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CANIDAE. MEMBER. AU YEUNG HO WAH. ( 1 ). CHEUNG CHI HUNG. ( 8 ). CHOY CHUN HO. ( 11 ). Introduction.
Introduction Today, we are going to introduce the species of the whole family of CANIDAE. The information of these composition are the truth of the CANIDAE species living nowadays. This project was presented by Au Yeung Ho Wah, Cheung Chi Hung and Choy Chun Ho, we have searched the following details for a period of time. We also point the perniciousness brought to all kinds of CANIDAE species from an evil specie called -------human.
Black-backed Jackal ---Food required: all kinds of insects, small buck, bird egg and rotten meat. ---Natural enemy: Large carnivore animals, lion, leopard, etc. ---Height and Weight: 35-45cm height and 9-14kg. ---Life: the average of all black-backed jackal is 8-10 years old. ---Reproduction: the pregnancy is about 60-70 weeks and will born 4-8 small black-backed jackal only. ---Be find difficulty: Black-backed jackal are found difficulty because they like to stay under low trees and space cavity.
FURTHER DETAILS Black-backed Jackal is one of the most successful Canidae species in the world. Its distribution is very wide. Although they are elaborate and crafty, but they are loyal to their companion; they only have one companion with their whole life, and they are responded to take care to their children. They like to live in dry land and away from the forest. They are one of the members of opportunism. They would not give up any chance for eating, they often with big argument with lappet-faced vulture and long-crested eagle, because of getting food. Black-backed jackal often eat meat with spoiled; had been ate by great carnivores, such as lions, spotted hyaena, leopard, etc. They protect their children with the largest power and to defend territories from other conquerors of their neighbor. But unusually, they might be co-operated with their neighbors for hunt, as to obtained more food and opposed the threaten brought by the other great carnivores. Finally, I want to state that this specie of canidae was one of the most successful order carnivores animals which lived in Africa. It specie only be destroyed under the unusual weather or human. Number of black-backed jackal life: about 250000 of them are still live in Africa.
Jackal • Jackals are still lived in Asia and Africa only. They have opportunism and wisdom I the nature, that is why they can survive in deserts, forests, either some of these places are so abominable, but jackals are still resist these problems. They can still survive among the great carnivores surround them, such as lions, tigers, hyaenas, bears and leopards. Another point is that each jackal has only one partner for their whole life, except their partner is dead. They are the less species which respect the system of matrimony, because most of the animal species of male and female had several partner in their life or do not care to their babies.
DINGO • Food required: mouse, mice , wild cats, kangaroos, all kinds of have pouch animals, goats all kinds of insects and spoiled meat. • Natural enemy: human. • Height and Weight: 45cm-50cm and 10kg to 20kg. • Length of head to body:860mm to 980mm. • Length of tail:260mm to 380mm. • Life: the average of all of their life is about 7-10 years old. • Reproduction: they will born 3-5 puppies, and most of their puppies are born in August, during the raining season. • Be find difficulty: Australia wild dogs (dingo) are found difficulty the most. They all lived in the inland of Australia. There is lack of food supply and fresh water. Cars cannot go over the land because of rocks and dry forests. So that people who want to find them is much more difficult than other Australia animals. They are one of the most indomitable animals in the world in order to live in this inland island.
FURTHER DETAILS The Dingo, Canis familiaris: Breed: dingo is a member of a group of primitive dogs characterised by short coats, erect ears, characteristic skull shape and teeth and, most importantly an annual breeding cycle. It is a medium built, elegant and active dog of great nimbleness and agility with a head and body length of 860 - 980 mm and tail length of 260 - 380 mm. Adults generally weigh between 10 and 20 kg. The "typical" colour is ginger with white feet, chest and tail tip, although animals of other colours including sable, black, and white are often found. Dingoes are predominantly carnivorous, but will eat a wide variety of foods including plant material and insects. Their annual breeding season commonly begins in earnest in autumn continuing into winter with litters averaging three to five puppies usually born April - August. Australia's largest mammalian predator, Dingoes have been present in Australia for at least 3 500 years and perhaps as long as 11 000 years. They have an important ecological role, helping suppress populations of feral animals, and there is anecdotal evidence they help maintain populations of endangered species by excluding introduced feral predators like cats and foxes.
