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Roma in Norway . Murska Sobota 2013 . Roma in Norway . Three different migrations of roma to Norway; A group of Lovara roma that came to Norway in the late 1800- century Roma that came to Norway during the Balkan- wars i the 1990’s
Roma in Norway MurskaSobota 2013
Roma in Norway Three different migrationsofroma to Norway; • A groupofLovararomathatcame to Norway in the late 1800- century • Roma thatcame to Norway during the Balkan-wars i the 1990’s • Roma coming to Norway from mainly Romania and Bulgaria the last fewyears
The LovaraRoma group • About 500-700 persons todaymainlysettled in the Oslo area • From late 1800- Century until 1934 theywereliving a nomadiclife due to legislation in Norway which gave themonly «on and off» permit to be in Norway, eveniftheywerebornthere.
The Lovara Roma group • In 1934 a groupof 68 persons triedto enter Norway from Denmark, butwerenot allowed and sent to internment camps in Germany • Onlyten persons ofthisgroupsurvivedholocoust
The LovaraRoma group • In 1956 theycame back to Norway and wasnowgradually given permanent residencypermit or citizenship • Untilabout 1968 thegovernmentdidnothing to improvethe living-conditions for theLovaragroup and theywerelivingmainly in tents and caravans in the Oslo area
The Lovara Roma group • In the 1970 ‘s Oslo municipalitystartet a housebuliding-projectin Oslo and all extended families wereassignedtheirownhouses in various parts of Oslo • Therewasalsoa bigfocusonlife skills training, education and employment
The Lovara Roma group • Due to variouscircumstanses most families lefttheirnew houses in the 1990's and moved to otherEuropeiancountries • Whentheycame back their houses werevandalized or given to otherNorweigan families • Today most Lovararomaarelivingwiththenuclearfamily in rented or ownedflats in Oslo or in the Oslo area
The LovaraRoma group Challenges in the house marked are: • Discriminationagainstroma in therental and private marked • Over-priced or not legal rentalcontracts • ManyLovara families aresemi-nomadic and travelling from May to Octobereachyear, making it expensive to keep a flat in Oslo
The Balkan groupof Roma • About 5000 persons came to Norway in the 1990’s as refugees, mainly from Bosnia • Todaythey have permanent recidency-permit, or Norweigancitizenship • Living in variouscities in Norway in rented or ownedflats • Most ofthemarehidingtheirromaorigin and are not involved in etno- or culturalpolitics
Roma from Romania and Bulgaria • The last yearsmanyroma from Romania and Bulgaria has beencoming to Norway • Onlyveryfew have managed to get permanent or random jobs. Most ofthemarebegging in thestreetsof Oslo and othercities in Norway
Roma from Romania and Bulgaria • The first years most ofthemwereforced to camp in theforest or sleepin parks due to thehighcostofliving in Norway • Others have beensleeping in theircars or rented a madrass in overpricedappartments
Roma from Romania and Bulgaria • TodaytheNorweiganSalvationArmy and otherorganisations have openedcheapaccommodation(about 2 euros per night) • Someorganisations have startedjobprojects(sellingtheirownpapers, sewing and otherhandicraftjobs)
Roma from Romania and Bulgaria • Variousmeasuresaretaken in order to stop thegrowingprejudiceamongthemajoritypopulationagainstromacoming from eastern Europa
Roma in Norway • Questions ?