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MUSLIM FESTIVAL OF SACRIFICES Thatfestival’spurpose is tohelppeople. Ithappenslikethatpeoplewhohas enoughmoneyand is ableto buy,buysbavineanimalsandsacrificethemforgodandserveoutitsmeattopeoplewhoneed it likepoorfamilies. Exceptthat, whensomeonewishsomethingsayingthat’’I’llsacrifice an animalif it comestrue’’they do thesamething,too.
Ramadan On monthwhichcalled ‘’ramadan’’,peoplefastreligiousfasting.Itmeansthatpeople ,whoarefasting ,donteatordrinkanythingfromsunrisetosunset. When it is sunset,you can hearthe azan frommosques.Thenyou can eatanddrinkwhateveryouwant.Inthat moment peopleusuallycometogether in one’shouse.This is called as ‘’iftar’’. Beforethesunsetpeoplewakeupand it again.Afterthat time,theycan’t eatordrinkanything.Andit’s called ‘’ suhoor’’. Thiscyclegoes on for a month.
RamadanfestIval Firstday of the festival,boysgotomosquesforpraying. Then,everyonegotovisittheirrelatives. Everyonetryto be cleanandweartheirnewestclothes. Whenyougotovisitone,theygiveyoucandyandpourcologne in yourhand. Whensomeoneyoungkisstheoldperson’shand,(s)he givesyoumoney. Childrengotohouses ,knocktheirdoorsandwantcandyormoney.You can imaginethislikeHalloween.
MEVLUT PeoplepraytoGodreadingQuranin theirhousewithcrowdwhentheyhave a baby,a newhouseorsomeonepassedaway.
WEEK OF DOMESTIC GOODS It is celebratedbetween 12-18 December. It is usuallycelebratingin schools. Theaim of thatevent is raisingtheawareness of publicaboutconsumption. Inthatday,peopleusethethingsthat made in Turkey. Whyarewecelebratingthisday? Turkeywasthecountrythatjustgotout of thebattle.Because of that,itseconomywasn’tstrongenough.So,theymadethisdayforsavingmoneyandpreventingeconomicalspan.
TEACHER’S DAY Students buy presentsand readpoemsfortheirteachers. It is a daywhichstudentsmakefeeltheirteacherhappy in thatway,on 24th of November. Thisday is celebratedbyalmostallcountries. But thedifference is thedate of theday.
23 APRIL It is a nationalholiday. Itscelebrating as a kid’s festival. When it is 23 april,everywhere is decoratedandkids playaroundfreely,danceandsing. It is theonly festival forjustkids in the world.Because of that,thekidsarecomingfrom aroundtheworld on 23 april. Whyarewecelebratingthis? BecauseGrand NationalAssembly of Turkeywasopened on 23 April 1920.And Mustafa Kemal Atatürk made it ‘’theday of thekids’’ andgave it as a gifttotheallkids.
29TH OCTOBER It is theday of proclamation of therepublicin Turkey. It is celebrated as a nationalholiday. Peoplegather in commonplacesandcelebratethedaymemorializingourpredecessorandcasualties. Childrenreadpoemsandsomeonemakesspeech. It’s a importantdateforTurkey.Not just a date, a newbeginning.
19 MAY It’s19 May the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day. Itis an annualTurkishnationalholiday celebrated on May 19 to commemorate Mustafa Kemal's landing at Samsun on May 19, 1919, which is regarded as the beginning of the TurkishWar of Independence. Youths sing the national anthem, read poems, make parades and sports and realise cultural activities like performing folk dances and play epic drama to commemorate Atatürk and his companions' beginning of the nationalstruggle in 1919 that would lead to the establishment of the Repuclic of Turkey, in 1923.
10TH NOVEMBER It is themostpatheticdateforTurkishNation. Welostourgreatleader ‘’Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’’who put his hearttothiscountryandthisnation.Things he didareincommunicableandTurkishpeoplereaalygratefultohim. Thedate is not a festival orholiday ,it is thedate of Turkish’slament. InthatdayTurkishflagsarepulleddownandsiren sounds at 09.05. Allstand in silence andrespecthim ,his revolutionsagain.
NEW YEAR It is celebrating on thelastday of theyear. Thiscelebration is mostlikelyknownwithlotto,tangerine, watchingtvshows. On thatdayyou can find a lot of tvshowsaboutthenewyearandyou can seesomebellydancers on tv. Peopleeattangerineanddriedfruits,nutsin theirhome. Peoplecometogerherandplay bingo. You can seesomevendorwhicharetryingtosellturkey.
Thenewroz festival Whenspringarrives,it bringsjoy,peaceandplentifulness.MostpeoplecelebrateNewrozwhenspringarrives, everyyear on 21 March. Itmakespeoplehappyand in thatdaypeoplecometogether.
HIDIRELLEZ Peoplemakepicnic in thisdayandwhen it getsdark ,peoplebuild a fire .Then,beforeeveryonejumpoverthe fire onebyone,everyonemake a wish.Theneveryone start tojumpoverthe fire. It is quitesimilarwithNewroz.Thedifference is thedates of celebration. Hıdırellez6 May Newroz21 March
DAY OF GOLD (ALTIN GÜNÜ) Women organize thisevent. A group of womencometogether.Once in a week, one of them is chosento be host. Shecookesfoodsand her friendsbringto her gold.Italternateswithothers.