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Health and Safety Induction: Office Based Employees and Management. March 2013. Our Responsibilities. We will ensure we exercise a duty of care to all employees, contractors, visitors and customers.
Health and Safety Induction: Office Based Employees and Management March 2013
Our Responsibilities • We will ensure we exercise a duty of care to all employees, contractors, visitors and customers. • We will ensure that risk assessments of our workplace are carried out, and act to minimise risks are taken where appropriate. • We will adhere to our Health and Safety policy statement at all times.
Management Responsibilities • You must ensure that necessary protective clothing and equipment is correctly used and available. • You must take an active role in carrying out risk assessments or associated activities within their area of control. • You must comply with procedures for reporting and investigating accidents, taking prompt action to prevent re-occurrence where possible. • You must ensure that all activities carried out by company employees will not create a risk or hazard. • You must ensure that all employees are adequately trained and competent to carry out work allotted to them without risk. • You must ensure that all company procedures are adhered to at all times. • You must ensure that close liaison with any contractors working within the department is maintained in all matters regarding health and safety. • You must ensure the safe and secure storage of chemicals and flammable materials where appropriate. • You must identify health and safety needs and liaise with the HR and Communications Manager to find suitable programmes. • You must ensure that housekeeping standards are met at all times within the area under your control.
Employee Responsibilities • You must comply with the company’s general safety rules and conform to any legal requirements, rules, procedures and instructions. • You must use protective clothing and equipment recommended for your particular work • You must seek advice and instruction from your manager when situations arise which may affect the health and safety of yourself or others around you. • You must report any unsafe tools, equipment and methods of work. Stop work if there is a risk of injury to persons or damage to the plant. • You must report any incident or accident, whether or not injury or damage has been sustained. • You must assist at all times in maintaining good housekeeping standards. • You must cooperate in any safety or accident investigations. • You must cooperate and assist where required in any risk assessment or associated procedures carried out within the workplace.
Framework Support Responsibilities • H&S Committee • Identify opportunities for H&S improvements • Represent employees by feeding into committee • Assist supervisors • CEO • Responsible for ensuring that Health, Safety and Welfare remain a priority within the group and that funds are available in order to ensure statutory obligations and best practice are met • Operations Director • Responsible for ensuring the proper and effective implementation of the policy across the group • Finance Director • Responsible for ensuring day to day Health and Safety responsibilities are met within own department • Liaise with H&S Advisors • TL Dallas will provide an advice and consultancy service • TL Dallas will carry out yearly Health and Safety Audits Fired Up Health and Safety Framework UK Office UK Operations Fired Up China Fired Up USA HR and CSR Manager • HR and Communications Manager • Responsible for ensuring Head Office and Showroom Health and Safety Obligations are met • Production Manager/Fulfilment Manager/QA Manager • Responsible for ensuring Warehouse and Manufacturing Health and Safety Obligations are met • Production Manager • Responsible for ensuring Warehouse and Manufacturing Health and Safety Obligations are met • Sales and Support Team Manager • Responsible for ensuring Warehouse and Manufacturing Health and Safety Obligations are met • China HR Department Assists FUC Managers and Supervisors identify risks • CoordinatesChina H&S Committee • Supervisors • Responsible for ensuring day to day Health and Safety responsibilities are met in areas of control • Managers/Supervisors • Responsible for ensuring day to day Health and Safety responsibilities are met in areas of control • Managers/Supervisor • Responsible for ensuring day to day Health and Safety responsibilities are met in areas of control • Managers/Supervisor • Responsible for ensuring day to day Health and Safety responsibilities are met in areas of control • H&S Policy • Set’s out individual obligations and responsibilities • Set’s clear H&S standards for individual issues • First Aiders • Provide assistance to injured persons in accordance with their level training and expertise • Employees • Responsible for own and others Health, Safety and welfare whilst carrying out work related duties • Employees • Responsible for own and others Health, Safety and welfare whilst carrying out work related duties • Employees • Responsible for own and others Health, Safety and welfare whilst carrying out work related duties • Employees • Responsible for own and others Health, Safety and welfare whilst carrying out work related duties
In the Event of a Fire • If you discover a fire, sound the alarm. • Call the fire service. • Assist customers or persons needing assistance to evacuate the building. • Evacuate the building by the nearest safe exit closing all doors and windows if safe to do so. • Report immediately to the assembly point at the front of the building.
