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Morning Report. Alan Chan, MD Med-peds PGY4. “"Be obscure clearly." — E.B. White. HPI: 21 yo previously healthy Caucausian male. Some bilateral flank discomfort for 1-2 days. This morning with some reddish urine that he thought was blood.
Morning Report Alan Chan, MD Med-peds PGY4 “"Be obscure clearly." — E.B. White
HPI: 21 yo previously healthy Caucausian male. Some bilateral flank discomfort for 1-2 days. This morning with some reddish urine that he thought was blood. No dysuria. 2 wk ago with sore throat pain, mild neck ache, but afebrile. He was seen in the ER at that time and thought related to viral illness, but he received a course of amoxcillin. He recovered from that. 1 wk fatigue. He thought he saw some blood in his belly button as well earlier in the day. Chief Complaint: flank pain and funny urine
Medications None – finished Amoxicillin 1 wk ago. Allergies NKDA
PMH: as a child - meningitis PSurgHx: none ROS: No chills, fatigue, night sweats. No wt changes. No trauma, vision changes No rhinorrhea, sneezing; No dyspnea on exertion, edema, no shortness of breath, wheeze No GI issues. Some anterior tibial bruising he thinks is related to his “big dogs” getting rough.
SH: Mr Goodcents manager. 1/2 ppd x ~ 3 yr. Occasional EtOH. Patient denies IVDU; occasional MJ and K2 FH: parents alive and healthy
VS in ER: Temp 100.8, Resp 18, BP 142/88, Pulse 108. 99% on RA General: Alert male appears stated age and in mild acute distress due back pain. HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, pale conjunctiva. OP clear with intact dentition and 2 apparent caries, moist mucus membranes. Mild tonsillar erythema. Gums appear reddish. Neck: soft, supple, bilat swollen LAP < 1cm Chest: CTA bilat, no wheezing CVS: tachy regular rhythm S1, S2, no murmur
Abd: BS +, non TTP. No guarding. Mild CVA tenderness Ext: no edema, 2+ pulses Neuro: CN 2-12 intact, no focal deficits. 5/5 strength with intact reflexes at knee, elbow. light touch intact GU: no scrotal tenderness; Neg DRE. Skin: a few areas of pretibial bruising and …
CC: back pain HPI: 21 yo with “red urine”, fatigue, reddish gums, Recent dx of URI PMH: none Exam Findings Several – flank pain, pale conjunctiva, shotty LAP Differential Diagnosis
CBC BMP Urinalysis Cardiac Enzymes Liver Function Tests Coagulation Endocrinology Serology Other Serology Cytology Pathology Microbiology CXR EKG Ultrasound CT Scan Other Studies Truman panel Clinical Course Differential Diagnosis Discussion Laboratory Data
CBC 11.2 11 0.9 30 Poly 22, B 6, L 57 M 15 % MCV 91 (80-99) RDW 12 (<14.5)
BMP 134 100 11 104 30 0.7 3.5 AG 8 (3-15) Ca 6.5 (8.8-10.5) Mg 1.5 (1.8-2.5) PO4 xx (2.4-4.7)
Microscopic 5-10 wbc TNTC rbc 5-10 Sq epi 2+ mucus Urine Analysis
1st – TnI 0.01 Cardiac Enzymes
AST 18 (15-41) ALT 11 (7-35) Alk Phos 41 (32-91) Albumin 3.9 (3.5-4.8) T Bilirubin 0.8 (0.3-1.2) D Bilirubin xx (0.1-0.5) Protein 7.7 (6.1-7.9) Lipase 21 (18-51) Liver Function Tests
PTT 32 (21-33) PT 16 (10.3-13.0) INR 1.54 Fibrinogen 115 (200-400 D-dimer 19 (0 to 0.50) Retic 0.9 A-/- Coagulation
TSH X (0.34-5.6) Free T4 X (0.6-1.6) Endocrinology
Pathology • Acute promyelocytic leukemia (M3).
Other Serology • Inflammatory markers – would have been very elevated
Microbiology • UCx neg • BCx GPC in chains Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp equisimilis !! (pan sens)
Chest X-ray Lungs: The lung volumes are normal. No focal consolidation. Pulmonary vasculature is within normal limits. Pleura: No pneumothorax. No pleural effusion. Heart and Mediastinum: The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. The great vessels are normal. Osseous structures: Visualized osseous structures are intact. IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
CT ABD/PELVIS – renal stone protocol Findings: Lung bases: No pleural effusion or consolidation. Heart is normal in size without pericardial effusion. Abdomen: The noncontrasted liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, and adrenal glands are normal. Renal contours are normal without evidence of hydronephrosis, perinephric fluid. A few scattered equivocal 1mm calcifications are suggested within each kidney. No intraperitoneal free air or fluid. No mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Gastrointestinal tract is normal caliber without abnormal dilitation or thickening of bowel loops. The appendix is not identified. Pelvis: Bladder is well distended without focal abnormalities. No pelvic mass, free fluid, or lymphadenopathy. Bones and soft tissues: Skeletal structures are intact. IMPRESSION No evidence of obstructive uropathy. No acute abnormality detected. Tiny, equivocal 1mm stones questioned within each kidney, nonobstructing.
