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The 8086 Assembly Programming Program Control Instructions. Khaled A. Al- Utaibi alutaibi@uoh.edu.sa. Agenda. Introduction Jump Instructions Unconditional Jump Instruction Conditional Jump Instructions Loop Instructions Procedures. Introduction.
The 8086 Assembly ProgrammingProgram Control Instructions Khaled A. Al-Utaibi alutaibi@uoh.edu.sa
Agenda • Introduction • Jump Instructions • Unconditional Jump Instruction • Conditional Jump Instructions • Loop Instructions • Procedures
Introduction • The program control instructions direct the flow of a program and allow the flow to change. • A change in flow often occurs after a decision made with the instructions like CMP and TEST instruction and is followed by conditional jump instructions. • These slides explain the program control instructions, including the jumps, calls, and returns.
Jump Instructions • Jump instructions are classified into two groups: • (1) Conditional Jumps • (2) Unconditional Jumps • The main program control instruction, jump (JMP), allows the programmer to skip sections of a program and branch to any part of the memory for the next instruction. • A conditional jump instruction allows the programmer to make decisions based upon numerical tests. • The results of numerical tests are held in the flag bits, which are then tested by conditional jump instructions.
Unconditional Jump (JMP) • The general format of the JMP (Unconditional Jump) instruction is • JMP label • Where label is a program address identifier. • A label is any valid assembler identifier followed by a colon. • Any instruction statement can be prefixed by a label. • The assembler treats a reference to a label as a reference to the address of the instruction to which that label is affixed (See Figure 1). • A label can also prefix a comment statement of can appear on a line by itself (See Figures 2 and 3). • In such cases, labels are treated as references to the address of the first instruction following the label.
JMPax_zero . . ax_zero: MOV AX, 0 . . (a) JMPax_zero . . ax_zero: ; a comment MOV AX, 0 . . (b) JMPax_zero . . ax_zero: MOV AX, 0 . . (c) Figure 1: Examples of (a) a label prefixing an instruction, (b) a label prefixing a comment, (c) a label prefixing an empty line.
Conditional Jump Instructions • The conditional jump instructions test the following flag bits: • sign (SF), • zero (ZF), • carry (CF), • parity (PF), and • overflow (OF). • If the condition under test is true, a branch to the label associated with the jump instruction occurs. • If the condition is false, the next sequential step in the program executes.
Conditional Jump Instructions • The general format of a conditional jump instruction is • Jxxxlabel • Where: • xxx describes the condition for which you are testing • label is a program address identifier. • The syntax of the 8086 assembly language supports 31 conditional jump instructions (See Table 1). • 15 of those instructions test a status flag or a combination of status flags and jump to the address indicated by label if the condition is true. • Another 15 conditional jumps are the converses of the first 15; they force a jump if the condition is false.
Conditional Jump Instructions • When signed numbers are compared, use the JG, JL, JGE, JLE, JE, and JNE instructions. • The terms greater than and less than refer to signed numbers. • Whenunsigned numbers are compared, use the JA, JB, JAB, JBE, JE, and JNE instructions. • The terms above and below refer to unsigned numbers. • The conditional jump instructions all test flag bits except for JCXZ (jump if CX = 0) • Instead of testing flag bits, JCXZ directly tests the contents of the CX register without affecting the flag bits • For the JCXZ instruction, if CX = 0, a jump occurs, and if CX != 0, no jump occurs.
Conditional Jump Instructions • Conditional jump instructions are used together with instructions that affect the status flags (CF, OF, PF, SF, and ZF) and those which affect the CX register. • These instructions include: • Arithmetic Instructions (e.g., ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, CMP, INC, DEC) • Logical Instructions (e.g., AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NEG)
Conditional Jump Instructions • Example 1: Write an assembly code to compare two variables V1 and V2 and store the larger into AH and the smaller into AL. • Solution: See Figure 2
data segment ; start data segment v1 db 3; v1 = 3 v2 db 7; v2 = 7 ends ; end data segment code segment ; start code segment start: leaax, data ; load effective address of data segment movds, ax ; set ds = data segment movah, v1 ; load v1 into ah moval, v2 ; load v2 into al cmpah, al; compare the two numbers ja done ; if (ah > al) then goto done xchgah, al ; else exchange ah & al done: nop; do nothing ends ; end code segment end start ; end program Figure 2: Assembly code for Example 1.
