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Paul David Tripp Timothy S. Lane, Contributor. Orange Park Bible Church. People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change. Lesson 5 . Lets quickly get right into the video for today. SLOW DOWN. You could state it this way:
Paul David Tripp Timothy S. Lane, Contributor Orange Park Bible Church People in Need of Change HelpingPeople in Need of Change
Lesson 5 Lets quickly get right into the video for today
You could state it this way: Sanctificationis the daily hard work of going back to the reality of our justification – receiving Christ’s words, “It is finished” into new and deeper parts of our being every day, into our rebellious regions of unbelief. It’s going back to the certainty of our objectively secured pardon in Christ and hitting the refresh button a thousand times a day. Or, as Martin Luther so aptly put it in his Lectures on Romans, “To progress is always to begin again.” Real spiritual progress requires a daily going backwards. TullianTchividjian
LESSON 1 Three Questions Everyone Asks: • Why do people do the things they do? What does the Bible say causes people to think the things they think, to want what they want, or do the things they do? • How does lasting change take place? What does the Bible say leads to such change? • How can I be an instrument of change in the life of another? To answer this question we need a biblical methodology of change.
Lesson 1 – Do we really need help? • Concept: Our need for help is not the result of the Fall but the result of being human. • To be human is to need help outside of myself. Genesis 1:26–28 • Influence always carries a moral agenda Genesis 3:1–7 • Everyone suffers from some degree of spiritual blindness. Hebrews 3:12–13
Lesson 1 – Do we really need help? • Personalized: I need truth from outside myself to make sense out of life. I need to receive truth outside of myself to make sense out of life. • I need to humbly examine why I do and say the things I do. • I need to recognize sin’s deceitfulness and commit myself to being approachable. • Is it in YOU? - 2 Things • The thankful humility of approachability. • The loving courage of honesty.
Lesson 1 – Do we really need help? • Related to others: I need to learn how to be one of God’s instruments of change in the lives of others. • I need to saturate myself with scripture so that my interpretations and counsel to others are based on God’s Word. • I need to recognize how I am influencing others in the relationships and situations of daily life. • Hebrews 3 Ministry - Hebrews 3:12-13
Lesson 2 – The Heart is the Target • Concept: The heart is active. It controls our behavior. (What is your biggest problem?) Luke 6:43-46 • Whatever rules the heart exercises inescapable influence overlife and behavior. Your heart is always ruled by something. (Idols) Matthew 6:19–24 • The Heart: the INNER Person - Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, Will. • God's Word alone is able to expose and judge the heart.
Lesson 2 – The Heart is the Target • Personalized: I must identify what effectively and functionally rules my heart. (Mini-Messiahs) • If I am committed to personal change and growth, I must becommitted to a biblical examination of my heart. • In the situations and relationships of my everyday life I mustconstantly ask, "What is really ruling my heart?" • I must always study the Word of God with an eye towardmy heart, always asking what the passage reveals about mythoughts and motives. (What is really ruling me?)
Lesson 2 – The Heart is the Target • Related to others: I need to learn how to be one of God’s instruments of change in the lives of others. • As I minister to others, I want to be an instrument of heart change. • Heart change is always the result of the careful ministry of God's Word to a particular person in a specific situation. Hebrews 4:12-13 • I must not attempt to manipulate or control the behavior of others. I must leave room for God to work lasting change in their hearts.
LESSON 3 Understanding your heart struggle. James 4:1-10
Lesson 3 – Understanding your Heart Struggle • Concept: The cause of my struggle is not the people or the situations in my life, but the “heart” that I bring to those relationships and circumstances. • James 4:1 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? • What a person does and says is not caused by the people and situations around him. • A person's behavior is always controlled by the desires that rule his heart. • We have been united with Christ and in dwelt by the Holy Spirit so that we can say no to the passions and desires of the sinful nature.
