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He akoranga whakawhiti reo

He akoranga whakawhiti reo. A communicative way of language teaching. Research. Ellis, Rod (2003). Task-based Language Learning and Teaching Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Case Studies (Ministry of Education, 2006)

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He akoranga whakawhiti reo

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  1. He akoranga whakawhiti reo A communicative way of language teaching

  2. Research • Ellis, Rod (2003). Task-based Language Learning and Teaching • Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Case Studies (Ministry of Education, 2006) • Newton, J., Yates, E., Shearn, S., and Nowitzki, W (in development, 2009) Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching: Implications for Effective Teaching and Learning • Communicative Approach

  3. “Wordle” of pp. 23-24 of The Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori

  4. Key Messages • …engage in meaningful communication in te reo Māori • …for a function other than language learning • …communicate real information • …for authentic reasons • …students as communicators • …encounter aspects of communication • …practise various aspects of communication

  5. Requires learners to develop… • Sociolinguistic competence • Sociolinguistic / Relationship between language and social and cultural factors • …the ability to produce language • …language that is appropriate • …appropriate in various social contexts • …appropriate in various cultural contexts • …and interacting with different kinds of people

  6. Requires learners to develop… • Strategic competence • Strategic / Planned / Considered… • …the ability to sustain a conversation • …the ability to negotiate meaning • …the ability to repair breakdowns in communication

  7. Requires learners to develop… • Discourse competence • Discourse / Dialogue / Conversation… • …the ability to produce spoken language • …the ability to produce written language • …the ability to produce visual language • …that are characteristic of te reo Māori

  8. Teachers ensure that… • te reo Māori is used as much as possible in the learning environment • interactive, learner-centred tasks are central to the programme; • language structures are introduced and practised in meaningful contexts • non-verbal aspects of communication are included in the programme • students develop a range of different language learning strategies; • students’ language learning strategies include strategies for engaging with unfamiliar language • language is presented in a way that encourages students to look for patterns and rules

  9. Teachers encourage… • speak as well as listen, and initiate communication as well as respond, focusing sometimes on fluency and sometimes on both fluency and accuracy • work together in pairs and groups to share information and solve real-life or simulated problems • engage with topics that are of genuine interest to them • communicate using appropriate body language, tone of voice, and intonation and discuss the parallel features in written communication • try out different language learning strategies, identifying those that are most useful for them • use different strategies to work out the meanings of new words (for example, by considering the context or by using knowledge of the morphology of Māori words) • search for patterns and rules in the language they encounter

  10. Principles of 2LL • Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Case Studies (Ministry of Education, 2006) • Ten principles of effective language teaching • Four of which emphasise: • Formulaic Expressions • Input • Output • Interaction

  11. Principles of 2LL • Instruction needs to ensure that learners develop both a rich repertoire of formulaic expressions and a rule-based competence. • Instruction needs to ensure that learners focus predominantly on meaning. • Instruction needs to ensure that learners also focus on form. • Instruction needs to be predominantly directed at developing implicit knowledge of the target language while not neglecting explicit knowledge. • Instruction needs to take into account the learner’s “built-in syllabus”. • Successful instructed language learning requires extensive target language input. • Successful instructed language learning also requires opportunities for output. • The opportunity to interact in the target language is central to developing proficiency. • Instruction needs to take account of individual differences in learners. • In assessing learners’ target language proficiency it is important to examine free as well as controlled production.

  12. INPUT – Vocabulary Strategy • Input • Recognition • Discrimination • Production • Kōpaki • Kōpae • Rauemi

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