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INTRODUCTION TO MUSCLE TISSUE. Learning objectives Definition Structure Properties Classification Functions. Muscle. Definition: collection of specialised cells with impt properties – contractility Elasticity Muscle – Muscle fibers

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  2. Learning objectives • Definition • Structure • Properties • Classification • Functions.

  3. Muscle Definition: collection of specialised cells with impt properties – contractility Elasticity Muscle – Muscle fibers blood vessels connective tissue nerve fibers

  4. Properties of muscle Special property = contractility Plasmalemma = sarcolemma Cytoplasma = sarcoplasm Endoplasmic reticulum = sarcoplasmic reticulum

  5. tissue? group of cells morphologically similar & physiologically identical.

  6. Muscle cells or myocyte – Features 1.Shape : long , narrow , cylinderical fibres 2. Fibres run parallel to axis of muscle . 3. Composed of smaller of thicker & thinner filaments

  7. 4. Made up of myoproteins = Actin , myosin ,tropomyosin , troponin Three kinds of muscle Striated Smooth Cardiac

  8. Skeletal muscle / Voluntary/Striated • Straight • Unbranched • They acts on the joint • Reveals cross striations • Structural Syncitium

  9. It is under the control of our will – voluntary Nuclei towards periphery. Light & dark band present -striped muscle

  10. Parts of voluntary muscle • Fleshy belly • Fibrous extension = tendon or aponeurosis

  11. Red More primitive Less cross striations More sarcoplasm Contraction is slow Found in deep muscles Ex: extensors White More recent More striations Less sarcoplasm Contraction is rapid Found in Superficial muscles Ex: muscles for eye movement Classification of voluntary muscles1.According to color= Red & White

  12. 2.Types of insertion of muscles

  13. 3. According to the direction of the muscle fibers a. Parallel b. Pennate c. Spiral d. Cruciate

  14. a).Parallel muscles • The muscle fibers are parallel to line of pull • The fibers are long • Functions: • Range of movement • ↓ Power of action

  15. Sub divisions of parallel muscles a).Strap muscles b).Quadrate muscles c).Fusiform muscles

  16. Strap muscles Ex: Sartorius Rectus abdominis

  17. Quadrate Quadratus lumborum • Fusiform muscle Biceps brachii

  18. b) Pennate muscles • Fibers are oblique to line of pull b.1 Unipennate Flexor pollicis longus Extensor digitorum longus Peroneus tertius

  19. b.2 Bipennate Rectus femoris Dorsal interossei of hand & foot

  20. b.3 Multipennate • A series of bipennate muscles lie side by side in one plane Acromial fibers of deltoid

  21. B 4 Circumpennate • The muscle is cylindrical • Oblique fibers converge into central tendon from all sides Tibialis anterior

  22. c) Spiral muscle • Muscles are twisted in arrangements close to their insertion ex- Pectoralis major & latissimus dorsi

  23. Cruciate muscle • Muscle fibers are arranged in sup and deep planes crossing like “X”

  24. Action of muscles • Prime mover • Antagonists • Fixation muscles • Synergists

  25. TENDON: skeletal muscle & bundles of fibres is surrounded by connective tissue , at the end of muscle & is continued as tendon .

  26. Aponeurosis ?

  27. Antagonistic muscle Definition : muscle on contraction brings opposite movements at the same joint

  28. example– • a) contraction of biceps flexes the elbow joint whereas triceps brings expense elbow joint . • b) Abductor draw the bone away from body Adductors brings bone towards the body • c) sphinctor – constricts an opening • d) dilator - dialates opening

  29. Structure of voluntary muscle • Coverings • Epimysium • Perimysium • Endomysium Each fasiculus is covered by endomysium

  30. muscle Fasciculus Muscle fibers Myofibris Myofilaments of actin & mysoin

  31. E M structure of skeletal muscle 1)Myofibrils composed of myosin (thick filaments) , actin & other proteins (thin filament) 2).Dark bands – A band 3).Lightband – I band 4). Center of A band – light – H band .

  32. H band is again bisect by M line . Each I band has dark line the Z disc the portion of myofibril b/w two Z discs – sarcomere.

  33. Sarcolemma • Sarcoplasm • Myofibrils • Myofilaments

  34. Smooth muscle • Not under control of conscious mind • The action is sluggish

  35. Smooth muscle • Two types of smooth muscles • Multi unit muscle Contraction does not arise spontaneously • Ex: Muscles of iris and those of the wall of large arteries

  36. Single unit muscle • Contraction is spontaneous • Action is myogenic • Ex: are muscles of stomach, intestines, uterus, ureter and some of the small blood vessels

  37. Cardiac muscle

  38. Source of development : all from secondary mesoderma in origin . • Skeletal muscle – somatopleuric mesoderm • Cardiac muscle splanchnopleuric • Smooth muscle mesoderm. Ciliary muscle of eye & iris ----- ectodermal in origin .

  39. Functions muscle tissue To provide movement of skeleton & other organs . Contraction Storage of glycogen

  40. Muscle contracts & relaxesbut never expands largest muscle – gluteus maximus longest muscle – sartorious Smallest muscle – stapedius of middle ear

  41. Thank you

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