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Heavy Shell Model and Its Application to Actinide Nuclei

Heavy Shell Model and Its Application to Actinide Nuclei. By Ji-Wei Cui Supervisor :Prof. Xian-Rong Zhou Department of Physics, Xiamen University. Collaborator : Prof. Yang Sun Prof. Cheng-Li Wu Fang-Qi Chen. Content.

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Heavy Shell Model and Its Application to Actinide Nuclei

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Heavy Shell Model and Its Application to Actinide Nuclei By Ji-Wei Cui Supervisor :Prof. Xian-Rong Zhou Department of Physics, Xiamen University Collaborator : Prof. Yang Sun Prof. Cheng-Li Wu Fang-Qi Chen

  2. Content • Introduction of Projected Shell Model (PSM) • Framework of Heavy Shell Model (HSM) • Results • Conclusions

  3. Projected Shell Model

  4. Collective pairs of Fermi Dynamical Symmetry Model (FDSM)

  5. Framework of HSM

  6. Nuclei calculated and the parameters Monopole and quadrupole force: Quadrupole and hexadecapole deformation: comes from:

  7. D0 pair construction

  8. D2 pair construction

  9. Energy scheme of 230Th

  10. Energy scheme of 232Th

  11. Energy scheme of 232U

  12. Energy scheme of 234U

  13. Energy scheme of 236U

  14. Energy scheme of 240Pu

  15. E2 transitions in Weisskopf unit (W.u.)

  16. Energy scheme of 232Th

  17. Three benchmarks about the shape

  18. Conclusion • The D0 and D2 pairs which are introduced into the intrinsic space are linear combinations of 2-qp bases and their collectivity are shown by the corresponding distributions. • The calculated ground band for each nucleus fits well with the experimental data and there are no large deviations between the calculated and bands and the observed ones. At the same time, the 2-phonon bands are predicted, also some single-particle bands are predicted and compared with the experimental bands. • The intra-band E2 transition rates fit well with the experimental values and the inter-band ones also make sense. • According to S(J)-benchmarks, 232Th does not have a stable axially symmetric shape, in contrast, 230Th ,234,236U and 240Pu has very stable axially shapes.

  19. Thanks for your attention

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