ICU in a comatose state. She needed controlled mechanical ventilation, hemodynamic support with vasopressors (nor- epinephrine), and continuous veno-venous pump-driven hemofiltration. An acute liver dystrophy started.
Despite a poor prognosis she survived with homeopathic support. • Also patients who suffer from sepsis are treated with homeopathic medicine in addition to conventional medicine by Prof. Frass.
Prof. Schlappack, Department of radiation therapy at the University of Vienna uses homeopathy for patients undergoing radiation- therapy. He has very good results as confirmed by visual analogue scale.
At the outpatient‘s department for pregnant women of the Department of Gynecology at the University of Vienna, homeopathy is administered by Dr. Bitschnau. • At several other hospitals in Vienna and Austria homeopathy is integrated into allopathic medicine.
Homeopathic postgraduate education in Austria • In Austria there are two Medical Homeopathic Organisations: Doctor´s Association for Classical Homeopathy (AEKH; aekh.at) Austrian Society for Homeopathic Medicine (OEGHM; oeghm.at)
The two societies offer postgraduate courses lasting for at least three years with a theoretical and a practical part under supervision. • Since 5 years the Student´s Initiative Homeopathy (SIH; www.sih.at) provides courses at the University of Vienna.
The term ´Homeopathy´ is not protected by law, therefore homeopathic medicines can be prescribed by every medical doctor.
1st paragraph • Homeopathy is an effective method of healing and I ´d like to close with the 1st paragraph of the Organon: • ´THE PHYSICIAN´S HIGH AND ONLY MISSION IS TO RESTORE THE SICK TO HEALTH, TO CURE, AS IT IS TERMED.´