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EXAM TIPS. Sociology. Sqa Advice. Use sociological language consistently well in all sections, particularly with reference to theories and concepts.
EXAM TIPS Sociology
Sqa Advice • Use sociological language consistently well in all sections, particularly with reference to theories and concepts. • A pass answers were characterised by the use of sociological language to explain the relevant theories and arguments asked for by the question, for instance candidates addressing social mobility (Section B) may mention issues such as embourgeoisiement or meritocracy. • Successful candidates demonstrate a grasp of the course content and exam technique; those who achieved well appeared to have prepared not only the content required but essay structure and writing, as well as technique with regards to Section A answers. • Answer the question that is asked. • Include evaluative points in their essays, either as conclusions or in the body of the essay, for instance as additional strengths or weaknesses of theories or points relating theories/studies to the question asked. • Not take up time with unnecessarily lengthy description of concepts and issues not relevant to the question asked. • Candidates who performed well demonstrated preparation in terms of technique, for instance taking into account the number of marks allocated for each question, and did not give overlong answers for a question worth only a few marks. • Candidates who scored well made clear differences between similarities/differences as opposed to merely describing features. For example in Q5 explaining specific differences between structural and action theories (either using general points or referring to specific theories). • Candidates who achieved high marks tended to use examples as part of their explanations, for instance in Q7 giving an example of a hypothesis (although answers could be made in general). • Pay close attention to Feminism and Inequalities when revising.
Essay advice: using the example below (2012) • Answer the question asked. For example in To what extent is educational achievement affected by a person’s ethnicity? Use two contrasting theories and relevant studies in your answer. *You need to discuss the role of education and link to ethnicity *You need to discuss differential achievement in relation to ethnicity *Change in education recently in relation to ethnicity • This will allow you to get the full 4 marks for your introduction • If you discuss theories in introduction you are taking away marks that could be gained elsewhere
Structure: Introduction (4KU) • Address the question (see previous slide) • This section is 4 marks – don’t spend too long here! • Only KU marks are available here
STRUCTURE: Evaluation of 1stcontrasting theory (3ku 3AE) Explain what the theory is • Relate the theory to the question – you need to use the theory to evaluate the extent to which differential achievement with regards to ethnicity remains a significant aspect of UK education today. • Identify key features of the theory – Functionalism *Education works = so does society reduces anomie *Durkheim – Socialisation – selective – economic (meritocracy) *Collective consiousness *Culture transmission *Hidden curriculum – link to ethnicity and differential achievement
STRUCTURE: Evaluation of 1st contrasting theory (continued) • Evaluation – • Strengths *Link education with society *School serves society *Mini Society • Weaknesses *Assumes a mono culture (link with differential in education *Assumes everyone will learn and play their role *As a structural theory it does not give enough account of individual meaning and interpretation in education
STRUCTURE: Evaluation of 2nd contrastingtheory (3KU 3AE) Explain what the theory is • Relate the theory to the question – you need to use the theory to evaluate the extent to which differential achievement with regards to ethnicity remains a significant aspect of UK education today. • Identify key features of the theory – Marxism *Serves needs to capitalism – norms and values *Illusion of equality of opportunity *Education is the base of the superstructure of society *Identifies two key functions of education. 1-Reproduces inequality of capitalism. 2 – Legitimises inequalities under idea of meritocracy. *Boring meaningless activities *Students have little say *Preparation for boring repetitive jobs.
STRUCTURE: Evaluation of 2nd contrasting theory continuing • Evaluation- Strengths *Identifies the negative aspects of the hidden curriculum, which is though provoking *To achieve equality we need to get rid of capitalism *Education is not always beneficial Weaknesses *Some have become upwardly mobile *Focus on class equality not others such as ethnicity
Structure: Evaluation of the 1st relevant study (3KU 2AE) • You must use a study which is linked to the theories to support your discussion. 1985 Swann Report – Education for All Concluded racial discrimination and social deprivation were major contributory factors to differential educational attainment. Out of School – predominantly white society – low self esteem In school – Curriculum AE - Weakness – hard to separate issues with ethnic minorities and gender and class. AE – Do they support the theory?
Structure: Evaluation of the 2ndrelevant study (3KU 2AE) • You must use a study which is linked to the theories to support your discussion. • David Gillborn 1990 – Race Ethnicity and Education Afro-Caribbean pupils received a disproportionate amount of punishment from teachers. Many teachers unaware of their behaviour Response to speech and dress “Myth of Black Challenge” AE – Do they support or refute the theory?
Structure: conclusion/Further evaluation (4ae • Can also pick up these marks throughout the essay • More than one strength or weakness of theory or study discussed • Studies – explain limits of research, links with other research or draw contrasts with other studies mentioned in the answer • Comparison between perspectives – Marxism useful in explaining differential achievement between classes but feminism is better with regard to genders.
Alternative studies: • Gillborn & Yondell 2000 Rationing Education – many black pupils considered borderline and written off. • Lewis Althuser 1972 – Ideology and Ideological State Apparatus – moulded subjects to capitalism.