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Staff and Patients Setting Standards Together

Going for Gold. Staff and Patients Setting Standards Together. Patient Experience Network National Awards January 2011. Why was it so important?. Patient experience low, yet a key priority Recognition of low staff morale – focus on frontline & back office services for outpatients

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Staff and Patients Setting Standards Together

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  1. Going for Gold Staff and Patients Setting Standards Together Patient Experience Network National Awards January 2011

  2. Why was it so important? • Patient experience low, yet a key priority • Recognition of low staff morale – focus on frontline & back office services for outpatients • Needed a long term fix with maximum impact, ownership & engagement from patients & staff • Emphasis on patient and “customer” care Especially with: • Three hospital sites, outpatient activity on all • High profile service relocation between sites, new models of care - inpatient, A&E, Surgery

  3. What was involved? Agreeing the aims: • improve patient experience • raise standards and increase the Trust reputation • empower staff and patients • developing simple but clear standards for all • building on Trust ‘Pledge’ and our standards • achieve with no budget and in house resource!!! Two strands of implementation Communication Strategy Trust wide Specific culture change driven by staff at frontline Engage Deliver • Consult > >

  4. Consult for both work strands • Patients • Staff • Public/Visitors • Foundation Trust • Patients / Hospital Volunteers • Clinic nurses – all grades • Health Care Assistants • Doctors & Registrars • Managers /Receptionists • Health Records staff • Clinic Preparation • Booking clerks • Medical Secretaries • Outcome • gaining trust, open minds • new ideas, reality checked • staff defining standards • link to ‘Going for Gold’ • Patients • Staff • Public/Visitors • Foundation Trust Outcome • 180 suggestions • Interest and buy-in from staff/patients to the concept All leading to 5 Gold Standards

  5. 5 Gold Standards

  6. Engage Series of 5 e-Gold nuggets • Screen messages • Intranet pop ups • Business /reminder cards • Mystery Shoppers Posters & badges • Disposable food tray cover for all patient meals

  7. Engage – staff teams • Contributing, listening & role play! • Walking in our patients’ shoes • Creating ownership of the work • Introducing cross boundary team work • Meeting of minds – admin / reception / clinical / patients /senior management • Valuing all contributions & celebrating success with patients and staff together

  8. Deliver – Communication • High profile “Opening Ceremony” by the Medical Director - overwhelmed with attendees • Gold ticket event – chance to win hamper of gold goodies! • Assessment and Audit of every ward/department over 6 weeks to monitor adoption of Gold Standards • “Gold Medal Ceremony” by the Director of Nursing • Gold medals for individual staff assessed as providing outstanding patient care • Trophies for the teams assessed as providing outstanding patient experience • Overall trophy for the team assessed as delivering best against the 5 gold standards – adopted as ANNUAL award

  9. Deliver – Patient Experience • Significant improvements on National Survey by Picker Institute • 92% of patients would now rate their overall care as good/very good or excellent (87.8% in Sept -09) • ‘these (July 10) results showcase a big improvement since the March 10 and Sept 09 survey’ (Independent Picker Report)

  10. Deliver – Culture Change • Staff involved and keen to contribute • Patients noticing a difference and commenting • Outpatient teams working across disciplines to improve the patient experience • Creation and implementation of new ‘core behavioural standards’ by staff • Staff proud to wear their badges & display the 5 ‘Gold Standard’ posters • Outpatient staff won 2 awards in ‘Gold’ audits

  11. Impact • Organisation wide • Patients empowered • Culture change towards customer care • Staff morale improved • Proud to offer gold standards • CEO receives more compliment letters “ My team like the simple easy to understand messages of the Going for Gold concept. They have been interpreted at a local level, but remain significant for all” (Senior Nurse)

  12. What next? • The 5 gold standards included in all job descriptions • Regular Independent Surveys to assess patient perception and experience • Internal “mystery shoppers” & audits • Future ‘gold medal’ ceremonies • “Gold” theme days (Health & Well-being) • More e- Gold nuggets • Continuing to embed in the organisation

  13. What can we learn/share? • Process must be owned by staff and patients • Develop a “branding” to be proud of • Simple, clear, relevant messages to all staff (not just clinical) • Senior team and clinical involvement • It is transferable process & format – but for success it must be local & relevant Big changes – low cost – major difference

  14. The patient experience is Going for Gold your responsibility

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