Theme The Children of Men, an epic novel written by PD James has one predominate theme: irony. Throughout of the book, expectations held by society reveal themselves to be the exact opposite. Not only are expectations wrongly assumed, by society and individuals, but people commit actions that completely contradict their previously stated convictions. The very people society shunned from being apart of the cure to save humanity, ended up becoming the key to save humanity.
Main Characters • Theo Faron: Extremely intelligent man, in his fifties, is cousin to the most powerful person in England, the Warden. He is a retired Oxford history professor. Theo, bothered by the injustice in his country, joins forces with the Five Fishes, a rebel group committed to out Xan as ruler of England. • Xan Lyppiatt: Cousin to Theodore, Xan is the tyrant of England. Xan is mentally brilliant, and he is well aware of it. He utilizes everything he can to obtain whatever his wildest dreams desire. However, even though his arrogance and ruthless attitude made him the Warden of England, it also leads to his demise. • Julian: the women who gives birth to the first child in over thirty years. She is a part of the rebel group, the Five Fishes. She ends up loving in love with Theo.
First Quote “For our knowledge, our intelligence, our power, we can no longer do what animals do without thought” (Page 6). The quote is referring to the fact that the humans are no longer able to reproduce, even though they have so many medical advances, research and knowledge.
First Quote Continued. • Quote: “Man had found a cure for tuberculosis, diphtheria, polio and even in the end, although too late, for AIDS.” (Page 6.) In essence, the humans have an incomprehensible amount of technological advances and research, yet they are unable to perform the one of the most primitive human activities, reproduce. It’s ironic that humans even found a cure for AIDS, but they can no longer have children, or find a cure for this epidemic.
Second Quote • Quote: “I didn’t resent it that Xan was our grandparents favourite. The preference seemed to me perfectly natural. I can remember on snatch of conversation overheard at the one Christmas when, disastrously, we were all at Woolcombe. I sometimes wonder if Theo won’t go further than Xan in the end. Oh no. Theo is good-looking, intelligent boy, but Xan is brilliant.”
Second Quote Continued • Quote Continued: “Xan and I colluded in that judgement. When I got my Oxford entrance they were gratified, but surprised. When Xan was accepted at Balliol they took it as his due. When I got my First they said I was lucky. When Xan achieved no more than an upper second they complained but indulgently, that he hadn’t bothered to work.” (Page 19.) It was evident that Xan, cousin to the main character, Theo Faron, was heavily favored by their family. It seem obvious that everyone concluded that Theo wasn’t as brilliant as Xan and when Theo got into the better school and achieved better grades, everyone was surprised at Theo’s accomplishments but acknowledged that Xan could have done better if he had worked harder. Another perfect example of ill-advised expectations of individuals whose predictions contradict the final result.
Third Quote • Quote: Theo: “Anyway, you only test healthy, selected males. What about the others?” Xan: “If they can breed, goodluck to them, but while there are limited facilities for testing, let’s keep it for the physically and more morally fit.” (Page 102.) Being unable to reproduce for over thirty years is the indisputable crisis word wide. And yet, Xan is only allowing a selected group of males to be test. The reasoning? Quote: Xan: “But why breed from the stupid, the feckless, the violent?” (Page 102.) The failure to reproduce is the number one problem in the world, but Xan won’t test a certain group of people because they do not meet his personal standards. By only limiting testing to a selected group, the possibility of finding sperm that can reproduce decreases, and so does the hope of being able to continue the human race. It’s like the old saying, “beggars can’t be choosers”, everyone desperately wants to save the human race, but Xan only wants the “healthy, morally fit” humans to come into existence.
Third Quote Continued • Quote: “Luke was exempt from testing. He had mild epilepsy as a child. Like Julian, Luke was a reject.” Society had chosen not to test certain people, and one of the was exempted from testing actually had the ability to reproduce. Instantly, the reject became the savior of the human race.
Fourth Quote • Quote: “Theo asked: Do you often go back to Woolcombe? That living mausoleum? That place appalls me. I haven’t been back for years.” Page (103). • Quote: “But it was that remembered shout in his ears that he shot Xan through the heart.” Page (238). (In previously lines, it showed Xan miss fire at Theo, then Theo fired back at Xan. Theo’s shot went through Xan’s heart. And of all places, the setting, Woolcombe) Explanation on next page.
Fourth Quote Continued Woolcombe, the place where Xan grew up, played an interesting role in the movie. Not only is it were Xan was born, but it is where he died as well. In addition, it’s where Theo discovered his gun skills were far superior to Xan’s, both when they were kids and when it was life and death. Quote: “I was better than Xan both with gun and pistol” (Page 15). The setting was in Xan’s house in Woolcombe during the summer break as young teenagers.
Fifth Quote • Quote: Xan: “She may be the most important person in the world but she isn’t the Virgin Mary. The child she is carrying is still the child of a whore” (Page 238). Even though she is the first person to give birth to a baby in over thirty years, and is an essential part of saving the human race, she is still looked down upon by society. Julian, being a reject like the father of child, Luke, was not seen fit to be able to reproduce. And yet, the “rejects” were the only ones able to reproduce and began to save the human race.
Recommendation The Children of Men, by: PD James According to Sean Pettus… “Absolutely riveting, never a dull moment.” “Gripping to the mind, you never want to put it down.” “One of the best thrillers of our time. One of PD James’ finest work” This particular novel has turned out to be one of my personal favorites. Although it starts off slow, it’s a very exciting book. PD James vividly depicts everything in her novel, it’s remarkable. I would recommend to anyone who enjoys suspenseful thrillers, and enjoys some political aspects. It reminded me of the movie “V for Vendetta”, a very political plot. Bottom line: 5/5 stars, one of the best ever.