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The Pupil Premium: Ensuring successful outcomes for 21 st Century Priorities. Excellence and Equity Raising achievement and closing the gap Yvonne Watkins, Deputy Head Bourne Community College. The ambition
The Pupil Premium: Ensuring successful outcomes for 21st Century Priorities Excellence and EquityRaising achievement and closing the gap Yvonne Watkins, Deputy Head Bourne Community College
The ambition “The most advanced education systems now set ambitious goals for all students, with a clear focus on equity, and are clear about what students should be able to do.” “Excellence and equity in student performance are less related to a country’s income or expenditure on education than to how those educational resources are allocated, and to the policies, practices and learning environments that determine the conditions in which students work.” Equity, Excellence and Inclusiveness in Education Policy: Lessons from Around the World’ , Andreas Schleicher, OECD, 2014
Attainment PP pupils Other pupils Time
Pupil premium: the gap in 2014 The gap gets wider as pupils get older: • 16 ppts gap (67%: 83%) in level 4 at 11 • 27.5 ppts gap (36.5%: 64%) in 5A-CsEM at 16 • Big variations between schools and between LAs • Level 4 gap (ppts): Newham 3; Wolverhampton 13; Stockport 23; Bracknell Forest 26 • GCSE gap (ppts): London under 20; Leicester 17; Birmingham 24; York 40; Southend 47
Missing talent • Sutton Trust report, June 2015 • http://www.suttontrust.com/researcharchive/missing-talent/ • Key findings: • 15% of highly able pupils who score in the top 10% nationally at age 11 fail to achieve in the top 25% at GCSE • Boys, and particularly pupil premium eligible boys, are most likely to be in this missing talent group • Highly able pupil premium pupils achieve half a grade less than other highly able pupils, on average, with a very long tail to underachievement • Highly able pupil premium pupils are less likely to be taking GCSEs in history, geography, triple sciences or a language
The ambition “The most advanced education systems now set ambitious goals for all students, with a clear focus on equity, and are clear about what students should be able to do.” We have this ,money so be ambitious ! Equity, Excellence and Inclusiveness in Education Policy: Lessons from Around the World’ , Andreas Schleicher, OECD, 2014
Review, analyse , plan, monitor and evaluate • Where is your school ?Have you compared your school’s PP performance with similar schools? • What strategies are you using ? http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/families-of-schools
Raise attainment Improve quality of teaching Choose the strategies! Early interventions Data monitoring Top EEF strategies Individual support Opportunities for bright pupils Improve skills Broaden opportunities
Choosing your school strategies: get the balance right Be ambitious and review regularly! Short-term Long-term Needs of individual pupils at school and on vocational courses at College Whole-school strategies Teaching and learning strategies Improving numeracy and literacy Improving test and exam results Raising aspirations Pastoral support strategies Is the balance right in your school?
Creating a good audit trail How good is the audit trail in your school? Tell your story …. • The audit trail • PP funding • Strategies adopted • Implementation • Monitoring mechanisms and results • Measured impact • Evaluating each strategy: ‘What does this mean?’ • Improving: ‘What do we do now?’
Audit trail on the school website Use hard and soft data evidence Plus case studies of impact on individual pupils
The evidence • Seek out excellent practice in other schools, don’t wait to be told. • http://apps.nationalcollege.org.uk/closing_the_gap/index.cfm • www.pupilpremiumawards.co.uk • Using the Education Endowment Foundation toolkit http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/ • Using conclusions from Ofsted surveys http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/pupil-premium-how-schools-are-spending-funding-successfully-maximise-achievement • http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/unseen-children-access-and-achievement-20-years • http://tscouncil.org.uk/guide-effective-pupil-premium-reviews/
One strategy :teaching assistants • How well are your teaching assistants doing? • How do you know how effective they are? • The DISS project: Deployment and Impact of Support Staff http://fdslive.oup.com/www.oup.com/oxed/primary/literacy/osi_teaching_assistants_report_web.pdf?region=uk • EEF report on Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/uploads/pdf/TA_Guidance_Report_Interactive.pdf (March 2015)
Evidence from Ofsted: successful approaches PP funding ring-fenced to spend on target group Maintained high expectations of target group Thoroughly analysed which pupils were under-achieving + why- case studies Use evidence to allocate funding to big-impact strategies High quality teaching, not interventions to compensate for poor teaching Use achievement data to check interventions are effective and make adjustments where necessary Appraisal objectives linked to individual members of staff Highly trained support staff-for catch up . Senior leader with oversight of how PP funding is being spent Teachers know which pupils eligible for PP Able to demonstrate impact, audit and outcomes shown on website Involve governors- named Governor - parents and carers