2-D Echocardiogram CONCLUSIONS: 1. Mildly dilated left atrium by LA volume index calculation. 2. Overall left ventricular ejection fraction is estimated at 50%. 3. The left ventricular cavity size is mildly increased. 4. Mildly elevated pulmonary artery systolic pressure. 5. Normal LV diastolic function.
Truman panel • Not done!
Clinical Course • Pancytopenic, based on labs, clinical hx of bleeding, worried about acute leukemia. • Also febrile, so cultures done and started on cefepime. • Bone marrow aspiration done next morning. • Acute promyleocyic leukemia most suspicious due to bleeding sites – was confirmed on pathology with (15;17)
Overview of thrombocytopenia – in adults. Much more common in both inpatient and outpatient. MKSAP Q? Discussion - Goals
Thrombocytopenia (TCP) - definition • platelet count < 150, 000. but 2.5% of the population has a count lower than this! • women have a slightly higher average • Is it real?? • EDTA induced clumping • of pregnancy, which can drop to 75-150K – typically mild and asymptomatic, as long as no PMHx of TCP, late gestation, no fetal TCP, and resolved after delivery • Wrong tube
“minimal TCP” • 100-150K in otherwise healthy adults • One long term study extrapolated data showing 10 years risk of persistent count <100K for ITP or other autoimmune dz as 6.9 and 12 %
Thought process… destruction v production? • Is it microangiopathic – having schistocytes, hemolytic anemia, with a high LDH? (nb. TCP and MAHA is all that is required to suspect TTP/HUS) • OR • Is it with underlying lymphoproliferative disease – Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, or Hodgkin’s
More Destruction… • Immune – ITP, TTP, sepsis like in the ICU setting, or severe infection. This results in autoimmune antiplatelet Ab • Can include drug related – see separate slide • NOT immune – DIC, vasculitis, splenic sequestration
Less production • See blasts, leukoerythroblastic (teardrop, nucleated, or myeloid forms), oval macrocytic RBCs (with folate or B12 deficiency) • 2 groups • acquired (marrow problem, drugs, infections – viral like CMV, EBV, nutrition, aplastic, travel hx for malaria, the HIV. • vs inherited. (Bernard Soulier syndrome, congenital problems – see other slide.)
Ask… • Chronic? Or new? • How many cell lines are affected? • Are there other disease comorbidities? • Check a peripheral smear
Bone marrow biopsy?? • Only do if unexplained TCP enough for a bleeding risk – OR • Older than 60 years old with ITP to rule out those pesky myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)
Overview of those platelets. • Daily production is 35-50K and survive 8-10 days • Typically 1/3 in the spleen • To evaluate platelet function look at young platelets. Reticulated platelets is the young platelet fraction • Can help differentiate between TCP with normal activity and increased turnover • This test is at SLH. Uses a machine from Japan to test fluorescene intensity. Useful, but does not quite show normal distribution
Drug induced • Drug induced list at http://www.ouhsc.edu/platelets/ • Huge list, but usually drug started in the past month. • Usual suspects include heparin, sulfa drugs, quinine drinks, ASA, and NSAIDs. • Cardiac meds like thiazides, some antiarrhythmics • Valproic acid!
HIT or Heparin Induced TCP • 0.2 % to 5% of patients exposed to heparin over 4 days. • Towards the lower end on unfractionated heparin; can have a delayed onset • unknown incidence, but median about 14 days.
Congenital problems • May Hegglin – AD inheritance – giant platelets! Is a mutation of the myosin chain • Alport – hematuria, renal failure, deafness, ocular like cataracts • Bernard Soulier – AR inheritance, platelets are dysfunctional, bleeding due to no vWF receptors • Wiskott Aldrich – X linked, triad of immunodefiency, eczema, and TCP with small platets
Treatment • Treat the underlying disorder! • > 10 K safe, unless Air Force or race car driver – moderate TCP should restrict extreme activities • > 50 K – ok for most procedures, unless high risk for bleeding • > 30-50 K for childbirth or dental extractions • If ITP – short 1 wk of steroids. If urgent surgery required, then IVIG 0.4 to 1 gm/kg/day for 3 days or transfuse. (don’t have to treat kids typically)
An asymptomatic 35 yo man comes for a routine annual. Medical and family histories are neg , takes a daily MVI Exam – afebrile , 120/70; 64/min, RR 14/min. There are no abnormal findings. Hgb 9, Leukocyte ct 2100, plt 135k, uric acid 11.6, LDH 890. PBS – blasts and promyelocytes. Cytogenetics t(15;17) You start IVF and allopurinol, and then should? A Broad spectrum antibiotics B Chemo C chemo with all trans retinoic acid D HLA typing Question of the Day
C – chemo and ATRA AML M3 type. 15; 17 translocation is a fusion gene PML/RARalpha. Response rate up to 95% Use chemo plus differentiating agent like ATRA or Arsenic trioxide.
MKSAP 14/15 Uptodate.com “Thrombocytopenia”. Accessed 4/20/2011. Tefferi A., Hanson CA, Inwards DJ. How to Interpret and Pursue an Abnormal Complete Blood Cell Count in Adults. Mayo Clinic Proc. 2005; 80(7):923-936. Abe Y, Wada H, Tomatsu H, et al. A simple technique to determine thrombopoiesis level using immature platelet fraction (IPF). Thrombosis Research. 2006; 119, 463-469. References