Lesson 3 – Understanding your Heart Struggle • Personalized: I must live with a willingness to examine the true ruling desires of my heart and to learn how those desires shape my responses to people and circumstances. James 4:1 • When attempting to understand my emotions, words, and actions, I must always examine my own heart. • I must learn to ask myself what emotions and desires control me in the various relationships and situations of daily life. • I must learn to affirm my identity in Christ and rely on the indwelling Holy Spirit as I seek to serve others in love.
Lesson 3 – Understanding your Heart Struggle • Related to others: My effectiveness as one of God’s instruments of change involves helping others to recognize and confess what really rules them. • I must not blame people or circumstances for my emotions, words, and actions. • I must always remember that the desires that rule my heart will shape the way I relate to the people in my life. I must constantly ask myself if those relationships are characterized by demanding or serving. • I must be committed to helping people remember who they are in Christ as they struggle with temptations to indulge the sinful nature. Galatians 5:13–26
LESSON 4 Following the Wonderful Counselor in personal ministry 2 Corinthians 5:14-20 2 Corinthians 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
Lesson 4 – Following the Wonderful Counselor • Concept: Effective personal ministry seeks to be a part of what the Lord is doing in the lives of others by modeling the way he has worked in us. • God calls us to be ambassadors, representing his message, methods, and character (2 Corinthians 5:14-21). • Ambassadors get from negative fruit to positive fruit not by fixing problems externally but by heart change. • The Love-Know-Speak-Do model follows Christ's example of how to do this (John 13:34).
Lesson 4 – Following the Wonderful Counselor • Personalized: I must examine the way I seek to stimulate change in those around me. Are the things I do consistent with the example of the wonderful counselor? • In all of my relationships, I must remember that I am Christ's ambassador. • I must examine my goals for my relationships. Am I solely motivated by my own personal happiness? Do I respond to others with a desire to encourage God's work of change in their lives? • I must examine my commitment to the message, methods, and character of the King.
Lesson 4 – Following the Wonderful Counselor • Related to others: I must think redemptively about my relationships, that is, I always look for the opportunities he is giving me to be a part of His work of change. • I must learn to look at all of my relationships redemptively, keeping an eye out for God-given moments of ministry • It is important to use the Love-Know-Speak-Domodel as a way to examine the quality of the relationships God has given me. • In my relationships, I must always remember that I am called to be God's instrument. God alone changes people.
Love-Know-Speak-DoModel of Ministry • LOVE – Getting to know people - God's purpose is that these relationships would be workrooms in which his work of change can thrive. • KNOW– Discovering where change is needed - Knowing a person means knowing the heart. Friendship is the connection of hearts. The goal is to get below the surface. • SPEAK – Speaking the truth in love - This involves bringing God's truth to bear on this person in this situation. It means helping your friend to see his/her life clearly. Getting them to the mirror of God’s Word. • DO– Applying change to Everyday life - Do something with what she/he learns-to apply the insights God has given to him/her daily life and relationships. God calls your friend not just to be a hearer of his Word, but to be an active doer of it as well.
The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctificationcentre, where flawed people place their trust in Christ, gather to know him better, learn to love others as he has designed. The church is messy and inefficient but it is God’s wonderful mess – the place where he radically transforms and heals lives. Paul Tripp Instruments in the Redeemers Hands Page 116
The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctificationcentre, where flawed people place their trust in Christ, gather to know him better, learn to love others as he has designed. The church is messy and inefficient but it is God’s wonderful mess – the place where he radically transforms and heals lives. Paul Tripp Instruments in the Redeemers Hands Page 116
The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctificationcentre, where flawed people place their trust in Christ, gather to know him better, learn to love others as he has designed. The church is messy and inefficient but it is God’s wonderful mess – the place where he radically transforms and heals lives. Paul Tripp Instruments in the Redeemers Hands Page 116
The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctificationcentre, where flawed people place their trust in Christ, gather to know him better, learn to love others as he has designed. The church is messy and inefficient but it is God’s wonderful mess – the place where he radically transforms and heals lives. Paul Tripp Instruments in the Redeemers Hands Page 116
Orange Park Bible Church Closing Thoughts? People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change