Showroom Floor Plan Upstairs
Risk Factors • Main risks in our office environment: • Carrying heavy items (Manual Handling) • Slips, trips and falls • Incorrect posture, use of computer monitors • Main risks as a visitor in the warehouse/manufacturing area to be aware of: • Moving vehicles • Machinery • Slips, trips and falls
Manual Handling • If you are required to carry something that is heavy or awkward, always assess other alternatives for example, using a trolley. If this is not possible, ask someone else to help you. • Only ever lift using the correct technique • Where possible, use mechanical aids to help you lift. • The following video shows how correct manual handling is performed: • http://www.firedupgroup.co.uk/videos/manual_handling.mp4
Slips, Trips and Falls • Slips, trips and falls are the second highest cause of workplace accidents/ near misses (after manual handling) in the UK. • Reducing the risk is easy: • Keep the work area tidy • Keep all exits and walkways clear • Report all potential hazards
First Aid The first aid boxes on our site can be found in the following locations: OFFICE: Kitchen FIRST AIDER:IsabellHolling, David Jordan WAREHOUSE Goods In, Goods Out FIRST AIDER: John Wightman PRODUCTION: Fit Up area, Machine Shop, Corby area FIRST AIDER: Paul Sammerson AURORA: Main Office FIRST AIDER: Steve Blakey
Accident and Dangerous Occurrences Policy • Fired Up Corporation will investigate, report and record all accidents, dangerous occurrences and incidences of occupational ill health occurring in the workplace to fully establish the cause and to provide methods of preventing and minimising reoccurrence. • The following must be reported to the appropriate authorities under law (RIDDOR): - • Any death or major injury • Any reportable occupational diseases • Any injury that results in an employee being absent from work for more than three days or unable to carry out their normal duties for more than three consecutive days • Any reportable dangerous occurrences • Investigating accidents • Employees should not interfere with the scene of a major accident or dangerous occurrence until any investigation is complete. • All accidents which result in injury to persons will have an accident investigation carried out by the Supervisor/Team Leader or Manager of the department in conjunction with the HR and Communications Manager or Operations Manager. • Photographs and statements and any other information or materials deemed necessary will be taken at that time (for minor injuries this would simply involve taking a verbal statement).
Accident Policy Fired Up Corporation will investigate, report and record all accidents, dangerous occurrences and incidence of occupational ill health occurring in the workplace to fully establish the cause and to provide methods of preventing and minimising reoccurrence. Reporting accidents All accidents that result in injury to employees, visitors, contractors and members of the public must be reported in the accident book and additionally reported to the HSE. The following must be reported to the appropriate authorities under law: - • Any death or major injury • Any reportable occupational diseases • Any injury that results in an employee being absent from work for more than three days or unable to carry out theirnormal duties for more than three consecutive days • Any reportable dangerous occurrences
Risk Assessments • Risk Assessments are required by the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations • Risk assessments are also required by other legislation, i.e. COSHH, Manual Handling, Visual Display Screen Equipment etc • If there is perceived to be a ‘moderate’, ‘substantial’ or ‘intolerable’ risk to staff, students or visitors, then a written assessment is required • Assessments will be carried out using Fired Up Corporation assessment form, or another agreed document as specified in the Risk Assessment Procedure, by those persons having control and immediate responsibility for the activity.
Workstation Design and Layout • Poor posture sustained for a long period of time results in fatigue to affected muscle groups. • Fatigue can result from reduced blood circulation to muscles. • Careful design and layout of your workstation should encourage good posture. • You should take regular pauses where you can get up and move around and it is advised that you move away from your desk when taking your lunch break.
DSE and Vision • There is no evidence that Display Screen Equipment work causes damage but it may make existing (uncorrected) vision defects more noticeable • Work at DSE normally required long periods of viewing the screen from close distances, which can lead to visual fatigue
Further Information • Health and Safety policies, procedures and information are available on the Fired Up Group Intranet: http://www.firedupgroup.co.uk/Intranet/ • Health and Safety Issues are discussed at monthly Health and Safety Committee Meetings; your representative is Oliver Woodhouse
Health and Safety Acknowledgement I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Heath and Safety Guidelines, and should I have any questions relating to health and safety, I will direct them to the appropriate person. NAME: DATE: HR MANAGER : Please return two signed copies of this form to be kept on file. March 2013