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Aile: family Anahtar: key Araba: car Arkadaş: friend Arı: bee (as pronunciation) U mbrella U ncle U nderground U = A or I = A I ce I dea. A. Some Turkish Words and English meaning. Bakır: Copper Bardak: Glass Bay: Mr Bayan: Mrs Barış: Peace Biber: Pepper
Aile: family Anahtar: key Araba: car Arkadaş: friend Arı: bee (as pronunciation) Umbrella Uncle Underground U =A or I = A Ice Idea A Some Turkish Words and English meaning
Bakır: Copper Bardak: Glass Bay: Mr Bayan: Mrs Barış: Peace Biber: Pepper Buz: Ice - B
Ceviz: Walnuts • Cuma: Friday • Cüzdan: Wallet • Cilt: Skin • Cadde: Street (As pronunciation) J = C Jacket Jam January . C
This letter doesn’t present in english. • Example: (as reading) Ch = Ç Chair Ç
Dark Delicious Destiny Degree Doctor Disappear Disaster This meat is very delicious. D
E (As reading) Egg Eight Elbow Elephant Elevator Empty Engineer
Factory Faith False Feel Fish Foot Friend F
Gadget Game Gap Garage Globe Glove Gold Gossip G
This letter doesn’t Present in english. Ğ
Hair Hand Hard Heart Hero Home Honey H
Ice Idea Ill Important Impossible Inspector . I
Jade Jam Japan Jeans Jewel Job Joy J
Keep Kettle Kidney Kilo King Kitchen Knock K
Labirent: Maze Leke: Stain Leylek: Stork Lezzet: Flavor Liman: Port Limon: Lemon Lüks: Luxury L
Main Major Make-up Media Memory M
Nefret: Hate Nane: Mint Narin: Delicate Naylon: Nylon Neşe: Joy Nota: Note Example: Nest Never Next N
Obje: Object Oda: Room Odun: Wood Oğlan: Boy Oje: Lacquer Okul: School Omlet: omelette Ordu: Army O
This letter doesn’t present in english. Example (As pronunciation) Early Earn Earth Ö
Pabuç: Shoe Pahalı: Expensive Paket: Package Para: Money Petek: Honeycomb Petrol: Oil Piliç: Chicken P
Radar: Radar Radyo: Radio Raket: Racquet Reçel: Jam Rehber: Contacts Ressam: Artist Röntgen: X-Rays Rüzgar: Wind R
Sakız: Chewing gum Sevgi: Love Sıcak: Hot Sıfat: Adjective Sinema: Cinema Siyah: Black Soğan: Onion Soğuk: Cold S
This letter doesn’t present in english. Example: Sh = Ş Shake Ş
Table Tag Tailor Talent Tea Telephone Ten Tidy T
Ugly Umbrella Uncle Understand Uniform Until Usable Upset U
Value Vent Visitor Voice Void Or (As pronunciation) W = V Waist Wanted Wardrobe Was V
Yard Year Yellow Yesterday Yoghurt Young Yourself Yummy Y
Zap Zebra Zenith Zero Zip Zone Zoo Z