Further DETAILS Characteristics of Dingo Highly intelligent, strongly individualistic, affectionate, but cautious, Dingoes are highly-skilled, natural predators. Senses of sight, scent and hearing are highly developed. They are strongly territorial and form lifetime bonds with family, either Dingo or human. Cat-like in their agility, Dingoes use their paws like hands, and like to survey their surroundings from a height. Although they seldom bark, Dingoes have a wide variety of vocalizations from melodious singing (howling), to the high pitched yodel, yelp, crow and purr.
FOXES Foxes are one of the species of canidae elaborate and crafty in the world. They are opportunism hunter. They have wisdom in hunting and take care to their children, in order to survive in any utmost place. Arctic fox is one of the most famous species of fox in the world. Foxes always hunt with 1-6 partner (s) in order to achieve their food. They always live on dry land, and usually hide in difficult small hole; they have about 4-8 babies every time. Most of the foxes like hunting at night. They liked to kill mouse, mice, insects, etc. They also stole meat and spoiled meat from the other big carnivores, such as arctic bear, lion, cheetah, etc. Although foxes are not stronger than the other big carnivores and other big herbivores animals, but they used their most wonderful weapon---------- wisdom. They made used wisdom for hunt, for survive and for continue their off springs. Anyway, foxes is the most wisdom animals of the species of canidae, they make used this advantage to survive in any abominable land in the world.
Arctic fox Arctic fox is one of the species of foxes. They have greatly ability of survive in the North Pole and have wisdom to complete their mission. Arctic fox lived in the pole for several thousands of years. They were live in the peace land until the approaching of human, human ate their meat and massacre for their skins. Food required: Arctic mouse, spoiled meat, babies of dear, fish, seabirds, eggs and babies sea leopards. Natural enemy: human. Height and Weight: from head to body is 46cm to 75cm and the weight is 7kg to 10.5kg. Life: the average of all of them is about 6-9 years old. Reproduction: they will have 5-6 babies for every time. Be find difficulty: Arctic foxes is very difficult to find them up, because they have the white skins in order to have the protected color. But there is an strange thing, most of the Arctic foxes always follow the Arctic bear, to have better spoiled meat.
Arctic Wolf Arctic wolf is one of the family member of wolves. Arctic wolf live in the inland of North pole. They are in group of animals; They usually has 5-10 members while form a group. Arctic wolf live in the inland of North pole, in order to avoid the dispute with Arctic bear. nobody knows their mysteries, but only know they are one of the horrible hunters in the world. Food required: Ovious moschatus, Arctic deer, mice, rabbits, wild duck, spoiled meat and other seafood. Natural enemy: human, Arctic bear. Height and Weight: 70cm to 110 cm long and 40kg-80kg. Life: the average of all of them is about 8-12 years old. Reproduction: female will have 5-7 babies for every time. Be find difficulty: Arctic wolves live in the inland of the North pole; so travelers usually can’t see them, but only hear their horrible noise. They hide secretly in the ice land because they had a special protection of color of white, so their bodies were thawed into the nature.
WOLF Wolves are one of the species of canidae of carnivores. Thousands of years, human see wolves like evil something else. Wolves like to live on snow land and near to forest. They like to hunt at night, with several or many family members. Only few of animals can save life if they were the food of wolves. Wolves used up their wisdom, firm and persistent, they were the most successful hunter with 80% success in hunting. They can against any great carnivores which are threatened them, such as bears, lions, leopards, wild dog, etc. Wolves in the world mostly live on the North of the earth in the distribution. They always distributed in the northern Europe and the northern America. Recently, the number of wolves had increased, because human started to know that to protect wolves life is critical, in order to balanced the Ecosystem. In Yellowstone park, gray wolves started to control the number of cows, dears nowadays. Finally, we want to state that wolves is critical to the ecosystem in biology; but don’t forget, they are one of the most horrible species of carnivores, especially their success of 90% in hunting.
Africa Wild Dog • Africa wild dog is one of the species of canidae of carnivores. Their customs and pattern of society is likely wolf. They like to hunt with 6-10 members, usually selected weakened animals or elder animals. Only few of animals can survive if they are selected by the Africa wild dog. The success for hunting animals of the Africa wild dog is over 90%, this means that they have a great firm and persistent. • Food required: antelope, cow antelope, zebra, mice, mouse, rabbits, spoiled meat, etc. • Natural enemy: human, great carnivores, elephants, eagle and crocodile. • Height and Weight: 75-100cm long and 20kg-25kg. • Life: the average of all of them is about 6-11 years old. • Reproduction: female wild dog usually have 5-7 puppies for every time. • Be find difficulty: Africa wild dog are wild in distribution, because they have numerous quantity.
