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Northwest Colorado Oil and Gas Forum

Northwest Colorado Oil and Gas Forum. BLM/USFS Update, Dec. 6, 2007. Glenwood Springs Energy Office. 26 APDs in FY 07 to date: Williams 19 Laramie II 1 Antero 6 397 processed in FY 07 400 expected in FY 08. Glenwood Springs Energy Office: Master Development Plans (GAPS).

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Northwest Colorado Oil and Gas Forum

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  1. Northwest Colorado Oil and Gas Forum BLM/USFS Update, Dec. 6, 2007

  2. Glenwood Springs Energy Office 26 APDs in FY 07 to date: • Williams 19 • Laramie II 1 • Antero 6 397 processed in FY 07 400 expected in FY 08

  3. Glenwood Springs Energy Office: Master Development Plans (GAPS) • Public comment/scoping passed on Helmer Gulch, working with operator on EA (14 new multi-well pads, 1 existing) • Analyzing comments on Hells Gulch II EA (up to 6 wells pads and 45 wells on USFS), expect decision in January • Orchard II GAP (25 new well pads, 1 existing, 95 wells) Public scoping Dec or Jan, EA expected in spring

  4. Master Plans of DevelopmentPre-planning stage • Gibson Gulch, 15-20 multi-well pads • Kokopelli, 15-20 multi-well pads • Spruce Creek, 4 multi-well pads • All will have public comment opportunities

  5. CPODs • Winter timing limitation exceptions in limited areas in Grand Valley and Rulison Cluster Plans of Development • Working with Williams and DOW to minimize winter impacts to deer

  6. Glenwood Springs: Bull Mountain Pipeline • 25-mile, 20-inch pipeline from northeast of Paonia to Divide Creek • BLM and Forest Service jointly developed EIS, released Final EIS last month • Decision later this month

  7. Glenwood Springs: Roan Plateau • Issued Record of Decision in June • Covered all but 21,000 acres of ACECs • Analyzing comments on ACECs, expect a decision on ACECs early 2008

  8. Glenwood Springs: Roan Plateau • In August Secretary of the Interior agreed not to lease Roan for 120 days to give Gov chance to understand the Roan Plan • Udall/Salazar Amendment to Energy Bill not included in Senate/House compromise bill this year

  9. Glenwood Springs/Kremmling RMP revisions Working with Cooperating Agencies, special subcommittees of the Resource Advisory Committee Developing alternatives Drafts out in 2008, 90-day comment period

  10. White River: APDs 18 processed so far in FY 2007 • BOPCO 7 • C&J Field Services 1 • ExxonMobil 1 • Williams Production 8 • XTO Energy 1 198 processed in FY 07 300 expected in FY 08

  11. White River: RMP Amendment • Amends 1997 RMP • Addresses anticipated increase in oil and gas development • Developing alternatives with cooperators and RAC sub-committee • 90 day public review for Draft EIS in 2008

  12. Oil Shale • Programmatic EIS Draft on Commercial Leasing expected Dec. 21 • Public open house meetings during 90-day public comment period (February in Denver and Rifle) • http://ostseis.anl.gov/ • Draft regulations out in March

  13. Little Snake: APDs • 6 APDs processed FY 2008 to date • All in Powder Wash Field for Wexpro • Processed 52 APDS in FY07 • Expect 50 APDs in FY 08

  14. Little Snake: RMP revision • Working with EPA on new air analysis • Expect Record of Decision in 2009

  15. Little Snake: Hiawatha • Questar and WexPro propose up to 4,207 new wells in existing fields in CO & WY • Working on Draft EIS with numerous cooperators • Expect Draft EIS in late spring, 90-day comment period with public meetings

  16. Grand Junction: APDs • 8 APDs to date Delta 6 Black Hills 2 • Processed 30 APDs in FY 07 • Expect 50 APDs in FY 08

  17. Vega Unit MPD • 27 wells off of three pads • 13 miles east of Colbran, 2 miles southeast of Vega Reservoir • Final decision issued in Nov.

  18. Multiple-well EAs Working on EAs covering: • Black Hills (Horseshoe Canyon, Winter Flats, South Shale Ridge) • Aspen Operating (Whitewater) • Oxy (Bowdish) • Retamco (Roan Creek)

  19. Kremmling APDs • No APDs FY 08 to date (did have on-site for three wells in North Park) • No APDs processed in FY 07 • Expect 8 APDs in FY 08

  20. Summary – APDs Office FY07 Anticipated FY08 Glenwood 397 400 White River 198 300 Grand Junction 30 50 Little Snake 52 50 Kremmling 0 8 Total 677 808

  21. West-wide Energy Corridor PEIS • Multi-agency document proposing energy corridor designation • Energy Policy Act 2005 • 90-day public comment period ends Feb 14 • Public meetings: Grand Junction, Jan. 15, 2-5 p.m. or 6-8 p.m. Denver, Jan. 31, 2-5 p.m. or 6-8 p.m.

  22. Oil and Gas Lease Sales Nov. 9 sale: 112 parcels, $9.6 million $5.2 million for one 200-acre parcel in Garfield County near Roan Next sale Feb. 14 (info out next week) • Lease info on-line

  23. More info www.blm.gov

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