Evidence from Ofsted: less successful approaches Lack of clarity about intended impact of PP spending Funding spent on teaching assistants, with little impact Poor monitoring of impact Poor performance management system for support staff No clear audit trail of where PP money was spent Focus on level 4 or grade C thresholds, so more able under-achieved PP spending not part of school development plan! Used poor comparators for performance, thus lowering expectations Pastoral work not focused on desired outcomes for PP pupils Governors not involved in decisions about the PP spending
EXAMPLES of STRATEGIES TO CLOSE ATTAINMENT GAPS • Whole school strategies might include… • Quality teaching and learning, consistent across the school, supported by strong CPD culture, observation/moderation and coaching • Engaging and relevant curriculum, personalised to pupil needs • Pupil level tracking, assessment and monitoring • Quality assessment • Effective reward, behaviour and attendance policies • Inclusive and positive school culture • Effective senior leadership team, focused on PP agenda WHOLE SCHOOL STRATEGIES ...which benefit all pupils • Targeted strategies for under-achieving pupils might include… • Early intervention and targeted learning interventions • One-to-one support and other ‘catch-up’ provision • Rigorous monitoring and evaluation of impact of targeted interventions • Extended services and multi-agency support • Targeted parental engagements • In-school dedicated pastoral and wellbeing support and outreach • Developing confidence and self-esteem through pupil voice, empowering student mentors, sport, music, or other programmes. STRATEGIES FOR UNDER-PERFORMING PUPILS …which benefit FSM and other under-achieving pupils TARGETED STRATEGIES FOR PUPILS ELIGIBLE FOR FSM …which specifically benefit FSM pupils • Targeted strategies for FSM pupils might include… • Incentives and targeting of extended services and parental support • Subsidising school trips and other learning resources • Additional residential and summer camps • Interventions to manage key transitions between stages /schools • Dedicated senior leadership champion Source: abridged from Rea and Hill , 2011, Does School-to-School Support close the gap? National College for School Leadership
We are all accountable … Are your pupils making at least good progress? Use accountability to support successful implementation Build your own data sets On PP impact, we should be holding ourselves to account-and have compared progress to non PP students Are your PP students making at least good progress? Do your staff know exactly who the PP students are ?How do you know ? Which teachers are teaching the PP students ? Create a good audit trail at K.S.3 and K.S 4 Include attendance, exclusions and destination data Accountability direct to parents: What is on your website? Is it parent friendly?
OFSTED :What inspectors are looking for? • Before the inspection, RAISE Online is studied for evidence on gaps: • How well did FSM pupils attain last year in comparison to other pupils in the school and nationally? • How much progress did FSM pupils make last year compared to other pupils in the school and nationally? • How well have FSM pupils been performing over time? Is attainment rising? Is the gap narrowing? • PP pupil tracking by inspector • Discussions with PP pupils, parents, staff and governors • Study of effectiveness of PP spending strategies • Study of effectiveness of leadership in monitoring and evaluation • Governor involvement
Factors considered by inspectors Quality of the school’s analysis of the performance and needs of PP pupils School rationale for spending PP funding Appropriateness and level of challenge of school’s success criteria Robustness of monitoring and evaluation Level of involvement of governors Level of involvement of pupils, parents and carers Impact on narrowing the gap
Finally use curriculum freedoms SCHOOL CURRICULUM Work , study, life NATIONAL CURRICULUM The school curriculum is much bigger than the National Curriculum. How are you using the curriculum to close the gap in your school?Give a whole Education! Be ambitious! “Today’s schooling needs to be much more about ways of thinking, involving creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making.” Andreas Schleicher - OECD
The way forward… Checklist : Look at the list -where are you now? -where do you want to be for September? -what steps do you need to take ? Action planning : Overall SDP Action Plan Governors Balance of finances Evaluation of effectiveness Drop and replace Top EFF strategies Buy in from all staff Curriculum balance Rapid interventions Audit trail http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/families-of-schools
Evaluate effectiveness Make an impact So now :……….. Change practice Training in depth Use evidence to decide strategy Get buy-in at school Today’s conference ACTIONS
The moral purpose “Our data shows that it doesn’t matter if you go to a school in Britain, Finland or Japan, students from a privileged background tend to do well everywhere. What really distinguishes education systems is their capacity to deploy resources where they can make the biggest difference. “Your effect as a teacher is a lot bigger for a student who doesn’t have a privileged background than for a student who has lots of educational resources” Andreas Schleicher, Times Educational Supplement, 2013