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Emission measurements – stack sampling & Accreditation

Emission measurements – stack sampling & Accreditation. Dr. Cor de Ruiter CDR QA SUPPORT / INAB June 2011. Emission measurements – stack sampling. Quality assurance: Accreditation versus Certification Requirements for organizations involved in emission measurements – stack sampling

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Emission measurements – stack sampling & Accreditation

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  1. Emission measurements – stack sampling & Accreditation Dr. Cor de Ruiter CDR QA SUPPORT / INAB June 2011

  2. Emission measurements – stack sampling • Quality assurance: Accreditation versus Certification • Requirements for organizations involved in emission measurements – stack sampling • The Irish National Accreditation Board & the accreditation process (explained by Pat O’Brien) • Accreditation assessments in practice • Most important issues addressed during accreditation assessments 1

  3. QA – Accreditation versus Certification EA Mutual Recognition Agreements With other regions EA Multilateral Agreement National Accreditation Body (INAB) ISO/IEC 17011 ACCREDITATION Certification Bodies ISO/IEC 17021, EN 45011 Laboratories Emission measurem. / stack sampling ISO/IEC 17025 Inspection Bodies ISO/IEC 17020 CERTIFICATION Companies (may be involved in Emission measurem. ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 NOTE: ISO/IEC 17025 is NOT a certification standard ! 2

  4. Accreditation versus Certification CERTIFICATIE (for profit) ISO 9001:2008 • Deming cycle (PDCA) • Personnel & Organization • Meeting customer requirements • Document control • Primary Processes: - more in general - no technical experts ACCREDITATIE (non-profit) EN-ISO/IEC 17025:2005 • Deming cycle (PDCA) • Personnel & Organization •Independence, impartiality • Meeting customer requirements • Document control • Primary Processes - technical performance in detail - by technical experts - aiming at justified confidence that valid test results are reported COMPETENCE ! 3

  5. Accreditation versus Certification ACCREDITATION Assessment of Competence CERTIFICATIE Assessment of Conformity 4

  6. Assessment of competence Assessment by PEERS This is the key aspect of accreditation. Certification does not include this. 5

  7. Requirements for organizations involved in emission measurements – stack sampling In most European countries, organizations involved in emission measurements – stack sampling, issuing test reports with regard to environmental licenses (including maximum allowable emissions), shall be accreditated against EN-ISO/IEC 17025 by its national Accreditation Body (AB). This AB shall be a signatory of the EA-MLA (ref. EA website www.european-accreditation.org) EU Directives / Regulations more and more refer to EN-ISO/IEC 17025 6

  8. Requirements for organizations involved in emission measurements – stack sampling The General Assembly of EA has decided that, effective 1 November 2009, the national Accreditation Bodies that are signatory of the EA-MLA shall use CEN/TS 15675:2007“Air Quality – Measurement of stationary source emissions”, in the assessment of organizations involved in emsion meaurements – stack sampling CEN/TS 15675:2007 involves application of EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to periodic measurements NOTE: It refers to EN 15259:2007 as mandatory standard ! 7

  9. Requirements for organizations involved in emission measurements – stack sampling Application of standard reference methods (SRM’s) Organic carbon EN 13526 Total dust EN 13284-1 Odour EN 13725 QA of AMS EN 14181 Total metals EN 14385 Oxygen EN 14789 Water vapour EN 14790 Sulphur dioxide EN 14791 Nitrogen oxides EN 14792 Carbon monoxide EN 15056 Dioxins EN 1948-1/3 Gas velocity and volume flow rate ISO 10780 7 8

  10. Accreditation assessments in practice focus of the lead assessor Quality Policy and Objectives Internal Audits Complaint handling Corrective Action Preventive Action Management Review 9

  11. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the lead assessor • Independence, impartiality • No conflict of interests • Avoiding undue pressures • Confidentiality • Quality Manager with direct access to top management 10

  12. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the lead assessor • Organization & Personnel • Commitment of top management • Technical manager / supervision • Education, knowledge and work experience • Job descriptions • Qualification records • Monitoring and Training 11

  13. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the lead assessor Management system, document control and traceability of the primary process (reported results towards original raw data) 17

  14. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Performance of emission measurements – stack sampling conforming to measurement standards (EN, ISO), see Annex A of CEN/TS 15675:2007 This means witnessing of the performance of emission measurements ! By technical experts contracted by the Accreditation Body. 13

  15. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Assessment of the entire measurement process 14

  16. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Assessment of the entire measurement process Mobile laboratory Equipment Identification; logbooks; maintenance; calibration; quality control, etd. Competence of personnel 15

  17. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Calibration of critical equipment, e.g. for measurement of O2, NOx, SO2, CO, CO2 - Traceability to international standards Calibration gases with traceability to international standards (National Metrological Institute or ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory) 16

  18. Focus of the technical expert – traceability of cirtical equipment to international standards Pitot-tubes: Determination of the k-factor (0.60 – 1.00) 17

  19. Focus of the technical expert – traceability of cirtical equipment to international standards Gas meters Pressure gauges, barometer 18

  20. Focus of the technical expert – traceability of cirtical equipment to international standards Thermocouple ! 19

  21. Focus of the technical expert – traceability of cirtical equipment to international standards 20

  22. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Quality control of O2, NOx, SO2, CO, CO2 measuring equipment by means of quality control charts 21

  23. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Assessment if the measurement location and sections (EN 15259:2007) and stack sampling 23

  24. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Stack sampling 24

  25. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Stack sampling with regard to odour 24

  26. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Data acquisition / technical records Data integrity, traceability, retreivability, control of data transfers and calculations ALSO WHEN IT IS RAINING ! 26

  27. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Quality assurance of tests conducted in the laboratory (e.g. GC/MS, ICP, LC) 26

  28. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert & lead assessor Participation in proficiency Testing – A mandatory requirement for accreditation ! The posibilities are limited. In particular, there are only a few locations in Europe (UK, Germany, France, Belgium) suitable for performing an on-site proficiency test for stack sampling. A ‘next best’ could be the off-site PT tests organized by e.g. NPL (UK) of NMi-VSL (Netherlands). NMi-VSL is accredited against ILAC-G13 (ISO/IEC 17043:2010) for such PT’s. 27

  29. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert & lead assessor For Irish laboratories the NPL (UK) may be suitable. NPL (UK) organizes three proficiency testing (PT) schemes in the stack emissions measurement area: Particulate, Gas Measurement and Calibration Gas. The Particulate scheme is run annually with test items sent to participants. The Gas Measurement and Calibration Gas schemes are run bi-annually with measurements conducted at NPL. 28

  30. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert & lead assessor Reports • Clear and unambiguous • Contents in line with CEN/TS 15675 and EN 15259 • - Including measurement locations and their fitness for purpose, representativity of the industrial process, test results, measurement uncertainty, reference to accreditation • - Traceability to original raw data (digital and/or hardcopy) 29

  31. Accreditation assessments in practice - focus of the technical expert Measurement uncertainty 1 & 3: below the allowed emission 5: Above the allowed emission2 & 4: no conclusion canbe drawn 30

  32. Thank you very much for your attention ! Any questions ? 31

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