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Five Kingdoms of Life

Explore the characteristics of the five kingdoms of life - Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists, and Monera. Learn about their unique features, classification, and importance in ecosystems. Discover how each kingdom obtains energy and sustenance in different ways.

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Five Kingdoms of Life

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  1. Fivekingdongs

  2. Animalskingdoms • Animal are multicellular ,theirbody plan eventuallybecomesfixed as theydevelop.Allanimalsmustingestotherorganismortheirproductsforsustance. • They are alsodistinguishedfromplants,algae and fungibylackingrigidcellwals.Theycan’tmaketheirownfood.Animalsmusteatplantsorotheranimals.

  3. Plantkingdoms Plant are multicellularorganism.greenplantshavecellwallswithcellulose and characteristicallyobtainmost of theirenergyfromsunlightviaphotosynthesisusingchlorophyllcontained in chloroplast.Much of human nutritiondependsonlandplants,eitherdirectlyorindirectly.They use energyfromsunlight to perfomphotosynthesis.Thephotosynthesisisconductedbylandplantsistheultimatesource of energy and organic material in nearlyallecosystems N

  4. Funguskingdoms Theseorganisms are classified as a kingdom,Fungi,whichisseparatefromplants, animals , protist and bacteria.Onehigherdifferenceisthatfungalcellshavecellwallsthatcontainschitin. Themembers of thiskingdom can be unicellular, likeyeast,ormulticellular,likemushroom.Fungican’tmovearound.Fungalreproductioniscomplex.

  5. Protistkingdom • The living things in theprotistkingdom can be unicellular, orthey are multicellularwithoutspecializedtissues.Protistlive i almostanyenviromentthatcontainsliquidwater.Mayprotistsuch as thealgae,arephotosynthetic,they can maketheirownfood.

  6. Monerankingdom • Is a kingdomthatcontainsunicellularorganismswith a prokaryoticcellorganization , such as bacteria. • Theorganismsfound in Monerankingdomhavebeendividedintotwodomains,Archea and Bacteria.Wefind Bacteria onland,inwater and in the air.

  7. Videos of fivekingdoms • Video of fivekingdom

  8. Questions and answers Whatthenames of thefivekingdoms? Fungi,protist,moneran,plant and animal kingdom How are thebodies of plants? Thebodies of plants are multicellularorganisms How are thebodies of fungi? Unicellularliketheyeastand multicellularlikethemushroom.


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