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OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES. Report to DIVERSITY COUNCIL July 30, 2002. OHR Dedicated to Diversity.
OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Report to DIVERSITYCOUNCILJuly 30, 2002 OHR Dedicated to Diversity
Diversity management should be evident both in how we relate to each other within our organization and in the services we deliver to the Center. Because of what we do, we have the highest responsibility to lead by example and set the standard for the Center in embracing diversity. Jerry Simpson, Director Human Resources
OHR Employee Profile OHR Diversity Management Status, Actions & Accomplishments Wrap-Up Presentation Overview
FY01 FY02 Description 65 64 Total 75% 75% Prof.Adm. 32% 30%AFAM 2% 0%Asian/PI 3% 3%Hispanic 63% 67%Non-Minority 88% 87% Female 42% 44% Age 30-39 41% 44%GS 11/12 96 % 95%No Disability OHR Demographics remain virtually unchanged for FY01 and FY02 Only two skill categories represented: Prof.Adm. and Clerical Non-Minorities are the largest ethnicity represented followed by AFAM at a 2/1 ratio Organization is predominantly female Predominant age range 30-39, followed by 40-49 age range Predominant grade range is GS11/12 followed by GS13/14 OHR EMPLOYEE PROFILE
On Board FY02 64 Civil Servants 1 SES Employee
On Board FY01 65 Civil Servants 1 SES Employee
Strategy 1: Develop employees to their maximum potential Goal 1: Opportunities for growth exist equitably for all employees OHR Diversity Management
Formal Award Opportunities Code 110 Awards Ceremony Categories: Rookie of the Year, Superior Customer Service, Supervisor/Group Leader of the Year, Outstanding Team Work, Process Improvement, and Navigator Peer Awards OHR Managers Empowered to make Special Act, Performance and Time-Off Awards NASA and Goddard Honor Award Recipients – 9 recipients Awards and Recognition goals and actions incorporated in OHR Diversity Management Plan OHR Diversity Management Ensure diverse participation in, and recognition for awards
Awards FY0241 Thru June (Performance, QI, Special Act, & Time Off)
Promotions FY02 9 Promotions Thru June
Promotions FY01 18 Total Promotions
Formal details outside of OHR difficult due to workload challenges Several details/rotations internal to OHR occurred during FY02 at the Office Chief, Deputy Office Chief and team leader levels. Included a combination of AFAMs and Non-minorities Opportunities for individuals outside the organization to participate in OHR detail assignments OHR Diversity Management Ensure diverse participation in, and recognition for developmental assignments (formal details requiring paper)
HR employee participation in formal GSFC Mentoring Program FY01 - 3 Mentors FY01 - 1 Mentee FY02 - 5 Mentors FY02 - 4 Mentees OHR Diversity Management Promote and expand mentoring opportunities
New Employee Support Team (NEST) Many OHR employees informally mentor/coach OHR colleagues OHR hosts Public Service Interns, a Presidential Management Intern, and high school interns (SHARP) OHR employee serving as mentor for NASA Headquarters NAFEO program OHR Diversity Management Promote and expand mentoring opportunities
Strategy 1: Develop employees to their maximum potential Goal 2: Supportive environment exists for employee development OHR Diversity Management
Employee Supervisory Performance Feedback Some supervisors met with consultant to review and analyze feedback Utilized facilitation resources when meeting with employees Presented feedback and areas to work on to employees OHR Customer Service Feedback Tool Web-based survey instrument used to identify strengths and areas for improvement Customers provide feedback on specific work-related interactions Responses checked regularly Feedback provided to employees Employees Coached Positive feedback and recognition shared at staff meetings OHR Diversity Management Supervisors create supportive environment by encouraging and enabling employees to participate in developmental programs
185 instances of training in FY02 thru JuneDiverse participation in a wide range of developmental programs Two Cooperative Education Students Two Long-Term Development Program Participants OHR Diversity Management Supervisors create supportive environment by encouraging and enabling employees to participate in developmental programs
Seven Undergraduate Study Program Participants Four Part-time Graduate Study Program Participants One Research Study Fellowship Program OHR Diversity Management Supervisors create supportive environment by encouraging and enabling employees to participate in developmental programs