Wild dog • Today, wild dogs in the nature are decreased, some of them were killed by humans for meat and skins; some of them are fed by humans, so that they could not be lived in the nature lonely or could not thawed into their species. Most of the wild dogs are now lived in Africa and Northwest America, because there were less disturbed from humans. And the other reason made them became less members is that they often are killed or their babies are killed by great carnivores while the whole family are hunting, such as big cat of lions, leopards, and Africa wild dogs. Although their members are decreasing, but they still are the most successful hunter in the world, according to the reason of success hunting over 50% than big cat, they have great ability to live, and have the wisdom to adapt the new life. In conclusion, wild dogs of canidae can survive in any abominable environment.
Common dogs • Common dogs are reproduced by wolves and European dogs. They are fed by human and become gentle and independent out of the species of canidae, this is passed through several thousands of years. Most of these common dogs forfeit the ability of hunting. Here are the comparisons between common dogs and the wild dogs: • Food required: common dogs just need bones and can food; but wild dogs must hunt by themselves. • Life: most of the common dogs or fed dog are more life than the wild dogs, because common dogs had the care of their hosts. • Reproduction: common dogs liked to run out of reproduce by their hosts through the operation. • The dangerously: common dogs are mostly gentle than the wilds, because they are trained from the beginning, so they can be more safe to be near to them without danger, and it is more healthy between human and dogs.
Attached Information • Spotted hyaena is the most animals we like. Although this specie is not the specie of the canidae, but it is the relative of the carnivores, and of canidae, after the Evolution. Hyaena is the most horrible organisms in Africa, because they have the strongest tooth in the world, under of investigation of some geniuses. They can break lion’s head bones easily by their strong tooth, so hyaena is named evil dogs in Africa. Hyaena is opportunism, they would not give up any chance to eat, to steal food with carnivores which are greater than it, such as lions, cheetahs, leopards, etc. They usually hunt in a group of family members, about 10-20. They ate antelopes, zebras, spoiled meat, babies of great carnivores and Africa wild dogs. We were attracted by their great ability to life, firm and persistent. Finally, we chose hyaena the most wisdom and success hunters in the world.
More Pictures Spotter Hyaena
Impressions • After I had done this project, I learned a lot from the species of canidae. In the past, I only well known in about the whole family of BIG CAT, this is because I loved them since I was a child. And now, I know more about the customs, the society, the species, the families, and the hunting of all sorts of canidae. Most of them were lived in this world thousands of years, and they have great wisdom and hunting methods, some of them may steal the food from lion, and leopards these sorts of great carnivores. Finally, I want to say I want to do another biology project again if I have a choice or an opportunity. ( done by AU YEUNG HO WAH)
Impressions ( done by CHOY CHUN HO ) • I was delighted when I have done this project under co-operations with my partners. I had a great knowledge to the species of canidae, because I had understand about this species of canidae. I had also learned the weather condition of the lands where the species of canidae lived are so hard. Although I had a great experience in this project, but I know that I can be done well again if I can have a choice to do another biology project again. Anyway, this project gave me more experience and more biological knowledge after I had done it thoroughly.
Impression • In this Biology project, I had learned a lot of thing and possible knowledge about the species of canidae. The project has described and introduced approximately in all the species of canidae. My aims to do this project is to consider to continue my study in Biology. By the time, I can obtain more experience and details to do another Biology project again. Moreover, I also learned how to group in some members, and to do the project successfully by the co-operation between classmates. The main point is that I can make use the Biological knowledge which are learned in this Project. Lastly, I hope I can do another project in Form 4 in order to absorb the knowledge of Biology. ( done by CHEUNG CHI HUNG )
CONCLUSION • Canidae is still the most successful animal species in the world. It was a specie of carnivores. They are mostly have great ability and have great wisdom to solve the problems in their dairy life, they all would not give up any chance to steal food, hunting weakened animals, for eating and fed their babies, and the most important thing is the surviving of them. Canidae is the only specie that can be opposed and competed with the species of cats, they steal their food, kill their babies with co-operations with their family members and faster reaction. At the end, we want to state that the specie of canidae is the most successful animal species in earth. That is why we spend a lot of time to search their details, to describe their everything and main points. The aims is to led more people and students to depended the biological knowledge. We can be known well that the serious problems of canidae brought by the polluted environment and the humans!