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XHTML. Web page. - A Web page is a simple text file that contains a set of HTML tags (code) that describe (to the browser) what should go on a web page. It may also contain CSS styles, which tell it how the page should look.
Web page - A Web pageis a simple text file that contains a set of HTML tags (code) that describe (to the browser) what should go on a web page. It may also contain CSS styles, which tell it how the page should look. -The Web browserinterprets these tags to decide how to format the text onto the screen.
HTML Review -Basic tag syntax <tagattribute=“value”>content </tag> • tag - describes the function or format of the content • attribute – describes what aspect of the tag you are changing (there may be MANY attributes for one tag or none) • value – describes how you are changing the tag. • Content – what you want to be visible on the page, such as a welcome message. Example: <body bgcolor=“blue”> welcome!</body>
Anatomy of a Tag(standalone tags) <tagattribute=“value” /> • See how the tag still has a beginning and ending /> • No content • Not a “containing” tag • Ex. <br /> <img src=“homer.jpg” />
Anatomy of a web page • HTML – HyperText Markup Language • WHAT contentgoes in the web browser. • Not a programming language! But a language for programs to interpret into web pages. • XHTML – eXtensinble HTML • Latest standard of HTML • XML and HTML have a kid • Stricter, but easier to get what you want on the screen. • Still an .html file, still called “hypertext” • CSS – Cascading Style Sheets • HOWyour content is depicted in the web browser. • .css files
XHTML • The newest version of HTML • Has many requirements • Makes sites more consistent across browsers (this will increase with time)
1. Declare a DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN“ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> This tells the browser what kind of markup it is dealing with
2. Declare an XML Namespace <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> -when a browser needs to know what in a DTD (Doctype Declaration) this is where it can find it.
Character Encoding • Many possible characters (chinese, arabic, greek, latin) • To keep browsers in “the know” you should have character encoding at the top of your document <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> • (note this is only if you are saving your files in ANSI formatt in notepad!) • NOTE: Dreamweaver takes care of this for you.
3. Declare a content type <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> • This is if your text files are saved in ANSI format. (This says we are using latin, instead of chinese, japanese, greek, etc characters) • Goes in the header of your document
4. Close EVERY tag • Standalone: <img src=“pixie.jpg” /> <br /> • Tag pairs: <p> </p> <table> </table>
5. Correctly nested tags • If a tag opens before a preceding one closes, it MUST be closed before that preceding one closes: • <p> It’s <strong> very important</strong> to nest them properly </p>
6. Inline tags cannot contain block level tags. • Block level tags (<p><h2><div>) stack on top of one of each other on the page. • Inline tags (<a><em><strong>) occurs in normal flow of text and don’t force a new line. • You can do <p> <a> </a> </p> but not the other way around.
Block vs Inline Tags • Inline tags • <a> • <strong><em> • <big><small> • <span> • Block-level tags • <p> • <h1><h2> etc • <ol><ul> • <div>
Block usually cannot contain other block level tags. • Block level tags cannot be inside other block level or inline tags • But <div> tags and the <body> tag (also block-level) are the exception It is ok to put <div> <p> </p> </div>
7. Lowercase tags • No capital letters in tags or attribtues. – The Doctype tag is the only exception to this.
8. Attributes must have values, values must be quoted • In HTML you didn’t have to do this. In XHTML this is crucial. <img src=“images/monkey.jpg” />
9. Use encoded equivalents for & ‘ and < • You must use special characters when you want to use these in your document
Validating your XHTML • Your document’s XHTML must validate at http://validator.w3.org/ • (You will want to validate via file upload). You can use the Validator to find errors you may need to convert into XHTML compliant code. • Browse to upload your file and click “check” • Problems are noted, but it may not tell you exactly what’s wrong.