Fourteen Center or Agency sponsored Leadership and Management Development Course Participants OHR Diversity Management Supervisors create supportive environment by encouraging and enabling employees to participate in developmental programs
Strategy 2: Create an Inclusive Environment/Culture Goal 1: Environment is well-balanced and stress-reduced OHR Diversity Management
OHR chartered and supported Centerwide team to explore and propose expansions to Alternative Work Schedule and Tele-working programs at the Center. Team is finalizing results of its work. OHR Diversity Management Develop and execute a Human Capital Management strategy that considers Quality of Work Life (QWL)
OHR employees have opportunity to exercise a variety of flexible work options Most employees use flexible work schedules Over 30 employees have an Alternative Work Schedule day off Approximately 10 employees telecommute (regular/intermittent) Several employees work Part-time OHR Diversity Management Committee events (i.e., Ice Cream Social) Recently established OHR Social Committee OHR Diversity Management Develop and execute a Human Capital Management strategy that considers Quality of Work Life (QWL)
Strategy 2: Create an Inclusive Environment/Culture Goal 2: Communication with and among employees is timely and open OHR Diversity Management
OHR Participation in Diversity Dialog Project Phase A Phase B Phase C OHR Diversity Management Provide forum for diversity discussion
Diversity is a standing agenda item at OHR Quarterly Reviews Open forums used as a general practice for OHR employees to discuss new policies and practices OHR Intranet and “I” Drive used by employees to access information OHR Diversity Management Provide forum for diversity discussion
Strategy 2: Create an Inclusive Environment/Culture Goal 3: Employees and supervisors are educated on diversity and its value to the GSFC mission OHR Diversity Management
OHR Participation in Diversity Training Courses Diversity: The Value of Mutual Respect Two Prof. Adm. AFAM females, GS-14; Two Clerical non-minority females, GS-7 Diversity: Building Bridges of UnderstandingOne Prof. Adm. AFAM female, GS-14 Crossing BoundariesOne Prof.Adm. non-minority male, GS-12 OHR Resource Room with Diversity Awareness Materials OHR Diversity Management Make diversity training courses and other in-house resources available for employees
OHR Diversity Management Committee Diversity Champions facilitate implementation of the OHR Diversity Management Plan Coordination of OHR Diversity Website development/upkeep Promoted “Lunch with Someone New” OHR Dedicated to Diversity Lanyard and pledge card presented at 110 Internal Awards Ceremony OHR Diversity Management Support and encourage Directorate Diversity Groups • Accountability • Communication • Recruitment • Career Development and Training • Awards and Recognition • Implementation and Assessment
Diversity Management Committee minutes, upcoming events and opportunities to participate in diversity initiatives discussed during staff meetings Work group lunches encouraged OHR Diversity dialogue on “Class Action Settlement” OHR Transformation forums held at Directorate and work-group levels OHR Diversity Management Supervisors, managers and team leaders communicate need to develop inclusive environment and hold or support regular and timely sessions on diversity-related topics
OHR Participated in all facets of Celebrate Goddard Day(CGD) Two OHR Representatives to CGD Committee OHR created internal OHR CGD work group OHR hosted a booth at the CGD Expo on the lawn OHR awarded an appreciation door prize to recognize GSFC employee support of CGD OHR WON THE CGD KARAOKE CUP! OHR Diversity Management Implement a diversity appreciation day
Strategy 3: Become an Employer of Choice Goal 1: High Awareness of, and respect for diversity New OHR position established in Code 112 to concentrate on benchmarking and identification of Best Practices OHR Diversity Management plan includes strategies and actions to facilitate diversity awareness OHR Diversity Management
Strategy 3: Become an Employer of Choice Goal 3: Management is accountable for developing and maintaining a diverse workforce OHR Diversity Management
OHR reported to the DC on directorate diversity activities August 2001 and July 2002 OHR currently has no formal award in place specifically for Diversity OHR Diversity ManagementBecome an Employer of Choice