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ATEE Conference 2010 Øyvind Bjerke P.E Department Sør-Trøndelag University College Norway

Student’s perceptions of competence for teaching physical education and its development over the course of one year in teacher education. ATEE Conference 2010 Øyvind Bjerke P.E Department Sør-Trøndelag University College Norway. Background.

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ATEE Conference 2010 Øyvind Bjerke P.E Department Sør-Trøndelag University College Norway

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  1. Student’s perceptions of competence for teaching physical education and its development over the course of one year in teacher education ATEE Conference 2010 Øyvind Bjerke P.E Department Sør-Trøndelag University College Norway

  2. Background • Based on the Bologna process, all qualifications, descriptions and structures in higher education should be written as learning outcomes • From teacher centred education  student centred education • Based on this change, how does this influence the student physical education teachers perception of their qualifications

  3. Theory • Shulman (1986) has identified 7 knowledge bases, which forms the minimum knowledge for teaching: • Content knowledge • General pedagogical knowledge • Curriculum knowledge • Pedagogical content knowledge • Knowledge of learners and their characteristics • Knowledge of educational contexts • Knowledge of educational ends, purposes, values and philosophical and historical influences. • To what extent do student physical education teacher develop content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge in physical education during one year taking 30 ECTS in physical education?

  4. Method • Questionnaire • Physical education, the first course in the subject • 30 ECTS • Start, N=37 • Completed, N = 32 • SPSS Questionnaire 2 Questionnaire 1 autumn spring 40 weeks

  5. Method; questions • Background • Gender, age, level of physical activity etc. • ”To what extent do you feel competent to teach the following competence aim? :” • All the competence aims from National curriculum in physical education (e.g.: dance simple dances from different cultures) • Index • Knowledge • E.g.: ”I do know the teaching principles in physical education”

  6. Results • N = 37, 17 men (25,6 år), 20 women (22,7) • N = 32, 15 men (23,9), 17 women (23,6) • Scale: 1- 5 • 1 = I do not know at all • 5 = at a very large extent • Made indexes in the following topics: • Basic skills • Dancing • Orienteering • Ball-activities • Outdoor activities • Health

  7. Results: Who are student physical education teachers at Sør-Trøndelag University College? • 32, 4 % participate in organised activities • Among these; 42% 1-4 hours pr week, 33% 5-9 hours pr week • All the students have been perticipating in organised sports (30% 1-4 h/week, 54,5% 5-9 h/week) • 75,7% have been teaching less than 10 hours with P.E before they started this course • Experience as trainers? • 43,2% have no experience • 27% have been a trainer for one year or longer.

  8. Perceived level of competenceMen vs women Man autumn Women autumn Skiing Training principles Swimming Health Life saving

  9. Perceived level of competence Development through 40 weeksMen vs women Man autumn Man spring Women autumn Woman spring Skiing Swimming Health Training principles Life saving

  10. Man autumn Man spring Women autumn Woman spring Dance Outdoor activities Orienteering Basic skills

  11. Perceived level of competence - ”didactical” topicsAutumn - spring Man autumn Man spring Women autumn Woman spring Teaching methods Difference method - principles Principles Org. indoor act. Org. outdoor act.

  12. Discussion: • ” Training” works! • Women are under-rating? • Perceived level of competence increases at the most for women – why? • Self-confidence important for mastering teaching activity. • Important knowledge when giving priority to teaching content in physical education

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