Loop Instruction • The general format of a loop instruction is • LOOP label • Where label is a program address identifier. • The LOOP instruction can be used to count the iterations of a loop. • The LOOP instruction is equivalent for the two instructions • DEC CX • JNZ label • The major distinction between the above two instructions and the LOOP instruction is that the later does not affect the states the status flags. • The LOOP decrements the contents of the CX register and if the result is not zero, directs program flow to the instruction at address referenced by label. • Conversely, if the result of decrementing CX is zero, program flow fall through to the next instruction.
Loop Instruction • Example 2: Write an assembly code to find the largest value in a given array on n elements (assume n = 5). • Solution: See Figure 3
data segment ; start data segment a db 3 ; array a of 5 values db 5 db 1 db 7 db 2 ends ; end data segment code segment ; start code segment start: leaax, data ; load effective address of data segment movds, ax; set ds = data segment movcx, 5 ; set cx = loop count movbx, 0 ; set bx = index of 1st element (0) moval, 0 ; set al = 0 (assume al is the max value) next: movah, a[bx] ; load a[bx] into ah incbx; increment bx (next element index) cmpah, al ; compare ah and al jbe skip ; if (ah <= al) then skip moval, ah ; else set al = ah skip: loop next; loop ends ; end code segment end start ; end program Figure 3: Assembly code for Example 2.
Variations on Loop Instruction • The 8086 supports a couple of variations on the LOOP instruction: • LOOPZ (Loop While Zero) • LOOPNZ (Loop While Not Zero) • LOOPE (Loop While Equal) • LOOPNE (Loop While Not Equal) • These variations allow program flow to be controlled by both the CX register and the zero flag (ZF) simultaneously.
Procedures • The procedure (subroutine, method, or function) is an important part of any computer system’s architecture. • A procedure is a group of instructions that usually performs one task. • A procedure is a reusable section of the software that is stored in memory once, but used as often as necessary. • This saves memory space and makes it easier to develop software. • The only disadvantage of a procedure is that it takes the computer a small amount of time to link to the procedure and return from it.
Procedures • The CALL instruction links to the procedure, and the RET (return) instruction returns from the procedure. • The stack stores the return address whenever a procedure is called during the execution of a program. • The CALL instruction pushes the address of the instruction following the CALL (return address) on the stack. • The RET instruction removes an address from the stack so the program returns to the instruction following the CALL.
ProceduresProcedure Definition • A procedure can be defined as shown in Figure 3. • The beginning of a procedure is defined with a PROC (PROCedure) directive. • Each procedure must be assigned a name, by which it can be called from elsewhere in a program. • The ending of a procedure is defined with an ENDP (ENDProcedure) directive. • Between the PROC and ENDP directives you can write the body of your procedure. procedure_namePROC ; procedure body procedure_name END Figure 4: Procedure definition.
ProceduresThe CALL Instruction • The CALL instruction is used to invoke the code in a subroutine. • The general format of a CALL instruction is • CALL procedure_name • The CPU does several things when a CALL instruction is executed: • (1) It adjusts the contents of the IP register as if it were about to execute the next instruction. • (2) It stores the contents of the IP register in the program stack. • (3) It adjusts the contents of the IP register again to point to the 1st instruction in the named procedure. • The result is that immediately after processing a CALL instruction, the CPU begins executing the 1st instruction in the named procedure. • From there on it continues executing instructions until it encounters a RET instruction.
ProceduresThe RET Instruction • A RET(Return) instruction transfers program flow back from a subroutine to its caller. • The general format of a RET instruction is • RET • When the CPU encounters a RET instruction, it perform the following actions. • (1) It recovers the IP register contents stored in the program stack by the CALL instruction. • (2) It puts the restored value into the IP register and continue execution. • This gets the CPU back to where it was when the CALL instruction was encountered.
Loop Instruction • Example 3:Write a procedure to add the elements of an array a. • Assume that the sum will be in AX. • Assume that the number of elements is (n = 5). • Use BX as an index of the array. • Use LOOP instruction to accomplish the task. • Solution: See Figure 4
data segment ; start data segment a dw3 ; array a of 5 values dw5 dw1 dw7 dw2 ends ; end data segment code segment ; start code segment Sumproc movcx, 5 ; set cx = loop count movax, 0 ; set ax = 0 (sum) movbx, 0 ; set bx= 0 (index of 1st element) next: addax, a[bx] ; ax = ax + a[bx] incbx; bx = bx + 2 (next element 2 bytes) incbx loop next; loop ret ; return to caller endp start: leaax, data ; load effective address of data segment movds, ax; set ds = data segment callsum ; call sum procedure ends; end code segment end start ; end program Figure 3: Assembly code for Example 2.